Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1122: Completely acceptable

Listening to Li Chen's persuasion, He Xiaomei finally couldn't help it, and she broke down and cried directly.

He Lichen heard her sister's cry and knew that she was sad, but did not comfort her. He wanted to make her cry for a while, maybe this way her heart would feel better and her mood would be much better.

It's just that He Lichen is a little upset that he can't accompany her sister at this time, hug her, and give her a shoulder to lean on.

Hearing her sister's crying a little lower, He Lichen asked, "Sister, are you better?"

"Well, I'm fine, Li Chen, I'm sorry just now, I scared you." He Xiaomei said hurriedly.

"I'm not so fragile and can't scare me," He Lichen said, "It is not you who should say sorry, but me, sister, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you by your side now."

I am now a man in the family. I have to protect my mom, sister and Xiaoxi like my dad, but now something happened to my sister, but I can't stay with her to protect her. I apologize a lot.

"Lichen, I'm okay, really," He Xiaomei said, she didn't hide anything from Lichen, and said her own words, "Just you know, Long Yixi has always had a place in my heart. Even if I know that he should get engaged and get married, it is normal, but in my heart"

"I understand, I know," He Lichen said, "So sister, you have to think about the facts in your heart, and then understand what you are going to do? What kind of mentality should you deal with this matter? Then how to live the next life ?"

"In your heart, in addition to Long Yixi, our parents, me and Xiaoxi, Qin Yan, and your good friends, we will care about you, care about you, and hope that your life will be every day Happy," He Lichen continued, "Sister, you have to cheer up. You can be sad for a while, but you can't be immersed in it. You have to become stronger after the sadness, you know?"

There are too many truths, He Lichen does not intend to say, because she knows that even though her sister is emotional, she understands some truths and can figure it out, so just mention it briefly and she will know.

"Well, I know," He Xiaomei said, this will be a lot better than before, "Li Chen, rest assured, I won't let my life go too bad."

"Yeah." He Lichen believed his sister's words.

After that, the siblings talked about other things and changed the subject.

"Sister, I have finished working here recently, so I take the time to look at the city to see you." He Lichen said.

"Okay, then I will go home on the weekend and buy a sofa bed for my family. You can live at home when you come to Wangcheng," He Xiaomei said. "It's just that the house is relatively small, so you might want to sleep on the sofa bed in the living room."

"It's okay. I live at home. I sleep on the sofa bed more comfortably than the big bed in the hotel, because that is our home." He Lichen said, I probably know the situation on my sister's side. It's a small apartment, which may be a bit crowded, but it is after all. Home is a small home in He's family, with a different meaning.

Because of Li Chen's words, He Xiaomei felt a lot warmer in her heart. He felt the warmth of family affection, and He Xiaomei's mood improved.

"Well, when you want to look at the city, call me in advance and I will pick you up at the airport."


After hanging up the phone with Lichen, He Xiaomei's mood stabilized a little, quickly sorted her thoughts in her mind, and then sat down to work.

Although work efficiency is slow, He Xiaomei forces herself to concentrate and continue working.

Until noon, although He Xiaomei had not finished the work tasks in the morning, she was somewhat busy with some work, and the remaining work was not too much. Just deal with it in the afternoon.


At lunch, He Xiaomei ate alone today, because Hao Lu and Zhuo Wenwen went back to the city office to send documents, and they should have returned to the construction site in the afternoon.

He Xiaomei ate quietly by herself, but the surrounding sounds pulled away He Xiaomei's thoughts.

The colleagues around, they ate and talked about the engagement of Long Yixi and Pei Jiale, and they also had a good time. Obviously, they were blessing Long Yixi and Pei Jiale.

"Mr. Long and his girlfriend are very good, it seems that Wangcheng will hold a large-scale luxury wedding soon in the future."

"Yes, Mr. Long has been with his girlfriend for so many years, so he should get married."

"I heard that Mr. Long still doesn't want to get married, because his family forced him. But think about it, people of the older generation want young people to get married soon. This is not a bad thing."

"Of course it's not a bad thing, it's a great happy event."

He Xiaomei listened to these people's words, her heart began to mess up little by little, and she lost her appetite for eating.

In the end, He Xiaomei did not finish the meal, and delivered more than half of the meal to the aunt at the close, and walked out of the restaurant.

There is still some time before work in the afternoon, and He Xiaomei goes back to the dormitory to rest.

When she just lay down on the bed, He Xiaomei's cell phone rang, it was Xiaoxi's call.

"Hey, sister, I just saw the news from Wangcheng, are you okay?" He Xiaoxi asked her sister with concern.

"Well, I'm fine, okay," He Xiaomei replied to Xiaoxi and told Xiaoxi, "Lichen called me back in the morning, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

"But Long Yixi wants him." He Xiaoxi still couldn't tell her about Long Yixi's engagement in front of her sister, worried that her sister would be sad.

"They have been together for so long, they should get married," He Xiaomei said, and then said, "Xiaoxi, I love Long Yixi, but I also know that it is impossible for me and him, so this news, I It's totally acceptable."

Maybe it was because I wanted to understand it, or maybe it was the chat with Li Chen in the morning. I couldn't get excited at all now. I was very calm when I said everything about Long Yixi.

"Well, I'm just worried that you are sad, sister, if you can think so, that would be great." He Xiaoxi is still young and doesn't comfort her sister, but he cares about her sister by no means less than Lichen.

"Well, don't worry about me, everything is fine for me." He Xiaomei said.

"Well," He Xiaoxi answered, and then said again, "But sister, this news, our parents will also see this news?"

After being said by Xiaoxi, He Xiaomei felt nervous, and that’s right. Mom and Dad must also know about it. When she was injured before, Mom and Dad also knew that Long Yixi took care of herself.

He Xiaomei wanted to understand before she replied to Xiaoxi, "Well, my parents should know. I will call my mom at night and chat with her."

Presumably my parents must be very worried about themselves now, so in the evening, call my parents and chat with them, by the way, tell them that they are okay, so they don't worry.


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