Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1112: I can do it alone

He Xiaomei walked to the bed and took a look at her mobile phone. It was Qin Yan's call, which was then connected.

"Hey, Brother Qin Yan." He Xiaomei said into the phone.

"Xiaomei, where are you now? Tell me." Qin Yan's voice sounded hurried and asked He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei was shocked when she heard Qin Yan's voice. I wonder what happened to him? Why are you so anxious?

Qin Yan continued, "Xiaomei, I just saw the news. Are you and Long Yixi together? How could you get hurt? Did Long Yixi hurt you?"

"No, no, it's none of his business," He Xiaomei hurriedly replied, "I am not with him now."

Qin Yan on the other end of the phone heard He Xiaomei's nervousness, but this would be more of He Xiaomei's words, and then asked, "Where are you now?"

"I'm at home." He Xiaomei replied.

"At home? Is it alone?" Qin Yan asked. She was injured. Can a person take care of herself at home?

"Yeah," He Xiaomei answered truthfully, "Chenyu sent me back. He cooked for me at home in the evening. After the two of us had dinner together, he went back."

"Then you can stay at home alone?" Qin Yan has no objection to Wen Chenyu taking care of Xiaomei, and doesn't care about the things that Xiaomei and Long Yixi were together before. He just wants to care about Xiaomei now, "Or I Now I used to be at your house and I was still in the company. It is very convenient to drive there."

"No need, Brother Qin Yan," He Xiaomei said hurriedly. After thinking about it, he continued, "Or you can come tomorrow, my two colleagues may come tomorrow, I will call them, let them come over the day after tomorrow, you come over tomorrow Can you take care of me for a day?"

I know Qin Yan's intentions, if he is not allowed to come, it is impossible, so I will postpone the time until tomorrow.

When Qin Yan heard this, he naturally had no comments, and replied, "Well, good, then I will come early tomorrow morning and bring you breakfast, and I will cook lunch and dinner for you at home."

"Okay, okay."

After this was settled, He Xiaomei hung up the phone and went to wash.

At this time, in the hotel, Long Yixi was calling Shiming, asking him to start tomorrow, sending all the work to ae, and he would go to work in the company tomorrow.

After explaining these things, Long Yixi hung up and called Hao Lu again.

"Mr. Long, hello, I have arrived at my home in the city," Hao Lu said politely.

In the afternoon meeting, I and Zhuo Wenwen received a call from Shi Ming’s assistant, saying that they would arrange a car to take them and Zhuo Wenwen back to the city. Starting tomorrow, Zhuo Wenwen’s job is to take care of Xiaomei, and wait for Mei sister's foot is healed, and she will return to the construction site together.

"Well, have you contacted Zhuo Wenwen?" Long Yixi asked, her voice very cold.

"Well, I have already contacted, and Wenwen has arrived home too. We plan to meet at seven tomorrow, and then go to Xiaomei's house together." Hao Lu said.

Long Yixi answered, not worrying too much in his heart, just exhorted, "If there is anything about He Xiaomei, please call me as soon as possible."

"Okay, President Long."

auzw.com After Long Yixi hung up the phone, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the hotel room and looked at the night view outside the window. All he was thinking about was the woman.

After Chenyu took her home, did he eat dinner with her at night? Can she stay at home alone at night? Will Qin Yan go to her?

All kinds of thoughts made Long Yixi very irritable, but the strong miss in her heart couldn't help interrupting because she really missed her.

The next morning, after He Xiaomei got up, she washed and changed clothes. While waiting for Qin Yan to come home, she called Hao Lu and Zhuo Wenwen and told them not to use it at home today, saying that a friend came to take care of herself.

"Sister Xiaomei, but Mr. Long said, let Wenwen and I take care of you every day from today." Hao Lu was still a little worried. She didn't dare to disobey Shiming's explanation of Mr. Long's meaning to herself.

"It's okay, Hao Lu, Mr. Long said that because I was worried that it would be inconvenient for me to be at home alone, but there are people in my family today, so you won't use it," He Xiaomei said, "I won't have anything wrong, Mr. Long is sure I won't say anything."

Hao Lu was right to think about it. As long as Xiaomei was fine, Mr. Long couldn't blame herself and Wenwen, so she agreed.

After He Xiaomei hung up the phone, she sat on the sofa and waited for a while, when the doorbell rang.

He Xiaomei got up, walked slowly to the door, and opened the door.

After Qin Yan saw the door open, the moment he saw Xiaomei, the warmth in Qin Yan's heart immediately occupied his whole heart.

"Xiaomei," Qin Yan yelled affectionately, then looked at Xiaomei's ankle and asked hurriedly, "How are your feet?"

"Well, it's okay, I can walk without pain." He Xiaomei replied.

Seeing Qin Yan carrying a lot of things in her hand, He Xiaomei moved her body and said, "Come in, Brother Qin Yan."

"Well," Qin Yan walked in with big bags and small bags, and said as he walked to the kitchen, "I will prepare breakfast for you first, and you will eat first."

"Have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, let's eat together." He Xiaomei said, she saw a ready-made breakfast in the bag in Qin Yan's hand.

"Well, I bought two servings and eat them together."

After that, the two had breakfast together. Qin Yan accompanied He Xiaomei to chat all morning to learn about her injuries and her work.

He Xiaomei didn't conceal it either, she told Qin Yan truthfully, but she mentioned very little about Long Yixi.

At eleven o’clock, Qin Yan went to prepare lunch. After the two of them had lunch, He Xiaomei received a call from Tai Qin and made an appointment to change the dressing tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, He Xiaomei took a rest. Qin Yan used her laptop to handle work at Xiaomei’s home. Qin Yan was about to leave Xiaomei's house until the evening after the two had dinner together.

Before leaving, Qin Yan was a little worried, thinking about it, and said, "Xiaomei, or I will stay with you tonight, you sleep in your room, I sleep on the sofa, and won't disturb you."

I really don't worry that Xiaomei is alone at home, so I want to stay with her.

"No, Brother Qin Yan, you have to go to work tomorrow. If you don't have a good rest tonight, you will definitely be in a bad condition tomorrow," He Xiaomei said. "You should go home and have a good rest. I can do it alone. I can stay at home last night. "

Seeing Xiaomei's firmness, Qin Yan didn't hold on anymore.

After He Xiaomei sent Qin Yan away, she just returned to the living room, ready to watch TV and then rest. Before turning on the TV, the phone rang.

After taking a look at the phone, He Xiaomei became nervous when he saw the words Long Yixi displayed on the screen.

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