Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1072: Why don't words count?

He Xiaomei knew that she couldn't do her best at this time, so she could only follow Long Yixi's meaning and answer him, "Chenyu's."

Long Yixi was satisfied with He Xiaomei's answer, the strength between his hands was much smaller.

He Xiaomei felt it herself, thinking about it in her heart, when she was about to stay away from Long Yixi, suddenly, He Xiaomei felt the hand that Long Yixi had placed on her chin, and suddenly put it behind her head.

Long Yixi dragged the back of He Xiaomei's head, then leaned down and sealed her lips.

The sudden kiss left He Xiaomei at a loss, and He Xiaomei struggled instinctively.

And Long Yixi gave her no chance to break free, and kissed frantically.

She didn't brush her teeth, and she didn't care. At this moment, she just wanted to taste her.

After a long while, Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei glared at Long Yixi with her eyes angrily, very angry in her heart.

Seeing her like this, Long Yixi remembered her eight years ago. Every time he kissed her domineeringly, she also looked like this, shy and angry, but now, she is only angry, not shy at all.

"Long Yixi, you go out." He Xiaomei said.

Long Yixi's thoughts were satisfied, and naturally he didn't intend to stay, but he didn't let her rush out, and he didn't mean to listen to her.

"He Xiaomei," Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei in a cold tone, "During this time, I will stay here dutifully."

"If you dare to provoke me, I will let you remember the consequences." Long Yixi said.

How she provoke Chenyu in the past, I don't know, I don't know, but since she knows, from now on, if she dares to provoke Chenyu, she will surely let her remember the consequences.

After speaking, Long Yixi turned and left.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi's back, panicked and couldn't figure out her thoughts.

Seeing his back disappear and the door was closed, He Xiaomei cried, tears streaming out like lines.

"Long Yixi, you are really a bastard, you are a **** than before." He Xiaomei cried and said. He wants to hate herself and come to avenge herself. Just come, why do you have to be so close to yourself every time?

Does he know? His closeness, his heart is completely messy, and he even naively thinks that he loves himself a little bit in his heart, such thoughts, such torture, and his heart is too uncomfortable.

He Xiaomei cried for a long time before holding back her tears, and then went to the bathroom to wash.

After washing out, He Xiaomei changed her clothes, feeling much better.

After going to the restaurant for breakfast, He Xiaomei went to work in the office.

Just after sitting down in the office, He Xiaomei heard a sound of footsteps. When she looked up, Long Yixi walked in.

After seeing Long Yixi, He Xiaomei looked back, lowered her head and continued to work.

Long Yixi didn't go to see He Xiaomei either, only when she didn't exist, she went to sit down at her desk and started work.

The office was very quiet, both of them were working with their heads down, and no one spoke.

It's just that this silence didn't last long.

When He Xiaomei heard footsteps again, she distinguished it was a woman because it was the sound of high heels.


Long Yixi also heard this voice.

Pei Jiale hurried to the door of the office, and just two steps inside, he saw He Xiaomei.

Pei Jiale's footsteps stopped suddenly, looked at He Xiaomei in surprise, and then at Long Yixi.

I knew that He Xiaomei was also on the construction site, and I also knew that Yixi let He Xiaomei live on the construction site in order to avenge her and make her suffer, but what I never expected was that they worked in the same office.

I don't have such treatment.

If they work together, it means that they have to meet every day, and they can even see each other from time to time. How can one endure such intimacy?


When thinking of this, Pei Jiale's face instantly appeared angry, and his angry eyes were staring at He Xiaomei.

"He Xiaomei, why don't your words count?" Pei Jiale said, walking in front of He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei saw Pei Jiale approaching angrily, knowing that she was here to find something for herself, stood up and asked Pei Jiale, "What do you mean?"

"Why are you in the same office with Yixi? You already have a boyfriend, why do you want to be so close to Yixi?" Pei Jiale asked He Xiaomei.

Standing in front of He Xiaomei, Pei Jiale was very emotional, and she couldn't wait to rush forward and fight with He Xiaomei.

Long Yixi was aside, hearing her excitement from Pei Jiale's voice, and inexplicably worried about He Xiaomei, raised his head and looked in the direction of Pei Jiale and He Xiaomei.

"Pei Jiale," He Xiaomei replied, "Working in an office is not what I said. It is the logistics arrangement of the project. I just accept it. If you think this is not appropriate, you can tell your boyfriend completely and let him Propose to logistics and transfer me to another office."

The three words boyfriend made Long Yixi a little more angry, but Long Yixi didn't say a word and kept watching like this.

He Xiaomei continued, "Also, which one of your eyes saw me and Mr. Long walking so close?"

With a name, Pei Jiale felt a little comfort in her heart.

"Ms. Long and I are in the same office, each busy with our own work, did you see us approaching? Or did you see us talking? We are frowning?" He Xiaomei asked Pei Jiale, and finally added, "Nothing. All pulled my boyfriend in."

The last words made Long Yixi feel more angry. Is she protecting Qin Yan?

Damn woman, how much does she love Qin Yan? Do you love yourself more than eight years ago?

I forced her to agree to let her not be close to Chenyu, but I ignored one point. Her boyfriend is Qin Yan, the Qin Yan who has been guarding her since childhood and has been with her.

Pei Jiale was speechless by He Xiaomei, don't know what to do? Embarrassed for a while.

He Xiaomei waited for a while, but saw that Pei Jiale still did not answer, and did not plan to talk to Pei Jiale.

After taking a file on the desk, He Xiaomei left the office and went to look for a document clerk in her company.

After He Xiaomei left, only Long Yixi and Pei Jiale were left in the office.

Pei Jiale grabbed his emotions, then turned around and walked towards Long Yixi with a smile.

"Yixi" cried affectionately, Pei Jiale smiled and looked at Long Yixi.

"What are you doing?" Long Yixi asked her with a bored look, but his eyes had already been retracted and he started to read the documents.

Pei Jiale heard the impatience in Long Yixi’s tone, and deliberately showed aggrieved appearance, stood beside Long Yixi, and said, “You didn’t go home last night. I missed you, so I drove early in the morning. I came to see you, why did you ask others to do it?"

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