Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1093: Long Yixi, that...

"Well, it's okay." The doctor nodded and said.

Long Yixi then looked at Shi Ming and said to him, "Let's go and sit in the car first, and you will come over after finishing the business."

"Okay, President Long."

After that, Long Yixi held He Xiaomei very carefully and walked towards the exit of the hospital.

He Xiaomei gently grasped Long Yixi's sleeve with both hands, just trying to keep her body from shaking.

But this kind of action, Long Yixi was obviously not satisfied.

"It will hurt to fall, don't blame me." Long Yixi said coldly.

He Xiaomei reacted in her heart and immediately stretched out her hands and hooked Long Yixi's neck.

Does this man want to throw himself away? It's bad enough.

If he held him like this, even if he let go and fell by himself, he would also have to fall with him.

Humph, even if you suffer, you have to let him be your company.

But Long Yixi didn't know what He Xiaomei thought in her heart, but he was still satisfied with He Xiaomei's actions.

She hugged herself like this, much more intimate than the previous movement.

It seems that this woman still needs to rely on her heart, but she has been pretending to be strong.

Long Yixi hugged He Xiaomei and came to the car. After opening the door, he gently put her in the car, not forgetting to say to her, "Be careful, don't touch the wound."

"Well, I know." He Xiaomei replied, which will make her mood and state much better.

After Long Yixi waited for He Xiaomei to sit down, he got into the car by himself, and Shi Ming arrived after a short wait.

"President Long, this is the medicine that designer He wants to take. The doctor said that you can take it according to the above instructions." Shi Ming said, and handed the medicine bag in his hand to Mr. Long.

After taking the medicine, Long Yixi said to Shi Ming, "Go to the hotel in the suburbs."


"" Shi Ming was taken aback, and quickly thought about it. From here to the city, there is a five-star hotel in the middle suburbs. He knew that Long always wanted to go to that hotel.

"Manager Long, is Tellhow Hotel?" Shi Ming asked.

"Yeah." Long Yixi answered.

Shi Ming did not speak any more, and started the car to go to Tellhow Hotel.

He Xiaomei would be anxious, and asked Long Yixi, "Why went to the hotel? Didn't you go back to the construction site?"

Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei and asked her, "You are a patient, what are you doing back to the construction site?"

I wanted to take her home, but I thought that she would be with Qin Yan when she returned home, so I changed my mind. The hotel was run by my friend. It is not a problem to leave a presidential suite. It is necessary to change the dressing every day for a few days, and the environment for recuperation is first-rate.

I want to be by her side. If I can't see her and don't stare at her all the time, I can't feel at ease.

He Xiaomei was unable to answer Long Yixi's question, thought for a while, and said, "I will go back to work."

"I will arrange your future work." Long Yixi made the decision directly and took the lead.


Long Yixi stopped talking to He Xiaomei, took out his mobile phone and dialed out a number.

"Hey, Yixi."

"I have something recently. I need to stay at Tellhow for a while and reserve a presidential suite for me. I will arrive in about an hour." Long Yixi went directly to the subject and said to his friend.

auzw.com The man on the other end of the phone understood it, and didn’t ask much, saying, “Okay, I’m not in the hotel today. I tell the manager to do it. You go to the hotel and give your name or my name. That's it."


Without much chatting, Long Yixi hung up the phone.

Shi Ming only understood now. It turned out that Long always planned to take Designer He to the hotel to recover from illness.

And He Xiaomei understands that Long Yixi does not take herself back to the construction site or send herself home, but takes herself to the hotel. Although she is unwilling in her heart, she can't refute it.

An hour later, Shi Ming drove to Tellhow Hotel. After Long Yixi got off the car, he went around to the other side and hugged He Xiaomei out of the car.

He Xiaomei stayed in Long Yixi's arms, and this would not do her best, because the ankle was already swollen, and the injured foot didn't dare to touch the ground.

Long Yixi took He Xiaomei to sit on the sofa in the hotel lobby, and then said to her, "Sit here and don't move."

He Xiaomei knew that Long Yixi was going to check in, so she didn't ask, and nodded.

Before Long Yixi left He Xiaomei, he was still worried. Seeing Shiming walking by, Long Yixi explained to Shiming, "Watch her and let her not move."

"" He Xiaomei was a little surprised, how much he didn't believe in herself, and even let Shi Ming look at herself.

But think about it, since his betrayal to him eight years ago and the damage he caused to his family, he might not believe in himself since that time?

"Okay, President Long."

Long Yixi went to the front desk to check in.

Because it was a friend who greeted the hotel in advance, Long Yixi handled it very quickly. After getting the room card, he immediately walked to He Xiaomei.

When he arrived in front of He Xiaomei, Long Yixi picked up He Xiaomei again, still holding the medicine bag on his finger.

Before going upstairs, Long Yixi instructed Shi Ming, "Go back to the construction site first. Bring me and her work materials to the hotel. Call me for important things."

Shi Ming immediately understood Mr. Long's meaning and arrangements, and nodded and replied, "Okay, Mr. Long, I know."

Only then did Long Yixi go upstairs holding He Xiaomei.

Arriving to the presidential suite on the top floor, Long Yixi opened the door and took He Xiaomei to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Drink water?" Long Yixi asked concerned.

He Xiaomei pursed her mouth and nodded. She was indeed thirsty.

Long Yixi did not speak any more, got up and poured a glass of water, then walked over and handed the glass to He Xiaomei.

Watching He Xiaomei finished drinking, she took her water cup and put it on the coffee table.

Long Yixi sat down on the other side of the sofa, reached for the landline phone on the table next to him, and dialed the number of the hotel restaurant.

After communicating with the waiter there, Long Yixi ordered a lunch before hung up the phone.

He Xiaomei sat aside, knowing that Long Yixi was ordering food just now.

"Long Yixi, that" He Xiaomei couldn't say it, a bit embarrassed on her face.

"What?" Long Yixi turned around and looked at He Xiaomei, knowing she had a need.

"I, I want to go to the toilet." He Xiaomei said.

Long Yixi understood, but didn't answer, she just got up and walked a few steps to hug He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei was startled, is he going to the bathroom holding herself?

"Well, you, hug me to the bathroom door, it's fine." He Xiaomei said awkwardly.

Long Yixi didn't listen to He Xiaomei at all, and hugged her directly into the bathroom.

Fortunately, the bathroom is relatively large, so when the two of them go in, they won't look very crowded.

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