Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1126: Can't you fight for it?

Cheng Nuo felt that when she told her daughter Qin Yan, she should understand what she meant. She hoped that she would slowly consider her feelings and face her love and future marriage.

It's impossible for some people, and it's time to let go.

"Well, I will, Mom," He Xiaomei replied, "I have been in contact with Qin Yan recently, but I am not in the city. We usually call or send messages to contact him. When I return to the city, I will give Qin Yan a message. Call, we will eat and chat together."

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo knew her daughter's sensibility, so she didn't tell her.

After that, the mother and daughter talked for a while, until He Xiaomei hung up, and He Xiaomei was still a little uncomfortable.

I was sure that my parents knew about the engagement of Long Yixi and Pei Jiale, because my mom mentioned Qin Yan later, she was reminding herself that she understood in her heart.

But my mother didn't ask herself about Long Yixi. Is she afraid of her sadness?

On the other side, on the bank of Lishui Bay, after Cheng Nuo put away the mobile phone, He Zikai took the whole person into his arms.

Cheng Nuo snuggled in He Zikai's arms and said, "Akai, Xiaomei's tone of voice with me just now is the same as before. You said she shouldn't be sad, right?"

"It should be impossible not to be sad at all," He Zikai said analytically, "we know our daughter's mind and character."

"But even if Xiaomei hides some emotions in front of us, at least it seems that she is not very sad, and her emotions are not very depressed. At least it has not affected her normal life. In this case, we don't need to worry too much." He Zikai said .

Cheng Nuo nodded, and then said, "Well, I hope that our Xiaomei will not be hurt emotionally, and find someone worthy of entrusting her for life to fall in love with him."

"Yes, our three children, they will all be happy in the future."


With the arrival of a new day, He Xiaomei gets up on time, washes, and then goes to the restaurant on the construction site for breakfast.

After eating breakfast and returning to the office, He Xiaomei's cell phone rang before he started working.

After He Xiaomei took out her mobile phone and took a look, she immediately answered the call excitedly.

"True." He Xiaomei exclaimed happily.

"Xiaomei," Han Zhenzhen on the other end of the phone also called Xiaomei, and asked her, "Will you not go to work yet?"

"No," He Xiaomei looked at her watch as she said, and then said, "I have ten minutes to go to work. I can talk to you."

After speaking, He Xiaomei did not wait for Han Zhenzhen to speak, and then said, "True, how is Xiaodouzi? How is it?"

auzw.com "It's adjustable. Yesterday I asked her to go to the bathroom to wash her hands, but she poured the hand sanitizer into the sink and played with bubbles. She made all the bubbles in the bathroom. "Speaking of his three-year-old daughter, Han Zhenzhen felt helpless, but he was also full of happiness.

For more than four years of hard work, for Han Zhenzhen, there are losses and gains. Today, I am very satisfied with my life, because my daughter is all the hope in my heart.

He Xiaomei felt happy when he heard Han Zhenzhen talk about cute little beans, and said with a smile, "Children are like that. They always try to change and play, but really, don't blame the child, as long as she has fun."

"Appropriate blame is still needed, or she will spoil her." Han Zhenzhen said.

He Xiaomei knew that Han Zhenzhen had to act in front of her mother and her father. He was more concerned about the education of children than any other parent. Thinking of this, He Xiaomei felt very sorry for Han Zhenzhen.

"Really," He Xiaomei suddenly became more serious, and asked Han Zhenzhen, "Are you not going to return to Xigang again?"

Speaking of Westport, Han Zhenzhen's first thought was not his family, but Shenghang.

"I have no plans to go back for the time being," Han Zhenzhen said, "I and Xiaodouzi are living very well now."

"But you mother and daughter can't live like this forever. Xiaodouzi is still young. You don't have too much pressure. If you go on, you will definitely not be able to take care of the children alone. Really, you will be very hard." He Xiaomei said.

"I know all this," Han Zhenzhen's tone has always been plain, "Xiaomei, I chose to give birth to Xiaodouzi, so I will accept all the hard preparations afterwards, so I'm fine, I will take care of myself and Xiaodouzi. Don't worry about us too much."

He Xiaomei knows that in the past few years, Han Zhenzhen has changed from a daughter-in-law to a mother who can bear all the hardships. She took her children in a foreign country by herself. From the beginning of renting an apartment and working two jobs, she now lives in her own house. Here, the job is stable, and a part-time worker is hired at home to take care of the children. The changes in the process and Han Zhen really change. While I feel sorry for this good sister, I am also proud of her, because her current independent ability lies far Above oneself.

He Xiaomei knew that it was useless to persuade Han Zhenzhen, but changed the subject and asked, "Are you not going to tell Shenghang now?"

Speaking of Shenghang, Han Zhenzhen's mood changed over there, but without too much hesitation, Han Zhenzhen replied, "What can you do if you tell him? He may not accept this child. If he accepts it, then it is him and me." Grab the child, Xiaomei, you know that Xiaodouzi is my life and everything to me. I don't allow anyone to take her away."

Hearing Han Zhenzhen's words and even the following words became emotional, He Xiaomei hurriedly replied, "Well, I know, I know all of them."

"Really, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about Xiaodouzi's life experience here." He Xiaomei said.

"Xiaomei, I believe in you," Han Zhenzhen said, before saying hurriedly, "I have been talking about Xiaodouzi, but I forgot to tell you business, Xiaomei, I called today to ask you, Long Yixi With Pei Jiale"

He Xiaomei was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "Have you seen the news?"

"Well, I see, they are really going to get engaged?" Han Zhenzhen asked.

"It should be." He Xiaomei said, she didn't know the specifics, because she had no contact with Long Yixi during this period, and it was even impossible for her to contact Pei Jiale, except for the news of their engagement on the news. I don’t know anything else.

"Long Yixi hated Pei Jiale so much before, how could he be engaged to Pei Jiale? How could he marry Pei Jiale?" Han Zhenzhen said angrily, "I really don't know what Long Yixi thinks in his heart?"

"Really, hate it before does not mean hate it now, people's hearts will change." He Xiaomei said calmly.

"But Xiaomei, you love Long Yixi so much, can't you go and fight for it?" Han Zhenzhen said hurriedly, "Even if you were wrong about what happened back then, Long Yixi must know it himself. His father will do it sooner or later. He didn’t let you keep secret what he told you, so it’s not your fault. Go to Long Yixi, talk to him and tell him you like him, he"

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