Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1070: She is her enemy

So, did she work from the afternoon to eleven o'clock? I haven't eaten for so long.

Thinking of this, Long Yixi couldn't help but feel worried.

However, I can't do anything.

On the other side, He Xiaomei sorted out the papers on the desk, then turned off her computer, and then walked out of the office, ready to rest.

When going to the dormitory, He Xiaomei met the person on duty at night, said hello politely, and chatted with the person on duty at night for a while, which can be regarded as relaxing the tension of her just work.

"Big brother, you are on duty at night, thank you very much." He Xiaomei said to the big brother on duty.

"It's not hard work, Designer He," the elder brother on duty replied, and he was considerate of He Xiaomei, and said, "It's you, a girl who works overtime until so late, should be very tired. Hurry up and take a rest. Other colleagues should have already rest."

"Well, I am not very sleepy now. I want to stand in the yard for a while, relax my emotions, and then go to rest." He Xiaomei said, standing in the yard, looking at the night sky, and breathing the night air, it is also a kind of relaxation. , In this case, I will feel better, and I will rest directly when I go upstairs to wash.

"Then I will chat with you." The eldest brother on duty is very honest and honest.

He Xiaomei nodded and chatted with the eldest brother on duty. The two chatted about their respective work situations and simple life situations. Neither of them touched each other's privacy, but simply chatted.

He Xiaomei's mood is much lighter, because the boredom of working overtime is gone, and she is in a good mood.

However, when He Xiaomei glanced inadvertently, she saw the door of the room next to her dormitory room, where Long Yixi was standing.

He Xiaomei was shocked and stared at Long Yixi, obviously not expecting Long Yixi to be on the construction site.

Why didn't he go back to the city? Is he living on the construction site tonight? How long has he been standing there?

The eldest brother on duty saw He Xiaomei's eyes staring not far away, and he followed He Xiaomei's eyes and saw Mr. Long.

"Mr. Long, hello." The elder brother on duty hurriedly greeted him, knowing that Mr. Long was living on the construction site tonight because the assistant had told him before.

"Your job is to chat with female employees in the middle of the night?" Long Yixi said in a bad tone, and asked the brother on duty.

The eldest brother on duty shuddered in fright, did not dare to answer, and did not know how to answer?

He Xiaomei saw Long Yixi's anger, and she hurriedly spoke for the older brother on duty, "It's not his fault, but I want to stay in the yard for a while. He was worried about my safety, so he accompanied me and talked a few words by the way. "

After speaking, He Xiaomei looked at the eldest brother on duty and said, "Big brother, go ahead, I also want to go back to rest."

Although He Xiaomei does not understand the current Long Yixi, she has not forgotten the previous Long Yixi. Even if there is a change in Long Yixi now, there should not be many changes. So I guess if the brother on duty stays, Long Yixi will definitely target he.

This man is far more domineering than eight years ago, and his style of doing things is more decisive and cruel than Wen Chenyu.

"Oh, okay, okay," the eldest brother on duty didn’t know what to do, but he was instinctively willing to listen to He Xiaomei’s words, because she believed that He Xiaomei was not malicious. She was helping herself. The eldest brother on duty looked at Mr. Long. Look at He Xiaomei, and said, "Then I will go to the construction site and check it out, so you can rest early."

"Yeah." He Xiaomei answered.

He Xiaomei walked to the dormitory when he saw the brother on duty leaving.

auzw.comLong Yixi stood at the door of her dormitory, did not go in, but kept staring at He Xiaomei, watching her walk over.

He Xiaomei ignored Long Yixi's gaze and did not pay attention. After walking to the door of the dormitory, He Xiaomei was about to take out the key and open the door of the dormitory.

But as soon as the key was taken out, before He Xiaomei opened the door, Long Yixi grabbed her arm, and then dragged it over.

Long Yixi dragged He Xiaomei over, pushed her directly against the wall, and then lay down on his stomach, next to He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei wanted to resist, but Long Yixi was too tall to resist.

"Long Yixi, you let me go." He Xiaomei shouted.

Long Yixi didn't listen to He Xiaomei's words at all, and stared at her, "It's midnight, lonely? Missing a man?"

Damn, what is she talking about with that man on duty? With such a happy chat and such a bright smile, what are they talking about?

"I don't need you to worry about me." He Xiaomei said, this would be too kind to Long Yixi, who made him press herself in such a position at this moment.

"Are you worthy of me? Are you worthy?" Long Yixi asked her with a fierce expression.

He Xiaomei didn't expect Long Yixi to ask like this. Looking up at Long Yixi's gaze, He Xiaomei knew he was angry.

But my heart hurts now.

"Of course I'm not worthy," He Xiaomei calmed down, replied, and continued to belittle her identity, "Who am I? Your enemy, why would you manage your enemy? You should only wish her death. it is good."

"The person you are in charge of, she must be very honorable and very important in your heart. I know that person is definitely not me, because I am not worthy." He Xiaomei said again.


Listening to He Xiaomei's words, Long Yixi's nameless anger rose even faster.

"You still have self-knowledge," Long Yixi said, but his anger was more intense at this moment, and he couldn't help it. "He Xiaomei, you are not worthy at all."

He Xiaomei will not be impatient or impatient, staring at Long Yixi and asking, "So Long Yixi, what are you doing now? What is this look? Is it so angry because you care about me?"

He Xiaomei deliberately questioned Long Yixi and irritated him. Maybe he could let go of him if he was so irritated. Otherwise, he could not let go of himself if he continued to argue with him.

Sure enough, He Xiaomei's words angered Long Yixi, and Long Yixi said, "Care? He Xiaomei, who do you think you are?"

Who is she, she is her own enemy and the one she loves.

"I am none of us" He Xiaomei hadn't finished her words. Suddenly, she felt the face in front of her enlarged, and her lips were sealed.

Long Yixi clasped her head with one hand and kissed her frantically.

Damn, I was greedy for her kiss eight years ago, and now I kissed her once before, and I was actually addicted. I didn’t hold back the one just now.

I knew she had a boyfriend. She and Qin Yan were together and lived together. Qin Yan should have been all over her body.

But I still couldn't help but want to kiss her, wanted to kiss her crazily.

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