Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1125: Xiaomei, we miss you too

"Yixi, you and Pei Jiale are getting engaged?" Sheng Hang asked over the phone.

Long Yixi did not answer, but asked, "Does Xigang know many people?"

Will He Xiaomei's parents also know?

"It should be, anyway, the news is online, people who follow will naturally see the news." Shenghang replied.

After answering, Shenghang asked again, "Yixi, are you really planning to marry Pei Jiale?"

The person this brother loves has never changed, but because of his father’s affairs, he hates He Xiaomei, but he knows what he thinks of Pei Jiale, he doesn’t love Pei Jiale at all, how could he agree to marry Pei Jiale?

"Otherwise?" Long Yixi asked rhetorically.

If you can’t marry your beloved woman, it doesn’t matter who you marry other women, right?

Shenghang on the other end of the phone did not speak, because for a while, he would not know what to say.

Long Yixi continued, "Shenghang, I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Well," Sheng Hang answered, naturally understanding Yixi's troubles, and then said, "How about the recent ae project in Wangcheng?"

"Very good," Long Yixi replied, and the two began to chat about their work. "All current operations are within my expectations and plans. There is no advanced development or lagging behind."

"Well, then do it well. After this period of time has passed, after ae stabilizes in Wangcheng, the later development potential is still great." Sheng Hang said.

"Well," Long Yixi answered, and then asked Shenghang, "How is your situation in Xigang? How is the company's recent profits?"

After graduating from Shenghang University, he returned to work in Xigang. Now he has his own business and runs a company. The scale has been getting bigger and bigger in recent years.

"This quarter has increased by 10% compared with the previous quarter." Shenghang replied.

The two chatted about their work, and both knew each other's situation.

After talking about work, Long Yixi asked casually, "Is there any contact with Han Zhenzhen?"

Han Zhenzhen in advance, Sheng Hang on the other end of the phone was silent.

After a long time, Sheng Hang replied, "No, I saw one at a class reunion four years ago. I was drunk that night."

Speaking of this, Shenghang remembered another accident that night, but quickly pulled back his thoughts and continued, "Later, I didn't even know when she left."

"Is she not in Xigang?" Long Yixi asked. When he contacted Shenghang before, he had never asked him about Han Zhenzhen, nor had he asked himself about He Xiaomei, only when He Xiaomei broke into Wangcheng After my own life, the things of my youth have become more clear.

But this time Shenghang called. He thought of Han Zhenzhen and asked.

"No," Sheng Hang replied, speaking of Han Zhenzhen in a dull tone. "Four years ago, on the day of the reunion of the high school classmates, I had a few words with her. She said that she would come back to Westport after graduating from college to develop, but the next day, I found It was not for her, and there was no news from her later."

Speaking of these, Sheng Hang felt so painful in his heart, and one thing that made him helpless was that he was drunk and slept with a woman at the class reunion that night.

Because I drank too much that night, I didn’t remember anything in my mind. I didn’t know what I did. I only knew that when I woke up the next day to a woman, I was the only one in the hotel bed. So until now, that What happened late is still a mystery.

auzw.com Long Yixi did not ask Shenghang about Han Zhenzhen again. It seems that the relationship between them is no better than between himself and He Xiaomei.

Sheng Hang liked Han Zhenzhen, and he saw it at school, but later because of the relationship between him and He Xiaomei, Sheng Hang and Han Zhenzhen no longer have friendship, let alone love.

"Come to see the city when you have time, meet up, and invite you to dinner." Long Yixi said, changing the subject.

"Well, no problem."

The two chatted a few more words before Long Yixi hung up.

After putting the phone aside, Long Yixi thought to herself, if He Xiaomei is his own robbery, then Han Zhenzhen is Shenghang's robbery. The good times he once had are indeed very beautiful, but everything that he cannot have now is very good for him. Pain, Shenghang should be too?

At night, on the construction site, He Xiaomei was in the dormitory. After washing, she lay on the bed and took out her mobile phone and dialed her mother's number.

"Hey, Xiaomei." Cheng Nuo answered the phone and called his daughter.

"Mom," He Xiaomei yelled affectionately, and then asked, "You and my dad haven't rested yet?"

"No, we won't be sleepy yet, watching TV." Cheng Nuo replied.

"Well, I'm afraid to interrupt your rest." He Xiaomei said, this will chat with my mother, and her heart will be warm.

Cheng Nuo asked gently on the other end of the phone, "Xiaomei, how are you doing these days?"

In Cheng Nuo's tone, there was sympathy for her daughter, because she also saw the news and knew that Long Yixi was going to be engaged to Pei Jiale, and she worried about her daughter's mood.

"Very good," He Xiaomei replied, "I have been busy working on the construction site these days, everything is fine."

Hearing what his daughter said, Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai on the side. Seeing him nodding to himself, Cheng Nuo knew what it meant, so Cheng Nuo didn't say what he meant to ask Long Yixi.

"The injury on the foot shouldn't hurt anymore, right?" Cheng Nuo asked.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, I have healed, and now there is nothing wrong with walking." He Xiaomei replied.

"It's fine, but you should pay attention when you walk and work, you know?" Cheng Nuo told her daughter, "If you go to the construction site, you will change your clothes and shoes. Try to wear sneakers."

Listening to her mother's nagging, He Xiaomei only felt very heartwarming, and answered her mother, "Well, I see, Mom."

After speaking, He Xiaomei suddenly said coquettishly, "Mom, I miss you and my dad so much."

After Cheng Nuo heard this, he was also moved, "Xiaomei, we miss you too."

"You are alone in Wangcheng, and your father and I are not by your side. You must take care of yourself, you know?" Cheng Nuo said.

"Well, I know, mom." He Xiaomei said.

After that, He Xiaomei changed the subject again and talked about something happy with her mother, "Mom, I have learned some design skills in my work recently."

He Xiaomei talked to her mother for a long time. Although she didn’t talk to her father, He Xiaomei also knew her father’s recent situation from her mother’s words. Everything is fine at home, and her mother and father are living well, so she doesn’t have to worry about it. what.

It's just that my mother didn't have anything to do with Long Yixi, so she couldn't talk about it first, so she didn't talk about it.

Cheng Nuo did listen to He Zikai's, and never asked her daughter about her and Long Yixi, just chatting. Cheng Nuo said to her daughter, "Xiaomei, pay attention to life at ordinary times. Besides working well, you should also spend more time with Qin Yan Yan gets along with each other. He must be busy at work. Remember to pay more attention to him. Qin Yan has taken care of you before."

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