Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1084: Impossible to tell others

Hao Lu also saw Xiaomei’s surprise, and explained with a smile, “I just found out that Wen always sees your eyes wrong, and seems to care about you very much.”


"Also, I just remembered that every time I called Mr. Wen to report on work before, after the report, Mr. Wen always asked me about your situation. I always thought that Mr. Wen cared about you only as a colleague. But it doesn't seem to be right now," Hao Lu said.

He Xiaomei was somewhat clear now, and straightened out some clues.

For Hao Lu's words, He Xiaomei just replied indifferently, "I have someone I like, and I love him deeply in my heart, and I have loved him for many years."

He Xiaomei thought, this answer should be able to veto the relationship between herself and Wen Chenyu. No matter what Wen Chenyu means, she has no thoughts about him, and her heart already belongs to it.

After hearing what Xiaomei said, Hao Lu reacted for a while before saying, "That said, Mr. Wen just likes you unilaterally. It's impossible for you to be together?"

Innocent Hao Lu feels that as long as Wen and Xiaomei have each other in their hearts, they must be happy together, Wen is so good, Xiaomei is not bad, and the appearance of the two is talented and well-matched.

It's just a pity that Sister Xiaomei already has someone she likes in her heart.

"Well, we will never be together," He Xiaomei replied, and continued to tell Hao Lu, "If there is any relationship between me and President Wen except for my colleagues, then they are friends, nothing else.

Hao Lu nodded, she understood, but said in a pity, "Hey, it's a pity, I originally thought that if you were with Mr. Wen, you would definitely be better than Mr. Long and his girlfriend."

"Although Mr. Long and his girlfriend are also enviable, you and Mr. Wen must be comparable to Mr. Long and their abilities in terms of appearance and ability." Hao Lu said.

He Xiaomei smiled softly and replied, "Your idea is really good, but it can't be realized."

"Yes," Hao Lu said, "but it doesn't matter, Xiaomei, I believe that the person you love is better than Long and Wen. You must be a good match together, right?"

Excellent? He Xiaomei thought about it, nodded and said, "Well, it seems to be."

He was a beautiful landscape on campus eight years ago, and he was also very good at that time.

Hao Lu didn't say anything afterwards. After the two went to the bathroom, they returned to the private room again. They sat down and talked while eating again. They left when they were full.

He Xiaomei drove back to her home and looked at the cozy little home. He Xiaomei felt unspeakable joy.

Even if there is only one person in this family, it is also a safe nest of great significance to oneself.

After washing up, He Xiaomei lay on the comfortable and soft bed, her whole body relaxed, and when the sleepiness gradually attacked, He Xiaomei fell asleep in no time.

The next morning, when He Xiaomei woke up naturally and opened her eyes, she took a look at her mobile phone, and Qin Yan had already sent herself several messages.

He Xiaomei thought about it, instead of returning the message to Qin Yan, he called the phone back.

"Hey, Xiao Mei."

"Brother Qin Yan, I'm sorry, I just woke up." He Xiaomei said to Qin Yan apologetically.

"It's okay, I haven't heard from you, I guess you must be still sleeping." Qin Yan said with a smile, without any anger at all.

"Well, it may be that I was too tired at the construction site during this period. I went home last night and fell asleep after taking a shower and lying on the bed." He Xiaomei said.


"Well, then you don't want to sleep for a while. Let's go to lunch later. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I will spend all my time with you today." Qin Yan said in a petting voice, his love for Xiaomei has never been reduced. Has been continuously increasing.

He Xiaomei replied, "No, I have a good rest. I will now get up to wash, and I will go out for about half an hour."

"Okay, then call me before you go out, and I'll leave. We will meet in the restaurant later." Qin Yan said.


After He Xiaomei hung up the phone, she took a serious look at the time. It was eleven o'clock, and it seemed that she had been sleeping for a long time.

Get up, go to wash, when He Xiaomei finished putting on makeup and changing clothes, it was past 11:30.

He Xiaomei hurriedly called Qin Yan and left home.

When they came to the restaurant, just after twelve o'clock, He Xiaomei found Qin Yan, and the two of them sat down to eat together.

"Xiaomei, how is it okay to be on the construction site this time?" Qin Yan asked concerned.

"Well, it's good." He Xiaomei replied.

"Did Long Yixi bully you? Did he embarrass you?" Qin Yan continued to ask.

I was very worried that Long Yixi would harm Xiaomei and what she would do to Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei shook her head, "No, everyone is busy with their own work. Everything is done in accordance with the company's rules and regulations. He didn't bully me."

Even if he bullied himself and embarrassed himself, he should accept these, and he couldn't tell others, including Qin Yan.

"Really?" Qin Yan was still worried.

He Xiaomei could only act indifferent, smiled and nodded and said, "Of course it is true, Brother Qin Yan, if he did anything to me, I would call you crying, or tell Wen Chenyu."

When Xiaomei said this, Qin Yan was relieved and told Xiaomei, "Xiaomei, if there is anything wrong, call me immediately, and I will go to the construction site as soon as possible to help you solve it."

"Of course, you can also call Wen Chenyu. After all, he is your boss, more powerful than you, and can help you do something." Qin Yan said.

"Well, I know." He Xiaomei nodded.

After speaking, He Xiaomei changed the subject and asked Qin Yan, "Brother Qin Yan, how is your company operating recently?"

"Normally, all cooperation is in normal operation," Qin Yan replied, "Although there are not too many projects, but these projects can also be profitable, I will take care of these projects first."

"Well, do the current things seriously, and look for opportunities to strive for greater cooperation in the future." He Xiaomei said.

The two were talking while eating.

After eating, Qin Yan asked Xiaomei, "Xiaomei, where to go next? If you want to go shopping, I will accompany you."

Qin Yan knows that girls love beauty and like shopping, and that Xiaomei has been on the construction site recently and hasn't been shopping for a long time, so the first thing he can guess that Xiaomei wants to do is shopping.

"Well, then go to the nearby mall first. I need to buy a windbreaker, and then we go to the bar, okay?" He Xiaomei asked.

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