Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1077: Don't ask Xiaomei

There was no one there, and he hadn't come to the construction site for four days.

He Xiaomei doesn't know what he is up to, is it busy with ae? Are you busy with something else? Or, to be with Pei Jiale?

He Xiaomei thought for a while, then took back her thoughts and began to design the relevant graphics of the project.

I haven't had much work these days, and it's easy, but there is always a little miss in my heart, and this miss, only I know, is missing the one I love.

In the afternoon, after He Xiaomei finished her work, she and Hao Luzhuo Wenwen had dinner together, and then went back to the dormitory to rest.

He Xiaomei was in her dormitory. She came out after taking a shower and sat on the bed to wipe her hair.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and He Xiaomei took the phone and saw that it was her father's call.

Suddenly, He Xiaomei was very happy and hurriedly answered the phone, "Hey, Dad."

"Well, haven't you rested yet?" He Zikai's voice came from the phone.

"No, I just took a shower and I was wiping my hair," He Xiaomei replied, and then hurriedly asked, "Dad, how are you and my mom? How is everything at home?"

"Well, everything is fine, don't worry." He Zikai replied.

"Yeah" He Xiaomei answered.

He Zikai continued, "Xiaomei, how are you in Wangcheng? Did your work go well?"

"Well, it's very good. Runcheng Empire, you know, the company's work is based on the system, and Chenyu treats me very well. Now we are not only a relationship between subordinates and friends, so I work very smoothly. Dad, you don't have to worry." He Xiaomei answered Dad.

He Zikai answered, and then asked, "What about life?"

In fact, what I want to ask my daughter is about life. Because I only saw the news today, the ae group moved to Wangcheng, did my daughter see Long Yixi?

When it comes to life, He Xiaomei didn't answer so simply. After thinking about it, she said, "Dad, I have a good life."

"Nothing happened, right? Or what was wronged?" He Zikai asked, not intending to ask her daughter directly, because Nuo'er was standing by to stop him from letting herself Tilong Yixi.

"No," He Xiaomei pretended to be calm, and replied, "I take a rest every day except for work. I gather with Qin Yan on weekends or go to the bar to have a look. Life is very fulfilling."

Hearing her daughter's answer, He Zikai already knew the answer somewhat in her heart, and her daughter should have seen Long Yixi. She and Long Yixi had an intersection.

My daughter knows her too well, and her tone can tell her emotions at the moment.

"Well, don't let yourself work too hard, take more rest on weekends." He Zikai said.

"I know, Dad."

"Then you talk to Nuoer, Nuoer is by my side." He Zikai said.

"Well, I want to talk to my mother too."

He Zikai gave the phone to Nuoer next to him. After taking the phone, Cheng Nuo hurriedly put it to his ear and shouted, "Xiaomei"

"Mom." He Xiaomei suddenly felt excited to cry when she heard her mother's voice.


If you are by your mom and dad's side at this moment, you will definitely snuggle in your mom's arms and let your mom hug yourself, because you want your mom's warmth.

"How are you doing these days?" Cheng Nuo asked her daughter.

"Okay, everything is fine for me."


He Xiaomei chatted with her mother, from the greetings at the beginning, to the trivial matters afterwards, and then to Lichen and Xiaoxi.

The mother and daughter talked for a long time before they hung up.

Here, after Cheng Nuo put away the phone, tears burst into his eyes.

He Zikai saw the little woman crying and hurriedly reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Okay, don't cry, everything is fine for Xiaomei, nothing happened." He Zikai said, she was indeed worried about her daughter, but she was more worried about Nuoer.

I know that each of the three children is the life of Nuo'er. Once the children's life fluctuates a bit, Nuo'er will feel sad. She has become more and more sensitive now.

"But Long Yixi is in Wangcheng. I am worried that he will hurt our Xiaomei." Cheng Nuo said, stretched out his hands and hugged He Zikai's waist.

He Zikai also took the little woman into her arms, hugged her tightly, and comforted her and said, "We Xiaomei knows how to protect ourselves, and after so many years, maybe Long Yixi already knows the truth, now we meet Xiaomei. , He may only treat Xiaomei as a stranger."

In fact, I am not sure about this, because eight years is a long time, his daughter is changing, of course Long Yixi is also changing, and in the past eight years, whether Long Yixi has investigated his father’s things back then , I did not know.

Maybe he has investigated, and already knows the truth, he no longer hates Xiaomei in his heart.

"But Akai, we don't know if Long Yixi already knows the truth, if he doesn't know yet, is he still misunderstanding Xiaomei?" Cheng Nuo said worriedly.

He Zikai sighed, thought about it, and said analytically, "Even if he doesn't know, I don't think he can do too much to Xiaomei."

"Long Chenghe was really wrong back then, but the children educated by the Long family will not be too bad. Long Yixi should understand that his father's death was accidental and inevitable, because what his father did was already Determined the result of his father."

"Even if he thinks we Xiaomei said it, but is he not wrong? He didn't tell Xiaomei at the time, that matter can't be said outside."

"If you say that Long Yixi and Xiaomei were both children eight years ago, and they didn’t understand many things, and some ideas were immature, then they would definitely understand in their hearts and distinguish right from wrong. I believe Xiaomei understands well. Long Yixi will Understand better."

Listening to He Zikai's words, Cheng Nuo seemed to understand a little bit in his heart, nodded, and then said, "Also, Long Yixi is now the boss of such a large company. He must be very capable, so IQ and EQ are not good. It will be bad, he will want to understand what happened back then."

"Well," He Zikai answered, continuing to comfort Nuoer, "So don't worry, if he investigates clearly, that would be great. If there is no clear investigation, as we just analyzed, our Xiaomei will not be affected. It hurts."

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo nodded, staying in He Zikai's arms, calming down little by little.

After a while, Cheng Nuo said to He Zikai again, "Akai, in the future we will not mention Long Yixi in front of Xiaomei, and don't ask Xiaomei."

"I am worried that if I ask Xiao Mei, Xiao Mei will be burdened." Cheng Nuo said.

"Well, I know," He Zikai replied, "Let's assume that we don't know anything. I believe Xiaomei, she will handle her own affairs."


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