Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1146: Just say this time

Knowing that Long Yixi was angry, He Xiaomei deliberately continued, "Yes, I really enjoy it. I can't drive yet. Chenyu and Qin Yan are vying to take me to and from work. There is also a self-loving person, too. Thought."

Naturally, Long Yixi knew very well that the self-sufficient person in He Xiaomei's mouth was herself, because she also said this today to take her to and from get off work.

"He Xiaomei." Long Yixi gritted his teeth and called out He Xiaomei's name.

He Xiaomei was a little irritable in her mind, and said, "If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up first. You can rest early."

"Try it if you hang up," Long Yixi was irritable. "Your door lock will break in a minute."

""He Xiaomei didn't hang up, she didn't dare to hang up, and what did he mean when he said the latter sentence?

Long Yixi waited for a while, but didn't hear He Xiaomei's answer, her tone was reduced, and she continued, "Come downstairs, I'll give you five minutes."

He Xiaomei was taken aback for a moment, and then realized in her mind, and asked, "Are you downstairs in my house?"

Long Yixi did not answer, only said, "You still have four minutes and fifty seconds."

After speaking, Long Yixi hung up the phone.

After He Xiaomei put away the phone, she thought about it, in fact, she wanted to see Long Yixi a little bit in her heart.

Maybe it’s because at night, my heart has calmed down, unlike when I was in the company during the day, I was worried about work. This would be the things I can think of. The only people I can think of are Long Yixi and things related to him. .

He Xiaomei didn't linger, quickly sorted out her clothes, just like this, wearing house clothes, holding the keys, and without even the mobile phone, went downstairs.

Long Yixi stood by his car, waiting patiently. When he saw a figure coming out of the building, Long Yixi was delighted, but then his face turned black.

This woman, dressed like this and ran down? Doesn't she know that the wind at night is cold?

With a gloomy face, Long Yixi strode forward suddenly.

When He Xiaomei originally walked in front of Long Yixi, she saw Long Yixi walking in front of her. He Xiaomei stopped and looked at Long Yixi's face.

When Long Yixi walked in front of He Xiaomei, he pulled her arm and walked into the building without saying a word.

"Long Yixi, what are you doing?" He Xiaomei didn't understand Long Yixi and what did he walk into the building? Asked hurriedly.

Long Yixi didn't answer her at all, just dragged her into the building.

He Xiaomei had no choice but to be dragged away by him.

Originally, He Xiaomei guessed that Long Yixi was going to her home, but unexpectedly, after walking into the building, Long Yixi went to the stairwell instead of going to the elevator.

There was a safety door in the stairwell, and when the two entered the stairwell, the door closed.

Long Yixi stopped and pressed He Xiaomei to the wall.

He Xiaomei leaned her back against the wall and looked at Long Yixi. When she was about to speak, before she could say it, her lips were sealed by Long Yixi.

Long Yixi kissed her for a long time before letting go of her.

The two adjusted their breaths, and Long Yixi felt somewhat satisfied because of the kiss just now, and this would not be as angry as before.

"Wear so little, don't you know it's cold outside?" Long Yixi asked, staring at her with deep eyes.

auzw.comHer eyes have always been beautiful, very beautiful, clear eyes, long eyelashes, without any cosmetic modification, really beautiful.

Only then did He Xiaomei realize that his actions just now, and his anger, were all because of wearing less clothes?

He Xiaomei lowered her head and looked at her clothes. It was indeed a bit thin, but just now, she didn't feel cold.

She wanted to refute in her heart, but He Xiaomei did not dare to refute in front of Long Yixi. If she refuted, his overbearing temper would definitely be stronger than herself.

He Xiaomei raised her head and looked at Long Yixi, but did not speak.

"Is it cold now?" Long Yixi asked.

He Xiaomei shook her head, and then asked him, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see if there are any men in your family." Long Yixi replied.

He Xiaomei suddenly felt a little funny, and then said, "Then have you seen a man?"

Long Yixi stared at He Xiaomei without speaking. Actually, I just wanted to see her. I knew that Chenyu would not pester her, so Chenyu could not go to her house. I just learned that she was talking on the phone with Qin Yan, and I was sure of Qin Yan. Not here, so

"Is the kiss I just kissed too light, or else I'll do something else?" Long Yixi reached out with one hand while speaking, and directly hooked her into his arms.

He Xiaomei immediately became nervous, trying to push Long Yixi with both hands, but it was obviously too late.

"Long Yixi, you are not allowed to mess around." He Xiaomei said.

Long Yixi hugged her, looked at her closely, and could feel her rapid breathing. Similarly, He Xiaomei could also feel the heat of Long Yixi pounce on her face.

The two stayed quietly like this, looking at each other by the faint light shining from outside the window, because the light in the stairwell was voice-activated, which would have already gone out.

"Xiaomei." Long Yixi suddenly called out softly.

He Xiaomei's heart was startled, and her whole heart softened instantly, and the love in her heart burst out, and she answered, "Yes."

"Whether it's Qin Yan or Chenyu, don't get them too close, I will care," Long Yixi said, her tone of voice has always been very gentle, "I've said these before."

He Xiaomei knew it in her heart, but she thought about his upcoming engagement.

"You are about to get engaged, what are you going to do with me?" He Xiaomei said, because Long Yixi's voice was gentle, her tone was also much gentler.

The two would be talking peacefully.

Hearing He Xiaomei’s question, Long Yixi tightened his breath for a few minutes, took a deep breath, did not answer her, but asked her, “If I’m not engaged, can I take care of you?”

As long as she says yes, she can immediately cancel the engagement.

It’s just an engagement, and I didn’t have any interest in it. If I hadn’t agreed to my mother, there would be no engagement at all, at least not yet.

"No," He Xiaomei replied, and then said, "The person you love is Pei Jiale. Even if you want to take care of Pei Jiale, why do you care about me?"

Even if he is not engaged, he can't take care of himself.

The relationship between himself and him is no longer a boyfriend’s friend, and there are also his father’s affairs. He and himself will never be together, so how come they talk about who cares about whom?

"Xiaomei," Long Yixi suddenly held He Xiaomei's face in both hands, and said seriously, "I only said this time, listen carefully."

He Xiaomei was nervous in her heart, but worked very hard and listened very carefully.

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