Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1071: Whose things are not accepted?

I tried my best not to care about her and Qin Yan's affairs, but in fact, I cared terribly in my heart.

I don't know how long they kissed, until they both had difficulty breathing, Long Yixi slowly let go of He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei had no strength at all at this meeting, leaning against the wall of the board room, breathing heavily, staring hollowly at Long Yixi's chest, her mind was blank.

In this kiss, although I can find a familiar taste, his taste, but

But his heart is cold, completely different from eight years ago.

Eight years ago, when I kissed him, I was excited, joyful, and loving, but now I only have coldness in my heart, because I know that he doesn’t love himself, he loves him, but he can’t Speaking out, he and himself will never be possible, and they will never be together in this lifetime.

Long Yixi looked down at her, she could vaguely see her profile, but she couldn't see her expression. The various emotions in her heart were messy, complicated, and irritable.

In the end, Long Yixi didn't say anything, let go of He Xiaomei, and went back to her room.

He Xiaomei heard the sound of the door closing in Long Yixi's room, and then slowly recovered, picked up the key that had fallen on the ground, opened the door of her room, and walked in.

Without thinking about the kiss, He Xiaomei tried her best to get her emotions back, and looked at the food Wen Chenyu brought to her today. He Xiaomei found two small packets of bread and ate her belly so that when she went to bed, she would not Very hungry.

After eating, He Xiaomei went to wash and looked at three new towels, one bought by Wen Chenyu and two bought by Long Yixi.

He Xiaomei finally took one of the items Long Yixi bought and went to wash it.

After washing and lying on the bed, He Xiaomei couldn't sleep, her mind was full of Long Yixi and the kiss just now.

I'm a little helpless, don't know what to do? Facing Long Yixi's embarrassment and domineering, the instinctive idea in his heart was to accept it.

Maybe in the future, if he continues to do this, he doesn't seem to have a way to refute or change it.

Thinking about it, He Xiaomei gradually closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning, as soon as He Xiaomei got up and was still wearing her pajamas, she heard someone knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He Xiaomei asked as she walked to the door.

No one answered. After He Xiaomei walked to the door, thinking about it, she guessed it was Long Yixi, so she didn't ask any more and opened the door.

The door opened, and it was Long Yixi as expected.

"What are you going to do?" He Xiaomei didn't know what he was doing early in the morning? Asked.

"Wash." After finishing speaking, Long Yixi pushed He Xiaomei away and walked to the bathroom in He Xiaomei's room.

""He Xiaomei was taken aback and looked at Long Yixi's back. He also has a bathroom in his room. Why did he use his own bathroom? And if he lived here last night, Shi Ming should have prepared all the daily necessities for him, so he has no reason to come to his room to wash.

He couldn't figure it out, but there was no way, He Xiaomei closed the door, walked in, sat down by her bed, and waited for Long Yixi to finish washing before washing herself.

At this time, He Xiaomei didn't dare to change clothes, but if Long Yixi came out when changing clothes, it would be very embarrassing.

In the bathroom, before Long Yixi started washing, he saw the towel he gave He Xiaomei yesterday hung on the wall hook.

She used the towel she gave her instead of the towel Chenyu gave her.

This fact made Long Yixi feel a lot easier inexplicably.

Washing is actually a guise. Long Yixi had already brushed his teeth in the bathroom of his room. When he wanted to wash his face, he suddenly thought of something, so he came to He Xiaomei's room on impulse.

auzw.com Long Yixi will turn on the water, wash his face briefly, then take the pink towel, and first sniff it close. It seems that there is still her smell on it. Only then wiped his face with a towel.

After walking out of the bathroom, Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei who was sitting next to the bed. She would still be wearing pajamas.

I didn't look at her just now. This will take a closer look. Although she looks in pajamas, although she is not as neat as she was at work, it is also a different kind of beauty.

Long Yixi suddenly raised his footsteps and walked in front of He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei thought that Long Yixi would leave after washing, but did not expect him to come over. He Xiaomei hurriedly stood up, wondering what Long Yixi was going to do? So he didn't move, just stood there quietly, watching Long Yixi come over.

Long Yixi walked to He Xiaomei, did not speak, stretched out a hand, stroked He Xiaomei's cheek, and looked at her seriously.


This woman really makes herself love and hate.

The love in my heart has been suppressed, but the hatred is pouring in little by little.

The strength in Long Yixi's hand suddenly became heavy.

He Xiaomei felt the pain and wanted to dodge, but Long Yixi's hand locked her chin and couldn't avoid it.

"Long Yixi, you let me go." He Xiaomei said with difficulty.

Long Yixi did not let go. Instead, he reached out with his other hand, pulled He Xiaomei into his arms, and hugged her directly.

He Xiaomei didn't expect Long Yixi to act like this, staying in his arms, she didn't know what to do for a while?

"You" He Xiaomei raised her head to meet Long Yixi's gaze, too angry to speak.

"In the future, you are not allowed to accept other people's things." Long Yixi said, there was an order in his tone, but after saying this, Long Yixi said nothing or did nothing.

On the morning of the new day, I didn't plan to confront her, and I just used the towel I bought, and I was in a good mood, so I didn't plan to embarrass her.

This time, let her go.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi and asked him, "Do you mean you or Chenyu?"

Long Yixi breathed heavily and asked her, "Do you really want to die?"

The other person in her heart is actually herself?

How close is she and Chenyu? Think of yourself as someone else?

The meaning of what I just said, with her cleverness, I don't believe she doesn't understand.

He Xiaomei naturally understood it in her heart, but she was afraid that her guess was wrong, so she could only ask it, but she didn't expect to make him more angry.

Seeing that He Xiaomei did not answer, Long Yixi continued to ask, "Do you understand?"

Before He Xiaomei answered, she felt a pain in her waist. Long Yixi pinched her with her hand.

"Well," He Xiaomei snorted, gritted her teeth, and then replied, "Well, I understand."

He is forcing himself.

But what can I do?

"Don't accept anything from someone?" Long Yixi continued to ask, staring at the woman in front of him.

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