Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1073: Looks good

Long Yixi didn't buy Pei Jiale's expression at all, and said, "Now that you see me, you can go."

Pei Jiale listened to Long Yixi’s cold language, and he didn’t even look at it himself, and was even more aggrieved. Tears poured in and trembled in his eyes, "Yixi, I just came, you will drive me away. ,I am so sad."

"I woke up early in the morning and rushed there after only a little breakfast. After driving for so long on the road, it was very tired. You actually asked me to drive back now." Pei Jiale tried his best to tell what she had done and how tired she was. , I want Long Yixi to sympathize with herself and care about herself again.

Long Yixi didn't answer the conversation immediately, think about it, and said, "Then you go and sit in the reception room. I am busy with work now. It is not convenient for you to be here."

"We have dinner together at noon, and you go back in the afternoon." Long Yixi said, still did not look up at Pei Jiale.

When Pei Jiale heard that he could have dinner with Yixi at noon, he immediately became happy, "Okay, OK, then I won't disturb you at work, I will go to the reception room to wait for you."

After speaking, Pei Jiale was ready to leave, but before leaving, he thought of something, Pei Jiale stopped, looked at Long Yixi, and said, "Yixi, if you finish your work ahead of schedule, you must come and find me, I It's boring to sit in the reception room and play on the phone alone."

Long Yixi didn't bother to talk to Pei Jiale, and continued to read the file.

Seeing that Long Yixi didn't want to answer her own meaning, Pei Jiale could only feel a sense of loss in her heart and turned and left.

Long Yixi stayed in the office alone, although he had been reading the documents, but in his heart, he had been waiting for He Xiaomei to return.

Suddenly, Long Yixi felt that in just two short days, she had a habit of seeing her at work, or she would just stay by her side and stay with her quietly.

After waiting for a long time, Long Yixi didn't even wait for He Xiaomei. He looked up at her desk and then at the door, without her being seen.

She went out with the file just now, where did she go?

Long Yixi can't guess where she is going? I don't know if she really went to another colleague to talk about work, or just to avoid Pei Jiale, she suddenly felt bored.

Until lunch, Long Yixi did not wait until He Xiaomei returned to the office.

At twelve o'clock, Long Yixi didn't plan to wait anymore, got up, left the office, and walked directly to the reception room.

At this time, He Xiaomei was still in the office of the two clerks.

"Sister Xiaomei, I understand all of this. I will sort out the information you want as soon as possible and send it to you in the afternoon." said Hao Lu, a data officer girl from Runcheng.


"Well," He Xiaomei nodded, then glanced at the time, she was off work, and then said to Hao Lu, "After get off work, let's go to dinner."

"Well, let's go."

When He Xiaomei and Hao Lu walked out of the office and were about to go to the restaurant, they saw a person walking not far in front of them.

He Xiaomei saw clearly that it was Long Yixi and Pei Jiale.

But Hao Lu only saw Long Yixi clearly, but didn't know who the beautifully dressed woman was beside Long Yixi.

"Sister Xiaomei, who is that woman? Is an employee of ae?" Hao Lu asked.

"No, it's President Long's girlfriend." He Xiaomei replied, her tone very calm.

"Oh, no wonder the two got so close." Hao Lu said, and then she didn't gossip anymore, and chatted with Xiaomei about other things.

The two of them just walked to the door of the restaurant when He Xiaomei's cell phone rang suddenly.

He Xiaomei hurriedly took out her mobile phone and said to Hao Lu, "Hao Lu, you go to dinner first, I will answer the phone and find a place to sit down and wait for you."



He Xiaomei took out her cell phone and saw that it was Qin Yan's call, so she hurriedly connected.

"Hey, Brother Qin Yan." He Xiaomei said, walking to the empty space on the side, completely unaware of the positions behind Long Yixi and Pei Jiale.

"Xiaomei, have you had lunch?"

"Not yet, just arrived at the restaurant, wait for dinner." He Xiaomei replied, with a gentle tone.

"Well, remember to eat and take care of yourself at the construction site."

"Yes, Brother Qin Yan, don't worry," He Xiaomei said, sitting down at the dining table, and then asked, "Brother Qin Yan, what's the matter with you calling me?"

"It's okay, I just care about you. I have been busy for the past two days. I only sent you a few text messages without calling you. I am worried about you and want to know how your situation is?"

He Xiaomei replied, "Everything is fine here, Brother Qin Yan, don't worry, don't worry about me."

Qin Yan didn't plan to talk more with He Xiaomei on the phone. After answering, he asked her, "Xiaomei, when are you going back to the city? I want to see you and have dinner with you."

Hearing this, He Xiaomei suddenly felt feelings in her heart. It was the feelings of her family, as if Qin Yan’s invitation meant that her family wanted to eat with herself, and it was very warm thinking about it.

"I don't know yet. Let's do it. When I return to the city, I will tell you in advance that we will arrange a time for a meal together." He Xiaomei said.

"Okay, then you remember to tell me in advance."

"Well, I know, Brother Qin Yan."

"Okay, then I won't bother you, you go eat, eat more, don't get hungry and lose weight." Qin Yan said.

"OK Bye Bye."

Hanging up the phone, when He Xiaomei raised her head, she saw Hao Lu had walked over with the dinner plate.

"Sister Xiaomei, go to dinner." Hao Lu said with a smile.

"Well, you can sit and eat first, don't wait for me." He Xiaomei replied.


He Xiaomei got up and went to have a meal, but she didn't notice Long Yixi and Pei Jiale behind her.

Long Yixi was sitting behind He Xiaomei. Pei Jiale could see He Xiaomei. After Pei Jiale saw He Xiaomei go, he set his eyes on Long Yixi and said with a smile, "Yixi, it seems that He Xiaomei’s relationship with her boyfriend , Looks good."

I heard what He Xiaomei said on the phone just now, and Yixi even heard it.

Long Yixi kept his head down for dinner, and did not answer Pei Jiale. Only he knew what he thought.

Indeed, the relationship between He Xiaomei and Qin Yan seems to be really good.

Pei Jiale saw that Long Yixi didn't speak or said anything, and continued to eat.

After He Xiaomei finished the meal, when he walked here, he saw Long Yixi and Pei Jiale.

He Xiaomei was startled, she didn't know when they were sitting here, did they hear the sound of her call?

Unable to guess, He Xiaomei didn't want to bother to guess, walked over and sat down in the position where she was just now, and started eating.

Halfway through He Xiaomei's meal, Long Yixi and Pei Jiale got up and left. He Xiaomei looked over and saw their backs leaving side by side.

In my heart, there was an inexplicable feeling, but I felt the pain vaguely.

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