Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1094: Won't do anything else

Long Yixi hugged her before and after the toilet. Instead of putting her down immediately, she asked her, "Can you stand it?"

In fact, He Xiaomei didn't know it herself. After thinking about it, she could only say, "You let my foot land first."

Let the uninjured foot fall to the ground, and even if the other foot is on tiptoe for a while, it should be fine. It is still okay to go to the toilet.

Long Yixi listened to her, first slowly put down her uninjured foot.

After He Xiaomei stood on one foot, she kept pulling Long Yixi's arm with both hands.

Long Yixi also let her support herself, lowered her head and looked at her feet, and said, "If it hurts, don't touch the ground."

Before Long Yixi's other foot hit the ground, he heard Long Yixi's voice.

"I will try." He Xiaomei replied, and then the injured foot gently tiptoed on the ground.


After waiting for several seconds, He Xiaomei did not feel any pain, but at this moment Long Yixi was more nervous than He Xiaomei, and even felt pain for He Xiaomei in her heart.

"Does it hurt?" Long Yixi asked concerned.

He Xiaomei shook her head, "It doesn't hurt."

After speaking, He Xiaomei raised her head, looked at Long Yixi, and said to him, "Then you go out, I"

He is going to the toilet, so it is not convenient for him to stand here.

However, Long Yixi had no intention of leaving, and said, "If I don't go out, do whatever you want."

I don't worry about her at all. I don't want to think about whether it's appropriate to stand here. I just want to stare at her all the time to prevent her from having any accidents.

I can now clearly recall that when I was on the construction site, the moment I heard the news of her injury, the panic and worry in my heart were tensions I had never felt before.

""He Xiaomei was taken aback, this

He is standing here, how does he go to the toilet?

"But" He Xiaomei wanted to say, but she was ashamed to say, she could only urge her to say, "You go out, you can't stand here."

Long Yixi did not answer. Obviously, the meaning was obvious. If he didn't agree to He Xiaomei, he would not go out.

But He Xiaomei also stood still. He wouldn't go to the toilet if he didn't go out.

The two stood there, facing each other for a long time, and finally Long Yixi compromised first.

"I'm standing at the door with my back facing you. The door is not allowed to close." Long Yixi said, but when the door was closed, she was locked inside. In case something happened, she could not go in immediately, so she made the biggest concession. Only here.

He Xiaomei thinks about it, she still believes in Long Yixi's gentleman style, as long as he doesn't look at herself.

"Well, then you go out quickly." He Xiaomei said.

Long Yixi didn’t stop here anymore, turned around and walked to the door, as he said before, with his back facing He Xiaomei, but his hearing improved and he was ready at any time. As long as he heard any sound, he would turn his head and rush immediately. Go in.

Looking at Long Yixi's back, He Xiaomei didn't worry about anything, and her heart was much more relaxed.

After a while, Long Yixi first heard the sound of water, flushing the toilet, and then He Xiaomei's voice.

"Long Yixi, I am all right." He Xiaomei said, standing in the place before, looking at Long Yixi's back.

I didn't dare to walk now, so I could only let Long Yixi hug him back.


When Long Yixi turned around and looked at He Xiaomei's face, her expression was the same as before, without a trace of discomfort or pain, so her heart was relieved and she was no longer so worried.

Long Yixi took a few steps forward, picked up He Xiaomei again, and carried her out of the bathroom.

Long Yixi did not go to the living room with He Xiaomei, but went directly to the bedroom.

He Xiaomei doesn't know what Long Yixi is going to do? Asked, "Long Yixi, what are you going to do?"

Long Yixi didn't answer He Xiaomei's words, and after walking into the bedroom, she hugged her and put her on the bed.

He Xiaomei still had a mystery in her heart, watching Long Yixi turn around, staring at him until she saw him bring a nightgown, He Xiaomei vaguely guessed.

Long Yixi walked to He Xiaomei, handed her the nightgown, and said, "Put it on."

After speaking, Long Yixi turned and walked into the bathroom in the bedroom.

He Xiaomei saw Long Yixi entering, and she was the only one outside. She looked at her dressing gown again, she didn't want to change it, but

If Halong Yixi comes out and he hasn't changed yet, will he watch him change?

Thinking of this, He Xiaomei didn't plan to hesitate, took the nightgown and started to change it.

After the change was completed, a thin layer of sweat came out on He Xiaomei's forehead, because when the pants were taken off from the ankle just now, they would more or less touch the wound bandage, causing some pain.

After He Xiaomei sat up straight, she checked the buttons of her dressing gown again to make sure that they were all fastened, and then she sat comfortably and waited for Long Yixi.

After Long Yixi came out of the bathroom, she was already wearing a nightgown. The hotel nightgown was a set of black and white. He Xiaomei looked at the black nightgown worn by Long Yixi, and her heart suddenly throbbed.

At this moment, the clothes he and he are wearing are like a couple's clothes.

As Long Yixi walked over, he glanced at the watch on his wrist and made sure that the meal he ordered before should be coming soon.

Long Yixi walked to He Xiaomei's side, picked her up again, and walked out of the bedroom.

When He Xiaomei sat down on a stool in the dining room, the doorbell rang.

"Sit still, I'll open the door." Long Yixi said.

"Well, I know." He Xiaomei replied obediently.

Seeing her so docile, Long Yixi didn't worry anymore, turned and left, and went to open the door.

The waiter delivered the food, and Long Yixi watched the waiter walk in with the cart, put his own meals on the table one by one, and then sent the waiter away.

After returning to the restaurant, Long Yixi did not sit down opposite He Xiaomei, but sat down on the stool next to her.

""He Xiaomei didn't know why Long Yixi was sitting next to her? Shouldn't he sit across from him?

Long Yixi didn't pay attention to He Xiaomei's gaze, picked up her tableware and asked her, "What do you want to eat?"

"I" He Xiaomei recovered from her daze, then looked at the food on the table and replied, "Yam, and cabbage."

The table is full of light food, and mostly vegetarian dishes, He Xiaomei still likes to eat these dishes.

Long Yixi did not speak any more, took some yam and cabbage, put them in a bowl, and then fed He Xiaomei bit by bit.

When He Xiaomei took the first bite, she was a little uncomfortable. She stretched her hands up and wanted to take the tableware from Long Yixi, and said, "I'll come by myself, I can eat by myself."

He didn't hurt his hands, so he could eat with dishes.

However, Long Yixi didn't allow it, and his face darkened a bit. He didn't mean to give the dishes to He Xiaomei at all. He just said coldly, "No matter how restless, I don't guarantee that I won't do anything else."

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