Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1113: Admit it in front of this woman

What is he calling now?

Unexpectedly, He Xiaomei didn't dare to neglect, and answered the phone.

As soon as he connected, He Xiaomei heard Long Yixi's voice before speaking.

"Not asleep?" Long Yixi asked.

He Xiaomei was taken aback for a moment, and then replied, "Well, wait for a rest."

"Open the door for me in twenty minutes."

"" He Xiaomei's expression changed, she was surprised, and asked Long Yixi, "What do you mean?"

Open the door for him? What door to open? Does he want

Suddenly something came to mind, He Xiaomei immediately widened her eyes.

He is coming to his own home?

Although he has not told him the address of his home, the employee files contain personal information. It is not difficult for him to find his home address.

"Don't understand?" Long Yixi asked over the phone.

"Long Yixi," He Xiaomei was nervous and excited, and said hurriedly, "I don't welcome you at my home, don't come."

I don't want him to come. If he comes, he will definitely come again. Long Yixi's domineering and persistent character, he still knows.

"I haven't seen you for a day, feel like I have power?" Long Yixi asked instead of He Xiaomei's words.

He Xiaomei was not in a hurry. After thinking about it, she said, "My own home, of course I have the right to decide if you can come."

Long Yixi ignored her words at all, just said, "Open the door for me later."

After that, she hung up without waiting for He Xiaomei to say anything.

Since I left yesterday, I haven't seen this woman, I'm going crazy in my mind, I can't wait to see her in the next second.

He Xiaomei wanted to say something. When she was about to speak, she heard the busy tone on the phone, and He Xiaomei was speechless.

After putting away the phone, He Xiaomei was very upset and conflicted. She didn't know what to do next? Don't open the door for him? Or open the door for him and let him come in and sit for a while before leaving?

He Xiaomei thought, but after thinking for a long time there was no answer in her heart. He was still nervous when she heard the doorbell.

Standing in the living room, looking at the door, He Xiaomei thought quickly for a while before slowly walking towards the door.

In the end, He Xiaomei chose to open the door.

After opening the door, He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi at the door, and didn't know how to greet her for a while?

Long Yixi looked at the woman in front of him, and the fluctuations in his heart slowly calmed down.

She didn't intend to ask her first. After taking a step forward, Long Yixi directly stretched out her hand and hugged her with both hands. After walking a few steps forward, she kicked the door with her feet, closed it, and then turned towards the bedroom. Walked to the door.

Although it was the first time to come to her house, but at this time, I hadn't thought about observing her home.

He Xiaomei was always in a daze, afraid that she would fall, grabbing Long Yixi's clothes with both hands, and said to Long Yixi, "Long Yixi, you let me down, I can walk."


Long Yixi didn't listen to her at all, and he didn't listen to what she said.

After entering the bedroom, Long Yixi put He Xiaomei on the bed, and before she sat up, she pressed herself up.

As soon as "Dragon" He Xiaomei uttered a word, her lips were sealed, and He Xiaomei couldn't resist the overwhelming kiss.

Long Yixi kissed frantically, with only one thought in her heart, which is to taste her.

I remembered the loneliness of staying in the hotel alone last night and the boring work in the company today. I would even want to kiss her more and taste her.

He Xiaomei resisted at first, but couldn't resist at all. Gradually, she lost the strength and stopped resisting.

Long Yixi kissed for a long time before leaving He Xiaomei's lips, but the whole person did not leave her. He buried his head between her neck and sniffed her body.

After He Xiaomei slowly adjusted to breathe, her heart calmed down, her eyes looked at the ceiling, and after thinking about something in her mind, she asked Long Yixi, "You are here, does Pei Jiale know?"

It's too late now, doesn't Pei Jiale care if he comes to himself? Does his family allow it?

"What does it matter to her?" Long Yixi asked.

"It's not her business, she's you" He Xiaomei was interrupted by Long Yixi before she finished her words.

"He Xiaomei," Long Yixi screamed solemnly, with obvious dissatisfaction in her voice, "Are you trying to anger me and make me treat you more beastly?"

When did your business have to do with Pei Jiale? What is she? She is nothing.

If you can, if this woman agrees, she will make her a real woman, and she can not care about anyone outside, including that year.

He Xiaomei knew that Long Yixi was angry, she did not dare to speak any more, her whole body was tight.

The whole room suddenly became quiet, He Xiaomei could hear Long Yixi's breathing, and Long Yixi could also hear He Xiaomei's breathing.

After Long Yixi moved He Xiaomei's neck twice, he realized that he was too serious just now. Did it scare her?

After all, Long Yixi's tone changed, and a little softer, and said, "I only left the hotel this morning. I was busy half an hour before ae."

These are the answers to the questions she asked herself at first.

Long Yixi feels that she only recognizes her in front of this woman in her life. She usually does anything by herself and has not considered the feelings of others, sometimes including her mother and aunt. She does not always consider their feelings, but in this woman In front of me, apart from being excited and emotionally out of control, I couldn't help but think about her, first thinking of her feelings and thoughts.

After He Xiaomei heard this, she understood in her heart. He has not yet returned home. He came from ae.

"Have you eaten?" He Xiaomei asked.


"Then get up, I'll cook for you." He Xiaomei said. He must be very tired after a busy day, and he should be very hungry. Go and cook for him by himself, so that he can eat something quickly. Don't get hungry. Up.

"No need to cook, order takeaway." Long Yixi was very satisfied with the woman's concern for herself, but how could she let her still be injured work out for herself.

Leaning to the side, Long Yixi lay down beside He Xiaomei, wrapped her with one hand to prevent her from leaving, took out the phone with the other hand, found the takeaway app, and began to place an order.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi looking at her mobile phone, she still hesitated in her heart, and said to Long Yixi, "Or else, don't order takeaway. You go to the kitchen and order noodles. I have already eaten it."

"After eating, eat with me again." Long Yixi said, not listening to He Xiaomei's persuasion.

He Xiaomei knew about Long Yixi's domineering, and did not persuade her.

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