Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1085: I treat her well, only better

"Of course, let's go." Qin Yan said, walking side by side with He Xiaomei towards the mall.

The two came to the mall, Qin Yan accompanied He Xiaomei to pick clothes in the mall.

He Xiaomei strolled around the shops in the women's clothing area, choosing the windbreaker she liked.

"Brother Qin Yan, what do you think of this one?" He Xiaomei held a khaki windbreaker in her hand, gestured on her body, and asked Qin Yan.

Qin Yan took a look, smiled and said to Xiao Mei, "Well, it's pretty. Actually, Xiao Mei, you have a good figure and look good in everything you wear."

He Xiaomei just smiled when he heard Qin Yan's words, and did not speak any more.

The shopping guide on the side saw the love for female customers in the eyes of male customers, and what he said just now, the shopping guide smiled and said to female customers, "Miss, your boyfriend is right. You are in good shape, what do you wear? The clothes look good."

He Xiaomei heard the shopping guide and was about to explain that Qin Yan was not her boyfriend.

But before he could speak, he heard Qin Yan's voice.

"Xiaomei, if you like this one, try it in the fitting room." Qin Yan smiled and said to Xiaomei. Although Xiaomei looks good in everything, she still has to like the clothes. If she doesn't like it This dress, I would not recommend her to buy it.

Hearing Qin Yan's change of topic, He Xiaomei did not have the impulse to explain the shopping guide just now, nodded, and then looked at the shopping guide. The shopping guide immediately understood what the female customer meant, and took the female customer to the fitting room.

Three minutes later, He Xiaomei came out wearing a new windbreaker, stood in front of Qin Yan and turned around, then walked to the dressing mirror and looked at herself in the dressing mirror.

"Xiaomei, it looks good in this." Qin Yan said his own evaluation.

The shopping guide on the side also smiled and said, "Yes, this dress has a special temperament, it suits you well, miss."

He Xiaomei only smiled upon hearing their comments, still staring at herself in the mirror.

In fact, I am very satisfied with this dress.

It's just that He Xiaomei suddenly saw people not far away from a corner of the mirror.

It's Long Yixi, and Pei Jiale.

Startled in her heart, He Xiaomei immediately turned around and looked in the direction shown in the mirror.

Obviously, Long Yixi and Pei Jiale had seen He Xiaomei a long time ago.

Qin Yan's gaze has been staring at Xiao Mei, this will see Xiao Mei's expression change, and Xiao Mei's eyes

Qin Yan immediately followed Xiaomei's gaze and saw Long Yixi and Pei Jiale.

Qin Yan stood up immediately and stared at Long Yixi and Pei Jiale. Qin Yan was surprised at what Long Yixi had changed now, but he was able to accept it slowly. Pei Jiale, when he was in school, knew that Pei Jiale and Xiaomei In a class, I also met Pei Jiale, but didn't pay much attention to her, so she didn't care about her changes now.

Long Yixi and Pei Jiale stood not far away, and the four looked at each other like this.

In the end, it was Pei Jiale who broke the silence.

"He Xiaomei, I just saw you. I thought Yixi and I were dizzy. It turned out that your boyfriend was shopping with you." Pei Jiale said with a smile, holding Long Yixi's arm and walking a few steps forward.

The emotions in He Xiaomei's heart have not yet calmed down, and there is no good language in her mind, and she doesn't know what to say to Pei Jiale.

auzw.com Qin Yan reacted quickly, and hurriedly walked to Xiao Mei's side, naturally stretched out his hand, and took Xiao Mei's hand.

None of these actions escaped Long Yixi's eyes.

Looking at Qin Yan holding He Xiaomei's hand, Long Yixi's unspeakable anger rose instantly.

Gradually, his gaze shifted to this **** woman, hating her very much, but seeing that she was wearing a new windbreaker at this moment, although it was a loose version, the beauty of the figure was not blocked at all, it was still so beautiful.

This woman has really become imaginative, but now she is shopping with Qin Yan. They lived together last night? Qin Yan is holding her hand, that last night

Thinking of this, Long Yixi's breathing became heavier, and the anger on his face increased.

"Isn't Miss Pei also shopping with her boyfriend?" Qin Yan answered Pei Jiale's words, and then said, "I haven't seen each other for many years. The changes between Mr. Long and Ms. Pei are quite big."

Pei Jiale smiled and replied, "Mr. Qin is also a senior. He looks a bit more mature than my Yixi. Mr. Qin should be very good to He Xiaomei now? Remember when you met at school, you congratulated him. The little is so beautiful, it makes people envious."

"Xiaomei has always been my favorite. I treat her well, but it will only get better. Now, she is all my life." After Qin Yan finished speaking, he didn't forget to turn his face to look at Xiaomei.

I remember what Xiaomei said before. She told Long Yixi and Pei Jiale that she was her boyfriend, so under the occasion of meeting suddenly like this, she must have done enough for her boyfriend.

He Xiaomei naturally knows that Qin Yan behaved like this, saying that, just wanting to be a good boyfriend in the eyes of Long Yixi and Pei Jiale.

Then, of course I have to cooperate.

He Xiaomei also looked at Qin Yan. After meeting Qin Yan's gaze, He Xiaomei smiled and said, "Brother Qin Yan, I understand all this in my heart, and you don't need to say it."

After speaking, He Xiaomei had a shy smile on her face, and then said, "Let's continue to choose clothes."

"Well, good." Qin Yan nodded.

Looking at the show-loving couple in front of him, Long Yixi's concern was about to explode at any time.

"Jia Le," Long Yixi retracted his thoughts and said to Pei Jiale softly, "Don't you want to buy a skirt? Let's go."

"Well," Pei Jiale heard the gentleness in Long Yixi's voice, looked at Long Yixi, and said coquettishly, "Yixi, can you buy me two skirts today?"

"it is good."

He Xiaomei stood in front of the mirror again, looking at the corner of the mirror, the pair of back figures slowly moved away, Pei Jiale's hand has been holding Long Yixi's arm, looking very close.

It wasn't until the pair of backs were gone that He Xiaomei took back her thoughts and looked at herself in the mirror.

The shopping guide greeted politely, "Miss, is there anything else you are not satisfied with with this dress?"

He Xiaomei shook her head and replied, "I'm quite satisfied. This is the one."

"Okay, do you wrap it up for you? Or just wear it?" the shopping guide asked. In this weather, you can wear a windbreaker or not. Customers can choose for themselves.

"Wrap it up, I'll go to the fitting room to change it." He Xiaomei said.

Subsequently, He Xiaomei went to the fitting room to change clothes.

After she came out after changing her clothes, He Xiaomei saw that Qin Yan had prepared a card and helped herself pay the bill.

He Xiaomei hurriedly stepped forward and stopped Qin Yan, "Brother Qin Yan, I will buy it myself. You don't need to buy it for me."

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