Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1095: In Yixi's heart...very

He Xiaomei originally wanted to take the hand of the bowl and chopsticks, stopped in mid-air, and did not get close to the bowl and chopsticks anymore. After a few seconds, his hands slowly dropped.

I was afraid in my heart. I was afraid that Long Yixi would do other things to him. With the appearance of being injured, he couldn't resist him at all. Maybe even if he wasn't injured, he couldn't resist. After all, he said that, he still has something in his heart. If you are concerned, then rest assured.

When Long Yixi saw that He Xiaomei was relieved, the expression on her face changed a bit, and she continued to feed He Xiaomei for dinner.

This meal was very slow. After He Xiaomei was full, he waited for Long Yixi to feed again, and He Xiaomei turned her face away and did not eat.

"I'm full and don't want to eat anymore." He Xiaomei said.

Hearing what she said, Long Yixi did not reluctantly, retracted the dishes and said to He Xiaomei, "Then sit and rest for a while, I will eat."

"Well, eat quickly." He Xiaomei said. He has been feeding herself, but he hasn't eaten. He must be hungry.

Long Yixi retracted his gaze and began to eat by himself.

He Xiaomei just watched Long Yixi eating, and looked at her, she was fascinated.

After Long Yixi finished eating, he turned to look at Xiang He Xiaomei and met her gaze.

He Xiaomei didn't respond for a while, and after the two looked at each other for a while, He Xiaomei hurriedly withdrew her gaze.

Looking down in embarrassment, He Xiaomei did not dare to look at Long Yixi again.

It was too embarrassing just now. He had been watching himself for so long before he realized it.

Long Yixi looked at her like this, but he was extremely satisfied.

"I'll pour water first, take medicine, and rest after taking it." Long Yixi said to He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei nodded, she would be embarrassed to say something.

Long Yixi went to pour a glass of water, then brought the medicine, and watched He Xiaomei take it, before he took her to the bedroom to rest.

After lying on the bed, He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi beside the bed and asked him, "Don't you rest?"

There are two rooms in the suite. If Long Yixi wants to rest, he should go to the next room, right?

"You have to rest first, I have something else." Long Yixi said.

"Oh." After He Xiaomei answered, she didn't ask much, closed her eyes and started her lunch break.

Long Yixi stayed with He Xiaomei by the bed for a while. After waiting for her to sleep soundly, he got up and went to the balcony to call.

After dialing a number, Long Yixi placed the phone beside his ear and waited for the other party to connect.

After a long time, the other party answered the call, "Yixi, why did you call me?"


"Tai Qin, I have something to ask you for help." Long Yixi said, Tai Qin is her former classmate, she is now a doctor in a hospital in Wangcheng, and Chen Yu also knows her.

auzw.com "What's the matter?" Tai Qin asked on the other end of the phone, with a serious tone, not as happy as the first sentence.

"Someone was injured. It was accidentally stabbed by steel bars on the construction site. It has been treated in a small hospital. The dressing needs to be changed every day in the later period. You will come to Tellhow Hotel every morning from tomorrow to help her change the dressing. "Long Yixi said.

With the sixth sense of a woman, Tai Qin asked Long Yixi, "Is it a woman?"

I am sure that that person is definitely not Pei Jiale.

"Well," Long Yixi replied, adding at the end, "It is an employee of Chenyu Company. We have a cooperative project."

Tai Qin on the other end of the phone knows how much, but Yixi asks herself to go to the hotel every day to change the dressing of the woman. It seems that Yixi and the woman are staying in the hotel, so

I understood it in my heart, but Tai Qin didn't ask much, and readily agreed, "Okay, I'll wait to arrange the next time and communicate with the department. From now on, I will sit in the doctor every afternoon and I will go to your side in the morning."

"Well, thank you." Long Yixi thanked him.

"You don't need to be so polite. It's okay for friends to help. Haven't you helped me before." Tai Qin said that Yixi also helped solve problems in my family before, so it is right for everyone to help each other.

"Well," Long Yixi finished speaking, suddenly remembering something, and said to Tai Qin, "Also, help me keep this matter secret."

Tai Qin thought for two seconds on the other end of the phone, and did not ask any more, then replied, "Well, I see."

It seems that the woman is more important to Yixi, to make Yixi so concerned, she is very important in Yixi's heart.

Without much chatting, Long Yixi hung up and went back to the bedroom.

When he walked to the bed, Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei soundly asleep, feeling at ease, and at the moment, he did not intend to leave her.

After regaining his gaze, Long Yixi walked to the other side of the bed, went to bed, and lay down, and then gently took He Xiaomei into his arms. His legs did not dare to touch her legs at all, worried that they would touch her. wound.

Long Yixi can smell the scent of the woman around him when he closes his eyes. It is very fragrant, very nice, at least the scent he likes.

And the sleeping He Xiaomei, because of the hypnotic effect of the drug, she would sleep deeply. Before, she felt her body moved, but the consciousness in her mind thought it was her instinctive sleep movement, and because she was too sleepy, she didn’t want to open it at all. Eyes, so I just continued to sleep in a daze.

Only gradually, He Xiaomei vaguely felt a warm feeling around her, and it was very comfortable. He Xiaomei rubbed the warm place and continued to sleep.

Seeing the woman in his arms sleeping comfortably, Long Yixi had no worries in his heart, closed his eyes and started to take a nap.

After waking up, it was past four o'clock in the afternoon. He Xiaomei completely forgot her current situation, stretched out her hands in a daze, stretched her waist, and moved her feet.

When he felt pain in the ankle, He Xiaomei immediately curled her eyebrows, opened her eyes, and almost groaned.

Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, He Xiaomei remembered that she was injured and was in the hotel at this time.

After returning from the thoughts in her mind, He Xiaomei slowly looked to the side and saw Long Yixi beside her.

At this moment, he is very close to him, very close, and he can clearly see his face and his facial features.

Looking at him like this, He Xiaomei suddenly felt very happy, and she didn't want to look away anymore, just staring at his handsome face like this.

Compared with eight years ago, this face has changed, but it does not seem to have changed. Eight years ago, when I saw this face, I was very happy and liked it. Even dreaming of this face in my dream made me laugh, but In the past eight years, I have dreamed of his face countless times in my dreams, and it is still the same as it was eight years ago, but I won't laugh anymore.

During this period of time, I saw him now, maybe because I kept seeing him, my dream became what he is now, but I didn't have the longing and uncomfortable before, instead I was much calmer.

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