Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1096: You go out first

Maybe he and himself live in the same city, and it is very convenient to meet each other. The previous thoughts have gradually disappeared. This may also be telling myself that all thoughts are misty. Only face the reality and face him. , Is the most real.

He Xiaomei looked at his face and wanted to reach out to touch it, but without the courage, she could only look at it like this.

"Have you seen enough?" There was a sudden voice.

He Xiaomei was still absorbed, seeing Long Yixi's lips move, but he hadn't realized what he said in her mind.

So when Long Yixi opened his eyes, he caught the face of the woman in front of him.

He Xiaomei met Long Yixi's gaze, and then reacted immediately, lowered her head and looked away.

But it was too late.

He Xiaomei was embarrassed, but still quietly answered Long Yixi's words, "I didn't look at you again."

"Sure?" Long Yixi asked again, stretched out her hand, pinched her chin, raised her head, and let her look at herself.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi, but did not answer.

Long Yixi waited for a few seconds, but after not hearing He Xiaomei's answer, he suddenly moved forward and sealed her lips.

He Xiaomei tensed her body, forgetting to react, and let Long Yixi kiss at first.

It wasn't until a long time later that He Xiaomei's brain reacted and she hurriedly struggled.

"Dragon" He Xiaomei wanted to speak, but she broke free a bit, and was dragged back by Long Yixi domineeringly, she had no chance to speak at all.

This kiss lasted for a long time, and Long Yixi just kissed her and did nothing else.

After Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei, watching her breathe, she adjusted her breathing quickly.

"Since I'm awake, get up and wash up." After speaking, Long Yixi lifted the quilt and got up.

He Xiaomei also sat up at this meeting, and when she was about to get out of bed, she saw Long Yixi walking over, then lifted the quilt off her body, and then naturally slapped herself sideways.

"You, you let me down." He Xiaomei said hurriedly.

"Want to go by yourself?" Long Yixi asked her when she walked towards the bathroom without letting go.

He Xiaomei thought about it before repliing, "I didn't hurt my bones, so I can walk slowly."

In fact, if you walk, you can still walk on tiptoe. Maybe your ankle hurts too?

"Strong." Long Yixi answered her two words, stopped talking, and walked to the bathroom holding her.

""He Xiaomei wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it. Then she looked at Long Yixi's appearance that she didn't intend to take care of herself, so she had to stop talking.

After Long Yixi hugged He Xiaomei to the bathroom, she put her on the wash table, then took the towel and wiped her face wet.

"I'll do it myself." He Xiaomei was very uncomfortable with such care, saying that she would take the towel from Long Yixi's hand.

"Move it up again, believe it or not, I tied you up?" Long Yixi said with a calm face, not being gentle to her at all.

When did you take care of others like this? She doesn't feel honored, but she wants to stop? Really a person who doesn't know good or bad.

He Xiaomei was a little frightened by Long Yixi's expression. After all, in front of this man, she was considered weak, and because of the injury, he couldn't do anything to do to him. So

He Xiaomei did not speak any more, and let Long Yixi simply wash herself.

After washing, Long Yixi hugged He Xiaomei to sit down in the living room when the phone rang.

Long Yixi saw Shiming's call and directly connected.

auzw.com "What's the matter?" Long Yixi asked Timing.

"President Long, I am going to send you and designer He's working documents. Do you want to get some designer He's daily necessities?" Shi Ming asked.

"Well, take some," Long Yixi replied, then glanced at He Xiaomei next to him, and continued to say to Shi Ming, "I will call her and you will tell her."

There is a spare key for the dormitory in the logistics department. Shi Ming can bring her anything she wants.


Long Yixi then handed the phone to He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei didn't understand what Long Yixi meant, so she didn't answer, and asked him, "Why?"

"Tell Shiming what daily necessities you need." Long Yixi said.

Only then did He Xiaomei understand, took Long Yixi's cell phone, and then talked with Shi Ming.

He Xiaomei simply talked to Shiming about what she needed, and didn't talk much, so she hung up.

Long Yixi took the phone from He Xiaomei and asked her, "Are you hungry now?"

He Xiaomei shook her head, "I'm not hungry, but I want to drink water."

Long Yixi did not answer, but got up to pour water for He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei waited for Long Yixi to bring the water and drank it. Then the two of them sat in the living room watching TV.

After half an hour, Shi Ming brought the documents and everything He Xiaomei needed.

After Shi Ming left, He Xiaomei was about to go to work and was stopped by Long Yixi.

"Go to dinner first, and then work after eating." Long Yixi said, this will be dinner time, the first thing is not work.

"Why don't you eat later and work for a while?" He Xiaomei said, she was still thinking about work in her heart and wanted to work first.

"No." Long Yixi refused directly.

Afterwards, without waiting for He Xiaomei to say anything, Long Yixi walked into the bedroom holding He Xiaomei, took some things from He Xiaomei before Shiming, found a long skirt, and wanted to put on He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei knew that Long Yixi couldn't hold back, and she might have to go to dinner, but she couldn't let him change her clothes.

"You go out first, I'll change it myself." He Xiaomei said.

Looking at He Xiaomei's nervous and shy look, Long Yixi turned around and left without stubbornness.

The skirt is relatively easy to wear. He Xiaomei quickly changed her clothes and then walked to the door on tiptoe.

Long Yixi was still waiting at the door, waiting for the time to be almost, before he went in and carried the woman out.

But when he heard the sound of the door opening, Long Yixi saw He Xiaomei standing at the door, and then his entire face went black.

Did she walk from the bed to the door?


Seeing Long Yixi's expression changed, He Xiaomei knew that he was angry that she had just walked, and she explained in a low voice, "My feet don't hurt."

Long Yixi glared at her, then hugged her sideways, put her on the sofa in the living room, and then went to change clothes by herself.

After changing clothes, Long Yixi hugged He Xiaomei and went to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

After eating and returning to the hotel, the two began to work, but Long Yixi prescribed He Xiaomei that they could only work for two hours.

"No, it can't be done in two hours." He Xiaomei disagreed. These two hours can't be done at all.

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