Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1078: Your room is next door

He Xiaomei is in the room. She has already dried her hair. She is going to sit at the desk and read a book before going to bed.

However, before He Xiaomei sat down at the desk, she heard a knock on the door.

He Xiaomei was startled immediately and looked at the door immediately.

It's so late, who is knocking on the door? Could it be that you have auditory hallucinations?

Just when He Xiaomei doubted her hearing, there was another knock on the door, not strong, but not weak.

He Xiaomei didn't think it was an auditory hallucination. There were people outside the door, but who would it be?

Long Yixi has not been on the construction site these days. There are no people living in the next room. On the dormitory side, there are only two rooms with him and Long Yixi. Who will come here in the middle of the night and knock on his door?

Is it a colleague? Or a stranger?

He Xiaomei couldn't guess, but she didn't have much fear in her heart, so she plucked up courage and walked a few steps toward the door.

There was another knock on the door. He Xiaomei thought about it, and plucked up the courage to ask, "Who is it?"

No one outside answered, only a knock on the door.

He Xiaomei was even more puzzled, and the fear in her heart gradually rose, and she asked again, "Who are you?"

"Open the door." Two words came, very simple, it was a man's voice.

But He Xiaomei distinguished it, and it was Long Yixi's voice.

The person outside, is Long Yixi?

The fear in He Xiaomei's heart immediately dissipated, she stood up straight, and talked with Long Yixi through a door, "Your room is next door, please go back to your room and rest."

"He Xiaomei."

He Xiaomei could hear that Long Yixi gritted his teeth and called her name.

Long Yixi outside the door was extremely angry. This woman didn't open the door and said so much nonsense.

"Long Yixi, I want to rest, please go back."

Long Yixi heard He Xiaomei's voice again, and she had no intention of opening the door.

"I'll give you 30 seconds, don't open the door, I just kicked it." Long Yixi said angrily, thinking she was going crazy, what is this woman still rubbing with?

I really wanted to kick the door directly, but I knew that He Xiaomei was standing behind the door, and kicking it would definitely hurt her.


In the door, He Xiaomei heard Long Yixi's anger, think about it, if the door is opened, Long Yixi can't do anything to herself, he is angry, but he will not kill herself.

Finally, He Xiaomei opened the door.

Just as soon as the door was opened, Long Yixi walked in, and then snatched He Xiaomei over. Without saying anything, he leaned down and kissed her lips.

He Xiaomei didn't expect Long Yixi to be so impulsive, yet so

He Xiaomei struggled, but couldn't get away anyhow, Long Yixi confined herself very tightly, not giving herself a chance to escape.

Long Yixi kissed affectionately, feeling her taste, her breath.

I haven’t seen each other for four days. I think she’s going crazy thinking about it. After dinner with the leaders of several other projects, I should have gone home, but I just wanted to see her, so I let Shiming leave most of the night. Che, sent herself to the construction site, and then let Shi Ming go back, just to see her.

Damn, I clearly hate her in my heart, hatred to the bone, but at this moment there is no hate in my heart.

This kiss lasted for a long time before Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei.

auzw.com At this time, He Xiaomei has no strength to resist, her whole body is limp, leaning on Long Yixi.

After He Xiaomei adjusted to breathe, her body gradually stabilized.

Angrily stared at Long Yixi, and asked him, "Long Yixi, why are you going crazy in the middle of the night?"

Long Yixi did not speak, but looked at He Xiaomei seriously, at her petite face, and her charming eyes and lips.

He Xiaomei was a little uneasy being stared at by Long Yixi like this, and with the deep feeling in her heart, she felt a little more panicked.

"You" He Xiaomei said, when she was about to speak.

Suddenly, Long Yixi pushed her into her arms again, and hugged her tightly.

This time, Long Yixi leaned down, his head was on her neck, against her neck and messy hair, smelling the smell of her body.

He Xiaomei felt that if she was hugged by Long Yixi like this, the true thoughts in her heart would really be uncontrollable, so she resisted and struggled free, "Long Yixi, you let me go."

"Don't move, let me hold a meeting." Long Yixi said.

"" Hearing Long Yixi's voice, He Xiaomei actually stopped moving very obediently.

Because I just heard a trace of sadness in Long Yixi's voice.

He Xiaomei didn't move anymore, just let Long Yixi hug herself like this, but fortunately, Long Yixi didn't move any more, just holding it like this.

After a long time, Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei and looked at He Xiaomei seriously again.

He Xiaomei also met Long Yixi's gaze at this meeting, not as excited as before, and asked him gently, "Why did you come to the construction site?"

"Something's going on." The two simple words are Long Yixi's answer to He Xiaomei.

After He Xiaomei listened, she didn't plan to ask anything else. He didn't know about his affairs and had nothing to do with him, so there was no need to ask them carefully.

"Then you, go back and rest early, it's too early." He Xiaomei said.

When Long Yixi heard He Xiaomei's words, she felt a little unhappy. Is she driving herself away?

After that, Long Yixi said nothing, walked past He Xiaomei, and walked directly into her room.

""He Xiaomei was taken aback, then turned around and shouted, "Long Yixi, you"

Before He Xiaomei had finished speaking, she saw Long Yixi walk into the bathroom, and then the door of the bathroom was closed.

He Xiaomei stomped her feet with anger. This man was a rascal.

However, there is nothing he can do.

He Xiaomei was very angry listening to the movement in the bathroom, but she could only close the door and walk into the room.

It didn't take long for Long Yixi to wash, but he simply washed it and came out.

Seeing Long Yixi coming out, He Xiaomei immediately got up from the stool and walked a few steps in front of Long Yixi.

"Now, go back to your own room." He Xiaomei said, what is the matter with him staying in his room? If Pei Jiale knew, she would definitely trouble herself, and such a misunderstanding would also affect his relationship with Pei Jiale.

Long Yixi had no intention to leave, staring at He Xiaomei's angry face, and asked, "Are you ordering me?"

"Yes," He Xiaomei admitted, and continued, "This is my room, and your room is next door."


"You go to your own room and rest now, please go out." He Xiaomei said seriously.

However, in Long Yixi's heart, there was no threat at all.

Long Yixi did not speak, stretched out a hand, grabbed He Xiaomei's arm, and then pulled her to the bed.

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