Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1124: Would she like it?

"You said." Long Yixi was already anxious now, and wanted to go upstairs to pack some clothes and toiletries, and then go to the villa.

"Our villa can also live there, so you plan to wait for you and Jia Le to get married, do you go to the villa to live there?" He Mei asked.

After asking, He Mei hurriedly said her own point of view, "Yixi, if you want to live there alone with Jiale, I have no objection. After all, you young people want to live a life as a young couple. I and you My aunt and uncle can understand that living here is not very convenient for you to do anything for us as a family, so I support you living alone."

Long Yixi looked a little more serious in his eyes. Looking at his mother, she didn't expect her mother to ask herself this question and say this, and she felt unspeakable distress for a moment.

The home over the villa would not let Pei Jiale live in, because that home was for her mother and beloved woman. If He Xiaomei lived in, she would be willing, but Pei Jiale was not qualified.

"Don't live in the villa." Long Yixi answered his mother directly.

He Mei was a little confused, and asked, "Then you want to"

"Since you support me and Jiale's separate life, I will buy her a new house in the city, and we will not live here in the future." Long Yixi said, with a firm tone.

"But the villa has been renovated, and" He Mei heard her son's voice before he finished speaking.

"No one can live in the villa without my permission," Long Yixi said in a bad tone, but was very domineering. He looked into his mother's eyes and said, "Except you."

Except for the mother, anyone who wants to live in the past must have their permission.

Long Yixi continued, "All the keys to the villa are now with me. If you want to live in, I will give you one, but I hope you don't make claims and do things that make me unhappy."

"Mom, my love and respect for you, you know very well, and I hope you can respect my ideas and don't do things I don't like." Long Yixi said.

He Mei wanted to say something, but because of her son's words, her lips moved, and she couldn't say what she said in her heart.

"I'll go upstairs first, and later I will leave the house and go to the villa. When the aunts and the others come back, please tell them." Long Yixi finished speaking, got up and left, and went upstairs.

He Mei also stood up, looking at her son's back, she didn't say anything.

Long Yixi didn't dawdle upstairs, cleaned up his things, and when he came downstairs, he saw his mother waiting for him at the stairway.

"Yixi," He Mei waited for her son to come downstairs, holding her son's arm with both hands, and said, "I promise you what you said just now. I won't live there anymore, I live here. I have been with your aunt and uncle for a long time, and the family lives together with care and lively."

"You said the idea of ​​buying a new suite, and I agree. Then you choose a house as soon as possible and wait for Jiale to come back later. I told Jiale about this matter, and she must have no opinion." He Mei said.

Long Yixi nodded, and did not continue to say these words from his mother, but told his mother, "Mom, you will take care of yourself at home during this time and call me if you have anything to do."

"Well, I'm fine, don't worry," He Mei exhorted as he sent his son to the door, "but you, live alone at the villa, pay more attention and prepare more food for the family over there. If you’re hungry, you won’t be able to eat anything, and you should close the windows when you sleep at night to avoid catching cold.

"Well, I know," Long Yixi replied, "Then I will go first."

auzw.com He Mei nodded, stood at the gate, watched her son walk to the car, and then drove away.

When Long Yixi drove towards the villa, he called Shi Ming.

"Mr. Long." Shi Ming answered the phone.

"Choose an existing house in the urban area these two days, buy it under my name, and contact the decoration company for renovation." Long Yixi directly instructed Shi Ming.

When Shi Ming heard it, he understood, and replied, "Okay, but President Long, do you have any requirements for the house?"

"There is no requirement, you can decide by yourself." Long Yixi replied. He didn't plan to live in that house, so there was no requirement.

"" Shi Ming was a little puzzled, why didn't Mr. Long ask for his room? Could it be that he intends to give it away? Don't you live in that house?

This is just to think about it. Shi Ming naturally didn't dare to ask more. He just answered, "Okay, I will do it as soon as possible."


After Long Yixi hung up the phone, he speeded up and drove towards the villa.

When he came to the villa, Long Yixi looked at the brand-new home. Every decoration was high-end and luxurious. The style of the whole room was also very good. He didn't have any opinions, and he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Just looking at such a big home, Long Yixi was missing someone in his heart.

She is a professional interior designer, she should have high requirements for the interior decoration style, right? I don't know the style of this home, will she like it?

If you let her live here and live with her, should there be a busy figure in the kitchen, and she will help herself?

In the bedroom, there are her cosmetics on the dressing table, one-third of her own clothes in the closet, two-thirds of her clothes, and even in the entire storage room, there are her shoes and bags, and her Favorite jewelry.

In the living room, would she watch TV in her arms? Or would you sit next to yourself and watch TV seriously?

Long Yixi thought in her heart, walking slowly to the living room and sitting down, looking at the surrounding environment, thinking in her mind, what would she look like if she were in this home?

Eight years ago, I thought that when I grew up and married her, I would give her a big family. But now, I have a family, but I can’t give her, and I can’t even do many things.

Being together, getting married, having a baby, these seemingly ordinary things, but for myself, it is very difficult, because I can not do these with my loved one.

Because of the exhaustion of the business trip, Long Yixi leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes lightly, and took a nap, trying hard not to think about her or imagine something impossible.

After taking a nap for a long time, Long Yixi was noisy by the sudden ringing of the phone. He opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to get the phone while sitting upright.

When he saw that the caller ID was Shenghang, Long Yixi hurriedly connected the phone.

"Shenghang." Long Yixi greeted and called Shenghang. It was only then that I remembered that it was indeed a long time since I contacted Shenghang. Everyone is busy at work, and there is nothing to do, and I don’t know how to call each other. .

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