Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1121: Let me go

Only now, thinking of these, Long Yixi felt that it was too far away, even vague, and could never be realized.

After all, I can’t be together with her. Even if I love her, what can we do?

In the future, face reality, in this helpless life, go ahead!

After get off work in the afternoon, He Xiaomei and Hao Luzhuo Wenwen went to the cafeteria for dinner and saw Long Yixi leaving the construction site in a car.

After the three went to the restaurant and sat down, they talked about seeing Long Yixi just now.

"President Long has returned to the city. Will he come to the construction site tomorrow?" Hao Lu asked Zhuo Wenwen.

"I don't know, but I heard from a colleague that Mr. Long has been very busy lately, he has to be busy with other things, and may be on a business trip, so he should probably not come to the construction site tomorrow?" Zhuo Wenwen replied.

He Xiaomei listened in the sidelines, did not participate in their topic chat, but in her heart, she was very concerned.

Today I met with Long Yixi, he treats himself like a stranger, then he will be stranger too, right?

In the next week or so, He Xiaomei did not see Long Yixi again, and her mood settled during this time. She didn't miss Long Yixi so much in her heart, let alone any impulse.

During this period of time, He Xiaomei devoted all her energy to work, and the work was handled smoothly, and He Xiaomei gradually discovered that immersion in work is also a beautiful thing. With her own ability to handle work, she can experience that share. A sense of accomplishment, add some fulfillment and pride to your life.

This morning, before He Xiaomei returned to the office to prepare for work, she planned to read today's news on the Internet.

Opening the news website, when He Xiaomei was about to browse the news, the headline photos on the front page attracted herself, followed by the headlines.

"The engagement ceremony between the president of the ae group and the beloved woman will be held soon."

He Xiaomei was stunned, looking at the row of characters and the photos of Long Yixi and Pei Jiale. The photos were obviously taken from a party they had attended before. They were both elegant and elegant.

He Xiaomei looked at the title and photo for a long time before clicking into the news.

After reading the news, He Xiaomei knew that on the 28th of this month, it was the engagement ceremony of Long Yixi and Pei Jiale.

Are they getting engaged? In the near future, Long Yixi will marry Pei Jiale?

This fact seems to be a normal thing for He Xiaomei. They have been together a long time ago and should be engaged and married, but why does her heart hurt so much.

He Xiaomei trembled, closed the news with a trembling hand, and then hurriedly opened the work file, ready to start work.

However, because of her confusion, He Xiaomei couldn't get into the file at all and couldn't concentrate. Ten minutes later, He Xiaomei still did not understand the passage in the file.

auzw.com was in a very poor working condition. He Xiaomei tried to take a deep breath to calm her heart a bit, then got up to pour a glass of water and drink some water to ease her emotions.

After drinking some water, He Xiaomei felt better, but her heart was still very messy. It was not Long Yixi's figure or Long Yixi's engagement in her mind.

He Xiaomei didn't go back to the desk to sit down, but walked to the window, looked out the window, and wanted to stop thinking about Long Yixi in her heart.

But at this time, I can't control my heart at all, and I don't want to think about it, but this kind of miss is even stronger, even thinking of those times eight years ago.

Eight years ago, at that time, he and himself, who were young and young, were together happily and carefree every day. The current life is very happy, and they are looking forward to a bright future.

I thought about it at that time. I will graduate from university with Long Yixi in the future. After I and his work stabilize, I will consider getting married. After marriage I have two babies by myself, preferably a boy and a girl. Yixi has both sons and daughters. The two children don’t feel lonely together. He and Long Yixi lead a happy family of four. On weekends or holidays, I go to see his parents and then to see his parents. Get together with loved ones

This kind of life was what I was looking forward to and what I hoped for at that time, but the reality is always cruel, so cruel that everyone is at a loss, what should not be? In the ever-changing situation, individuals are tested on their ability to adapt and act accordingly. Without any thinking, a choice and a certainty will change all future destinies.

I originally thought that I would be with him for a long time, but after so many years of loneliness and suffering, I knew that I and him were destined to be far away.

In the loneliness of a person and the torment of loving someone, I have been used to it over the years, but occasionally I still hold such a trace of fantasy in my heart, but today's reality has even wiped out this fantasy.

What will happen in the future? Seeing him happy, and then leaving the city silently? Never meet again?

Thinking of this, He Xiaomei felt that her breathing was painful, as if what she had to face next and what she had to do was cramps and bones.

Suddenly, the crisp ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted He Xiaomei's thoughts and pulled He Xiaomei back from her grief.

After He Xiaomei hurriedly withdrew her thoughts, she found that she was already crying.

Wiping the tears on her face indiscriminately with her hand, He Xiaomei turned around and hurriedly walked to the desk and picked up her mobile phone. Seeing that it was a call from Lichen, He Xiaomei quickly adjusted her emotions before answering the call. .

"Lichen." He Xiaomei called her brother's name.

"Sister, are you working now?" He Lichen asked her elder sister, speaking a lot more mildly.

"Well, but I'm not busy right now, I can talk to you." He Xiaomei said, worried that Li Chen would feel disturbed her work.

After He Lichen heard it, he was not polite, and asked his sister directly, "Sister, do you know about Long Yixi's engagement?"

"Well, I know," He Xiaomei said, knowing in her heart that Li Chen must have read the news before calling herself, "I just saw the news, Long Yixi and Pei Jiale are about to get engaged. "

"Are you okay?" He Lichen didn't talk about Long Yixi's engagement with her sister anymore, but asked her with concern.

"Well, I'm pretty good," He Xiaomei replied bravely, knowing that Li Chen was worried about herself because of Long Yixi's engagement, and continued, "I'm fine. Long Yixi and Pei Jiale have been together for a long time. Engagement and marriage are normal. Yes, I am not surprised at all."

The smart He Lichen understood her sister's feelings very well, and said, "Sister, some people should let go. Maybe in this life, after all, the fate is not enough. If you let go slowly, you can be considered letting go."

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