Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1131: Xiaomei, it's me, Long Yixi

"Yeah." He Xiaomei nodded.

After the peasant woman left, He Xiaomei locked the door, then put a stool in the room behind the door, and put a plastic basin on the stool.

In this way, if anyone opens the door, there will be movement immediately and he will wake up.

Feel relieved, He Xiaomei went to sleep.

Because it was someone else's house, and she didn't bring a change of clothes, so He Xiaomei didn't take off her clothes, so she just went to bed like this without paying attention to anything.

It was just because He Xiaomei slept in this kind of place for the first time, but he didn't feel sleepy. That night, she suffered from insomnia.

He Xiaomei tossed over and over, couldn't sleep at all, wanted to play with the mobile phone, but the signal here was very weak, even the chat message could not be sent out, He Xiaomei simply stopped playing with the mobile phone, put the mobile phone in her pocket, wrapped her hands in the quilt, and lay quietly .

Time passed slowly, and He Xiaomei faintly heard a voice in a daze.

Because the night in the country is very quiet, a little bit of movement, the sound will be very clear and loud.

He Xiaomei was very vigilant, opened her eyes immediately and listened quietly.

It was the sound of footsteps, which seemed to be getting closer, and He Xiaomei's body tightened and continued to listen earnestly.

The sound of approaching approached, very close, just outside the door.

Suddenly, the door moved.

"Can't push it, it's locked inside."

"This stinky woman dared to lock the door and see how I will clean her up later."

"Quickly, find a way to open it, keep the voice down, don't let people around you hear it."


In the room at this time, He Xiaomei had already determined that those people were here to target herself.

Who are they? What do they want to do?

Although there are many doubts in her mind, the reason in He Xiaomei's mind tells herself that she can't lie down like this and hide quickly.

He Xiaomei sat up immediately, then stepped out of bed lightly, and came in under the faint moonlight from the window to find a place to hide.

Because he was familiar with the layout of the room before, He Xiaomei looked around and immediately walked toward the cabinet.

Opening the cabinet, He Xiaomei hid in.

The cabinet is not big, but He Xiaomei's figure is also very petite when rolled up, and can't take up much space, so it is very convenient to hide, and the cabinet door can be closed.

He Xiaomei was trembling all over, hiding inside, not daring to let out the atmosphere, listening to the outside voice, because of fear, He Xiaomei's heart almost jumped out, she didn't dare to think about something.

If those people come in and find themselves, then they

He Xiaomei shook her head, not letting herself think about it.

At this moment, the people outside the door were trying to open the door. It took them a long time to open the door.

When the door opened, there were two bangs, the sound of plastic basins and stools falling to the ground.

He Xiaomei in the cabinet was frightened by the sound, but the man outside was not frightened.

A man hurriedly fumbled the wall, found the light switch, and then turned on the light.

The room lit up, and when several men looked at the bed, they didn't see He Xiaomei.

"What about people?"

"I watched her enter this room before."

"It must be hiding, look for it."

auzw.com When a few men were about to look for them in the room, they suddenly rushed in from the door.

At this moment, several men were frightened, and they all looked at the door one after another, and stopped in mid-air as they had planned to do the action.

Shi Ming took a few men in black. After rushing in, the knives in each hand were pointed at the neck of the man in the room, and one person controlled one.

"Don't move." Shi Ming shouted.

The men did not dare to move, they all felt the cold thing on their necks.

The room suddenly became quiet.

Long Yixi walked into the room, not to see these people at first glance, but to the bed.

There was no figure of He Xiaomei on the bed, but the quilt was messed up and she should have been hiding.

Long Yixi's gaze looked around, not knowing if it was alive, Long Yixi's gaze was finally placed on the side of the cabinet.

After staring at the cabinet for several seconds, Long Yixi spoke and said to Shi Ming, "Take it all away."

These people, **** it.

If I come a few minutes later, then Xiaomei

I don't dare to imagine some pictures now. I am nervous along the way, and I am afraid that something will happen to her, but fortunately, I arrived in time and she was not hurt.

But these people, when they listened to Pei Jiale's words and moved this idea, they were already damned, and now their own actions did not affect their family members, and they were already considered benevolent.

"Yes." After Shiming nodded, the people he brought with him looked at each other, and they all understood what it meant.

Then they controlled the men and pulled them out of the room.

In the room, Long Yixi stood on the spot. After standing for a while, he took a step and walked in front of the cabinet.

After walking to the front of the cabinet, Long Yixi stretched out his hand and gently opened the door of the cabinet.

When Long Yixi saw He Xiaomei shrunken in the cabinet, her expression and the way she was trembling made her heart hurt instantly.

My own little beauty must be very scared, right?

Long Yixi slowly squatted down and stretched out her hand. Just when she was about to touch her arm, there was still some distance away, when she saw her suddenly go crazy, slapped her with her hand and shouted, "Don't touch me. , Roll, roll"

He Xiaomei's emotions are completely out of control, all movements are instinctive, and the words spoken do not pass through her mind.

These bad guys, they want to harm themselves.

I can't let them succeed, I have to resist, resist and drive them away.

Long Yixi could only withdraw his hand. After He Xiaomei stopped talking, Long Yixi said, "Xiaomei, it's me, it's me."

He Xiaomei was still very excited, and didn't even go to see Long Yixi.

The two stayed like this, Long Yixi did not speak any more, the whole room was quiet.

Long Yixi felt that going on like this was no way, and stretched out his hand again, and immediately grabbed He Xiaomei's arm.

"Xiaomei." Long Yixi shouted.

"Go away, don't touch me, don't touch me." He Xiaomei still resisted, shouting, tears streaming down her eyes.

Long Yixi didn't let it go, letting her fight anyway, she didn't let it go.

Suddenly, his hands increased a little bit of strength, and Long Yixi pulled directly, pulling He Xiaomei out of the cabinet and fished it into his arms.

Holding her tightly, Long Yixi allowed He Xiaomei to resist in her arms.

As long as she is by her side, no matter how she resists or beats herself, she will no longer be afraid. At least, she has not lost her, and her Xiaomei is by her side.

"Xiaomei, it's me, Long Yixi, it's me." Long Yixi said, lying in He Xiaomei's ear.

He Xiaomei still resisted, hearing Long Yixi's words, but still did not react in her mind.

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