Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1134: Just care about her

After drinking the porridge, He Xiaomei's mood was better than before, and her inner independence was a little bit more independent. After He Xiaomei got out of bed, she put on her shoes, tidyed up her clothes, and then said to Long Yixi, "I want Gone, thank you for what happened last night."

When He Xiaomei was about to leave, Long Yixi's expression instantly changed and was very gloomy.

But before Long Yixi said anything, he saw He Xiaomei turning around and walking towards the door.

Long Yixi got excited, stood up immediately, strode forward, grabbed He Xiaomei's arm, and then slammed her into his arms, then came around with his other hand and hugged her.

Want to go? How could it be so easy?

Contained by Long Yixi, He Xiaomei struggled in Long Yixi's arms, "Long Yixi, you let me go."

"Don't let it go," Long Yixi replied angrily, and then said, "Today, take it here obediently, and you are not allowed to go anywhere without my permission."

"You" He Xiaomei stared at Long Yixi with anger, but she knew in her heart that Long Yixi didn't want to let her go, and she couldn't do without here.

"Have you heard?" Long Yixi asked again.

He Xiaomei didn't struggle for long, and she had no strength on her body. Knowing that it would be useless to continue to struggle, He Xiaomei could only give up slowly and stop struggling.

Long Yixi did not hear He Xiaomei's answer, and said again, "Answer me."

"Well," He Xiaomei answered, speaking softly, "I'm not leaving."

Against this man, he would definitely lose without any certainty, so let's listen to him, don't leave, just stay in this home today.

Anyway, there will be no Pei Jiale here, and I don't feel irritable.

After hearing He Xiaomei’s answer, Long Yixi released her hand a little when she was satisfied, but she reminded her, “The door on the first floor is locked. You can’t get out without my fingerprints.”

He Xiaomei was shocked for a few seconds, glanced at Long Yixi, but in the end she said nothing.

Long Yixi continued, "wash first, and wait to take you downstairs."

He Xiaomei only realized that when she drank the porridge, she didn’t even brush her teeth, but the hot porridge was

He Xiaomei asked Long Yixi, "Do you have a nanny at home?"

"No." Long Yixi replied.

"" He Xiaomei was taken aback and asked again, "The porridge just now"

At first, Long Yixi didn't know why He Xiaomei asked if she had a babysitter. This would understand. For He Xiaomei's question, she was not easy to answer.

"Go wash." After speaking, Long Yixi took He Xiaomei's arm and walked to the bathroom.

He Xiaomei followed Long Yixi and looked at his profile, feeling unspeakable in her heart.

He cooked porridge for himself, and took care of himself after drinking it. Such treatment would make him false.

In a better mood, He Xiaomei followed Long Yixi into the bathroom. The toiletries in it were actually in pairs, just one set, which seemed to be used by Long Yixi normally, and the other set was new.

"You use a new one." Long Yixi said. He bought a new set in the supermarket before, and originally planned to put it in the bathroom casually. After using it for a long time, he replaced it directly, but he did not expect to use it for this woman now. .

auzw.com But I am very happy to use it for her, I am willing to one hundred.

"Oh." He Xiaomei answered, and then washed.

After washing up, Long Yixi pulled He Xiaomei downstairs. He Xiaomei asked Long Yixi when he went downstairs, "I will pay back over the construction site."

Before He Xiaomei finished her words, she was interrupted by Long Yixi, "Shiming will take care of it."

After speaking, Long Yixi glanced at He Xiaomei next to him, and said, "Don't make the idea of ​​going to the construction site. You'd better remember what I said just now."

He Xiaomei pursed her lips and said nothing.

Therefore, the two stayed at home in the morning. At noon, He Xiaomei wanted to cook with the ingredients in the refrigerator. Long Yixi did not allow him to hold her and sit in the living room, with one hand around her waist and confinement. With her other hand, she took out her mobile phone and called for takeaway.

Lunch was resolved, Long Yixi asked He Xiaomei, "Go upstairs to lunch?"

He Xiaomei shook her head, "I don't want to sleep."

Long Yixi did not ask any more, holding He Xiaomei in his arms, and continued to watch TV.

As long as this woman is by her side, she is satisfied in her heart.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Shi Ming came to the villa and reported to Mr. Long. He Xiaomei was also listening.

"Mr. Long, the temporary workers on the construction site have been arranged, and everything is going on normally," Shi Ming reported, "Designer He is not in a hurry for his recent work. You can delay it for a few days."

"I haven't finished my work yet, I" He Xiaomei was anxious to say her own thoughts, but halfway through, seeing Long Yixi's deep eyes staring at her, she was a little scared, so she didn't dare to go on.

"Work is so important to you?" Long Yixi asked in a bad tone.

He Xiaomei wanted to answer, but she didn't dare to worry about her answer, which angered Long Yixi.

This man's temper is becoming more and more incomprehensible now, and it is still very poor, he is angry at every turn, and he dare not challenge his temper.

Long Yixi waited for a while, and saw that He Xiaomei didn't mean to speak, and looked back at Shiming.

"She will be treated as leave for these two days, and she will go to work at ae the day after tomorrow, and she won't have to go to work at the construction site in the future. She will only go during the day and come back on the same day," Long Yixi ordered, "Her office keeps things in the dormitory, You take someone to organize it yourself, pack it up and send it here."

Put her in the danger like last night once, and I won't let her experience it again, so in the future, she doesn't have to live in such a difficult environment.

The thoughts of wanting to avenge her and hurt her before are now gone, and some just care about her.

"Okay, Mr. Long." Shi Ming replied.

"She is in ae's office, treated according to the manager's level, arranged an independent office, the work is directly arranged by me." Long Yixi said.


He Xiaomei listened, thanking Long Yixi for such an arrangement, but

"Assistant Shi," He Xiaomei said to Shi Ming, "I can't help but arrange the things on my construction site and send them to my house. You pack the things and deliver them to the door of my house, when I get home. , I will clean up and move into the room."

I don’t have many things on the construction site, and the security in my own community is very good. The neighbors around are of high quality. There are also cameras in the corridors. Things are delivered to the door of the house and will not be lost.

"This" Shi Ming didn't dare to answer directly. He looked at President Long and wanted to hear what he meant.

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