Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1132: You are safe with me

After waiting for a while, the reaction came in his mind, and He Xiaomei slowly stopped resisting and calmed down.

With a hoarse voice, He Xiaomei said, "Long Yixi?"

"Well, it's me," Long Yixi hurriedly replied, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

"Uuuuu" He Xiaomei finally burst into tears weakly, her hands no longer slapped randomly, but firmly grasped Long Yixi's clothes, completely opposite to the previous resisting appearance, a soft look, staying at Long Yixi cried in her arms.

Long Yixi knew that she was very fragile in her heart, so she comforted her and said, "Stop crying, be good, it's okay, it's okay."

"Long Yixi, I'm so scared, I'm so scared," He Xiaomei cried and said.

I was really scared just now, afraid that those people would do that kind of thing to myself.

If that happens, you will really be crazy, and you will commit suicide after going crazy.

That kind of self, I hate it, how can I let others see my embarrassed appearance?

"Don't be afraid, it's okay," Long Yixi kept saying, "With me by my side, nothing will happen again, Xiaomei, trust me."

I regret it now, I regretted agreeing to my mother, and now I don’t care even if I didn’t keep my promise to my mother.

This woman needs herself, she needs her own protection, she can't leave her side, won't leave again.

My own little beauty, I will protect myself, and will always protect.

It may have been too much energy just now, and He Xiaomei won't make a fuss anymore, she didn't speak, just cried in a low voice.

The two of them didn't know how long they had been in the room. After knowing that Shiming walked in, Long Yixi and Shi Ming looked at each other, and Long Yixi knew that Shiming had taken care of it.

Withdrawing his gaze, Long Yixi said to the woman in his arms, "Xiaomei, let's go back, eh?"

He Xiaomei did not speak.

Long Yixi didn't plan to wait for her answer. He moved very lightly. For fear of hurting her, he released her first, then hugged her horizontally, preparing to leave the room.

"President Long, I just met the owner of this house and asked, they kindly let Designer He live in their house, and they don't know anyone will come at night" Shi Ming probably reported.

Long Yixi understood immediately, but did not speak.

After walking out of the room with He Xiaomei in his arms, Long Yixi saw a couple in the countryside. They should be young, but they look very old. It is probably the reason why they have lived in the countryside for a long time and worked hard.

When the couple saw He Xiaomei being held by this man, they would not dare to speak because they felt the man's powerful aura, but just looked at the man and He Xiaomei in his arms.

"She is my woman, I took it away." Long Yixi said to them.

The couple nodded, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, the peasant woman remembered something and said hurriedly, "Xiaomei still has a bag."

Just after Long Yixi took two steps, his footsteps stopped.

Shiming, who followed him, immediately went back to the room to find a bag.

After taking He Xiaomei's bag out, Shi Ming walked to Chief Long, but did not give the bag to Chief Long, because Chief Long would hold He Xiaomei with both hands, and there was no free hand bag.

"You drive my car, let them drive your car back." Long Yixi ordered Shiming.

"Yeah." Shi Ming answered.

Long Yixi glanced at the couple again, fixed his eyes on the man, and asked, "Are you going to work on the construction site tomorrow?"

"Yes, it's this woman, it's your wife who asked me to go, she has remembered my name." The man answered honestly.

The word wife made Long Yixi feel indescribable.


Feeling better than before, Long Yixi said to the man, "Go work tomorrow, don't be late."

"Okay, okay, your wife told me to work on the construction site at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will definitely be there on time." The man said hurriedly.

Long Yixi retracted his gaze, looked at Shi Ming, and said, "Know what to do?"

"Yeah." Shi Ming nodded.

Later, Shi Ming walked up to the man and asked him, "What do you usually do?"

"It's just doing the work in the ground, and then in the nearby villages, who builds a house, I will help and do some chores." The man answered very sincerely.

"You come to the construction site tomorrow. If you do well in these two days, I will let you do it for a long time until our project is over," Shi Ming said. This person has no professional skills, but the hard work on the construction site, It shouldn’t be a problem for him to do things, so as long as he works hard, he can be allowed to do it for a long time. "The salary is in accordance with our official construction worker regulations."

After the man heard this, his eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't even speak.

The peasant woman beside her smiled happily.

My man has a job, and it's still long-term.

"Why? Any comments?" Shi Ming asked.

The man hurriedly recovered and immediately replied, "No, no."

"Then see you at the construction site tomorrow." Shi Ming said.

"Good, good," the man said politely.

Shi Ming turned around and walked to Chief Long.

Long Yixi had also heard their conversation just now. At the same time when Shi Ming came over, Long Yixi also walked to the car not far away.

Shi Ming drove in the direction of the city.

Long Yixi sat in the back row, holding He Xiaomei in his arms, keeping his eyes on her.

"If you are tired, I will go to bed." Long Yixi said softly.

He Xiaomei opened her eyes and did not speak.

"Don't be afraid, you are safe with me," Long Yixi said.

He Xiaomei heard what Long Yixi said, although she still didn't speak, her eyes slowly closed.

Seeing her movements, Long Yixi felt relieved, and the strength he held her tightened a little bit.

After a while, Shi Ming asked in a low voice, "Ms. Long, are you going back to the city?"

"Guanshan Villa." Long Yixi replied with a very small voice, afraid of waking the woman in his arms.

"Yeah." Shi Ming knew that Guanshan Villa was President Long's new villa.

After arriving at Guanshan Villa, Long Yixi took He Xiaomei's bag, then hugged her and got out of the car.

Before entering the villa, Long Yixi said to Shiming, "You first drive the car away and arrange for someone to bring it over tomorrow."

There are no other cars stored here, so your own car must be sent back, otherwise it is not convenient to go anywhere.

"Okay, I get it." Shi Ming replied.

Long Yixi walked into the villa holding He Xiaomei, went directly to his room on the second floor, put He Xiaomei on the bed, and whispered, "Xiaomei, let me take off your coat first, eh?"

He Xiaomei heard it, grunted, and did not answer.

Long Yixi moved very lightly. After taking off He Xiaomei's coat, he did nothing more. He helped her to lie on the bed, let her sleep, and covered her with a quilt.

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