Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1133: He gave himself a home?

Long Yixi went to wash, changed her pajamas, then lay down beside her, stretched out his hands to embrace her, and looked at her sleeping in his arms.

Today, fortunately, she did not have an accident, and promised herself that such things would never happen again.

Also, I am very satisfied with the "your wife" that the rural man said.

"Xiaomei," Long Yixi whispered, "In fact, when I was in elementary school, I already had a wife in my heart. It's you, and you are my wife."

Long Yixi leaned forward, kissed He Xiaomei on the forehead, and then went to bed with her.

The next day, in the morning, Shi Ming arranged for someone to bring the car to Guanshan Villa. He hurried to the construction site, because there were still many things to deal with on the construction site, such as the work arrangements of those coolie workers, such as the opening of the whole group. At the meeting, tell everyone their respective responsibilities and who the boss is to follow the work arrangement

In Guanshan Villa, He Xiaomei woke up naturally when she slept, and what she saw was a strange picture.

He Xiaomei blinked a few times, looked at the ceiling, a little strange, and then looked around, all strange.

Where is this? Whose room is this?

He Xiaomei couldn’t guess, she gradually remembered what happened yesterday. She was in a village near the construction site last night, and then in the middle of the night.

He Xiaomei remembered the panic scene. Later, she hid in the cabinet and heard movement and sounds outside. Later, someone opened the cabinet and she was scared and cried, but that person, he hugged herself. He didn't break free in the end.

That person seems to be Long Yixi.

He Xiaomei was not very sure. When he was about to think about what happened last night again, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

Long Yixi walked in, still carrying a bowl of porridge in his hand.

He Xiaomei looked at the door. When he saw Long Yixi, He Xiaomei immediately sat up from the bed, looked at Long Yixi vigilantly, and held the quilt with both hands.

Long Yixi saw the nervousness on He Xiaomei's expression, but did not speak.

Long Yixi walked over, sat down by the bed, reached out and put the small bowl in his hand on the table aside, then looked at He Xiaomei and said, "Come here."

After speaking, Long Yixi stretched out a hand to signal He Xiaomei to come to him.

He Xiaomei sat there without moving, and didn't mean to go there.

"Want me to take the initiative?" Long Yixi asked. He was obviously not very satisfied with this woman's disobedience.

He Xiaomei did not answer or move, but asked Long Yixi, "Where is this?"

"My house." Long Yixi replied.

Immediately, He Xiaomei was taken aback and looked at Long Yixi with her eyes wide open, feeling more nervous in her heart.

This is his home? Is it his and Pei Jiale's home? What about Pei Jiale? And Long Yixi's mother, are they all in this home?

Long Yixi saw He Xiaomei's more nervous look and knew what she was thinking, but he didn't explain, just looking at He Xiaomei like this.

He Xiaomei was embarrassed by Long Yixi's gaze, and then asked Long Yixi unnaturally, "This is your new home with Pei Jiale?"

"No," Long Yixi replied. This is her new home, not Pei Jiale's. "This is my home and it has nothing to do with her."

"Then she said." When He Xiaomei was about to say what Pei Jiale told her, something suddenly occurred to her, and she immediately stopped saying what she was going to say.

auzw.com "What did Pei Jiale say?" Long Yixi had obviously guessed it and asked He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi's expression on her face, she didn't dare not say anything, she could only truthfully tell Pei Jiale about Long Yixi's buying a house for Pei Jiale, and did not say much else.

After Long Yixi heard it, he was not surprised at all. Yesterday Pei Jiale could go to the construction site to arrange like that, and he must have gone to He Xiaomei to have a good time. He was not surprised to say this.

"If I give you this home, do you want it?" Long Yixi asked.

This villa can be given to her by herself or she is willing to give it to her, as long as she is willing to ask for it and accept it.

However, He Xiaomei didn't think too much, she immediately shook her head and replied, "No."

Long Yixi frowned and asked He Xiaomei, "Why?"

He Xiaomei was emotionally restrained, behaved calmly, and replied, "Because there is no such if."

He and Pei Jiale are going to get engaged, and they will get married in the future, how could there be such a situation?

He gave himself a home? is it possible?

He gave himself a mansion? Why should he give himself a mansion?

So there is no such if, I would not want it.

Long Yixi also knew in her heart that there was indeed no such if. Now the facts, He Xiaomei knew it in her heart, and she knew it better, so this would make He Xiaomei an answer in the face of reality when she rejected her.

Long Yixi didn't ask any more, just said to He Xiaomei, "Sit here."

He Xiaomei couldn't guess what Long Yixi was thinking, but this time without too much hesitation, she slowly moved her lower body and moved closer to Long Yixi.

He Xiaomei knew that if she didn't get close to Long Yixi, he would definitely do it himself and pull herself over.

Instead of letting him pull himself over, it is better to listen to him and take the initiative to pass. Anyway, he should not eat himself.

Long Yixi waited until He Xiaomei moved over and sat next to him, Long Yixi stretched out one hand, encircled He Xiaomei, and reached out with the other hand, holding the bowl and chopsticks, preparing to feed He Xiaomei porridge.

He Xiaomei always had an indifferent expression, trying not to look at Long Yixi.

Long Yixi used a spoon to feed He Xiaomei the porridge, but Long Yixi put the spoon next to He Xiaomei's mouth, but she did not open her mouth.

He Xiaomei didn't eat, and didn't look at Long Yixi, and refused Long Yixi with her own actions.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?" Long Yixi asked, and then said, "Then I will feed you in another way."

This woman, being gentle and good to her, she doesn't accept it. Does she have to let herself use other domineering methods to her?

He Xiaomei moved her body and her head, looking at Long Yixi.

Seeing these changes in He Xiaomei, Long Yixi originally planned to use other methods. This would not be impulsive, and the spoon in her hand moved closer to her mouth to feed her porridge.

He Xiaomei slowly opened her mouth, drinking porridge with Long Yixi.

Long Yixi was satisfied with He Xiaomei's performance, and continued to feed her and drank the porridge in the bowl.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi's movements and felt her stomach fill up little by little, and her heart throbbed.

This man is gentle at the moment, and his heart is messed up again, but he knows that he is about to get engaged and will get married soon in the future. Even if he treats himself so well, he does not belong to him at all.

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