Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1086: Because... Long Yixi?

"It's okay, Xiaomei, I should buy you a piece of clothing." Qin Yan said, Xiaomei has always understood her own mind, so I don't need to explain and believe that Xiaomei understands what she can say.

But He Xiaomei did not intend to accept it, shook her head, and said stubbornly, "No, I will pay the bill."

Seeing Xiaomei's stubbornness, Qin Yan wanted to fight and buy this dress for Xiaomei, but she knew Xiaomei too much in her heart, and unless she changed her mind, she would definitely follow her. If you think about it, even if you continue to argue, you will not change your mind. In the end, it will only make Xiaomei angry and create a gap between yourself and Xiaomei.

Qin Yan finally compromised. Seeing Xiaomei and the shopping guide communicating and swiping the card, he finally put the card away and put it in his wallet.

After coming out of the mall, He Xiaomei said to Qin Yan, "Brother Qin Yan, let's go to the bar. I haven't been to the bar recently. There must be a lot of things to deal with over there."

"Well, let's go." Qin Yan replied.

The two drove to the bar one after the other.

When he came to the bar, He Xiaomei looked at the two words "every west" on the entrance of the bar, and the figure of that person appeared in his mind again, as well as the scene that he saw in the mall just now.

Qin Yan noticed that Xiaomei next to her was distracted, and when she looked at the four words "Every West Bar", Qin Yan knew without guessing that Xiaomei was thinking about Long Yixi.

There was an inexplicable sadness in his heart, Qin Yan tried to endure his inner emotions, and said to Xiaomei, "Go, go in."

He Xiaomei hurriedly recovered, nodded, and answered Qin Yan, and then walked into the bar with Qin Yan.

Gao Yang saw Xiaomei and Qin Yan coming, and hurriedly came forward to greet the reception.

He Xiaomei and Qin Yan sat down where they used to sit before they went to the second floor. He Xiaomei smiled and said to Gao Yang, "Yang Yang, please show me the information about the recent bar business and various bills."

"Okay, Sister Xiaomei, I have prepared these a long time ago, and I am waiting for you to come to the bar for approval." Gao Yang said happily.

He Xiaomei smiled and nodded.

Before Gao Yang left, he asked Sister Xiaomei and Brother Qin Yan, "Sister Xiaomei, Brother Qin Yan, do you still drink the same wine?"

"Well, we both drove here today." He Xiaomei replied, saying this by herself, Yang Yang must understand.

"Okay, I will ask the bartender to mix the wine for you, and then I will show you the information." Gao Yang said happily.

Sister Xiaomei is the owner of every western bar, so Qin Yan is the deputy owner of the bar. It should be reported to them.

So next, He Xiaomei and Qin Yan were drinking in the bar while busy working.

With Qin Yan’s help, the work at the bar was handled quickly. Before eight o’clock, He Xiaomei and Qin Yan had finished dealing with the bar, and then He Xiaomei gave Gao Yang something to pay attention to in the future. This is considered to be the completion of the work. Up.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to go out for dinner now?" Qin Yan asked Xiaomei concerned.

He Xiaomei thought about it and said to Qin Yan, "Let’s sit in the bar again. When we go home later, we can have a supper by the way, okay?"

"Of course it can. Today my time is all at your disposal and everything is up to you." Qin Yan said.

As long as I can stay with Xiaomei like this, I am happy no matter what I do.

He Xiaomei smiled and said nothing.


After that, the two did not talk much, so they sat in the bar, occasionally drinking and listening to music.

He Xiaomei listened to the beautiful emotional song, she gradually leaned back on the sofa lazily, closed her eyes, and filled her mind with the figure of Long Yixi.

He restricted his freedom and prevented him from having too much contact with Chen Yu and Qin Yan, but what about him? What are he and Pei Jiale? Why should he restrict his freedom?

In the past eight years, Pei Jiale has changed a lot. Not only has his temperament changed a lot, but also his beauty and clothing have changed a lot. These changes are all due to Long Yixi, right? It's also because of Long Yixi's long-term love and affection for her, right?

Long Yixi pampers her and loves her, so that she can have more ideas to change herself, for Long Yixi to become better, so their relationship should be deep? Long Yixi treats Pei Jiale well, shouldn't it be a lot?

Suddenly, He Xiaomei felt a little jealous of Pei Jiale, jealous that she could stand beside Long Yixi, jealous that she could have Long Yixi’s love, it’s good to have Long Yixi, and even more jealous that she could marry Long Yixi, and Long. Yixi grew old together.

And myself, I can only live alone.

In the future, I cannot fall in love with anyone except that person, nor can I accept the love of anyone except that person, so

He Xiaomei tried to withdraw her thoughts and didn't want to think about it anymore, but a tear overflowed from the corner of her eyes.

And at this time, the singer in the bar is singing the life of Shuimu Nianhua with you

"How many people have admired your face when you were young, know who is willing to bear the merciless changes of the years"

He Xiaomei listened to this song carefully, still in her mind the figure of that person.

And keep telling myself, He Xiaomei, you and him, it will never be possible, in the future, don't imagine anything that is impossible, don't hold any hope.

Qin Yan sat opposite Xiao Mei, just looking at Xiao Mei, and clearly saw the tears in the corner of her eyes.

What is she sad about? Is it because of Long Yixi?

Qin Yan's heart also hurt little by little, but his eyes never left.

Xiaomei, you are crying, how can I not be sad?

The time passed every minute, until about ten o'clock, He Xiaomei's mood improved a lot, and her stomach was a little hungry, so she said to Qin Yan, "Brother Qin Yan, let's go and have some supper."


The two left the bar and ate a late night snack nearby, before each drove home.

Qin Yan wanted to send Xiaomei home, Xiaomei refused, and said to Qin Yan, "Brother Qin Yan, I'll just go home by myself. When I get home, I will send you a text message to inform you that I am safe. Don't worry about me."

"But it's so late, I feel a little worried." Qin Yan said.

"It's okay, I won't park on the road, and the security in the community is very good, there will be nothing wrong." He Xiaomei said, she was worried about Qin Yan, if he sent herself home, he would have to go back again, it will definitely be late. , I don't want him to work so hard.

Qin Yan thought about it and thought it was right, so he nodded and agreed, but didn't forget to tell Xiaomei, "Then you must remember to send me a text message when you get home, or I will always worry about it."


After the two greeted him, He Xiaomei got in the car and drove away first.

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