Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1147: He is his own sense of security

"Pei Jiale, I have never loved her before. My family had an accident. My mother and Uncle Pei kept in touch. Later, Pei Jiale came to me. I was always bored with her, but there was no way. My mother agreed that Pei Jiale would study with me, so "

"She has been by my side all these years," Long Yixi paused and continued, "I admit that I don't hate her as much as I did when I was in school, because I get along with her and know what kind of person she is. I don’t care anymore, so I don’t want to hate it.

"But speaking of other feelings, I have never had it. I can't be tempted by her, and I will never fall in love with her."

Hearing this, He Xiaomei's heart throbbed more, all kinds of emotions poured out, He Xiaomei was a little messy.

Long Yixi continued, "My mother and my aunt announced the engagement to the media. I only found out afterwards, but I promised my mother one thing."

He Xiaomei had already guessed this, and then Long Yixi said, "Your mother won't let you meet me?"

"Well," Long Yixi replied, "but I didn't do it. We all know what we are like."

He Xiaomei took a deep breath, drove away the mess in her mind, and said rationally, "Long Yixi, you and I know it too, because of your father's affairs, we can't be together, we have no future."

When he said these words, He Xiaomei’s heart almost collapsed. She loved him and the man in front of her, but she couldn’t say it, and it was impossible to say it. Saying it would become a burden on each other’s hearts, because reality is cruel. You and him will never be together.

Long Yixi also knew this fact, but now, she didn't want to care about it.

"Xiaomei, let me ask you, what do you think of me? Do you still love me?" Long Yixi asked seriously.

As long as she said love, she could not care about everything, even her father's affairs.

I can't hate her for coming, I can't hate it at all, because I really love her.

As long as her heart hasn’t changed, she will stay with her. Mother and aunt can handle it by herself. Even if her mother doesn’t agree to be with her all her life, she will stay with her. Apologize more to my mother.

I only want the thoughts in her heart now, and at this moment, I also know the thoughts in my heart, my own life, without her, every day, every minute, every second, is suffering.

"I" He Xiaomei couldn't answer.

Don't know if you want to tell the truth or tell lies?

"Xiaomei," Long Yixi took a hand away from her cheek, took her hand and placed it on her chest, and said seriously, "I have you, and always have it."

"I did hate you once, but I love too much, and I drove out all the hate. Now here, there is only full of love."

He Xiaomei couldn't help it anymore, and cried, tears streaming from her eyes like lines.

Every day eight years ago, whether it was pure friendship or ignorant love, he was taking the initiative, but when meeting eight years later, he had always cringed, only when he left Guanshan that day, he took the initiative to kiss Up him.

"Xiaomei" Long Yixi whispered again.

"Yixi, I love you," He Xiaomei finally cried out, released her inner love, and said all the things in her heart, "I have always loved you, eight years ago, and now. "


"But because of your father, I know you hate me, and I know we can't be together, so I" He Xiaomei was not finished, but Long Yixi went straight forward and sealed her lips. Blocked her words.

But Long Yixi didn't want to keep kissing her, just after kissing for a few seconds, he let go of her and stretched out his hand to wipe her tears.

"Don't cry, be good." Long Yixi comforted her, her voice was very soft, and her movements were even more gentle.

He Xiaomei nodded, gradually controlled her emotions, and stopped her tears little by little.

After Long Yixi waited for He Xiaomei to stop crying, he hugged her tightly in her arms, lay in her ear and said, "Wait go upstairs and get things."

"What is it?" He Xiaomei was puzzled and asked.

"Household necessities and clothes," Long Yixi replied, "come back to Guanshan with me to live."

He Xiaomei was shocked and wanted to push Long Yixi away, looking at his eyes to speak, but Long Yixi was too strong to push away.

"Long Yixi, I'm going to live there, your mother and Pei Jiale" He Xiaomei heard Long Yixi say before she finished.

"What do they do? You live with me, we live together, Guanshan is our home, what do you care about others?" Long Yixi said, but his tone was not tough at all, and he didn't mean to blame He Xiaomei. , Continue to say, "Xiaomei, stay there with me, I will take care of other things."

"But" He Xiaomei was still worried.

"Nothing," Long Yixi replied first, "All the keys to Guanshan are in my hands. My mother doesn't have them. Besides, no third person knows the password for the door lock at home, so don't worry. Even if my mother and my aunt know about it when we live, it will not affect our lives."

"Then Pei Jiale" He Xiaomei asked.

"What is she?" Long Yixi asked back.

"The news of your engagement has been released." He Xiaomei said.

"I will solve these problems, don't worry," Long Yixi said, a little helpless. This woman has so many problems, but she doesn't mean to be bored at all. Then she said patiently, "Xiaomei, since I want to live with you, I will definitely handle everything, so don't think too much, you know?"

"Yeah." He Xiaomei finally felt relieved.

In fact, he is at ease with him. Eight years ago, with him by his side, he was not afraid of anything, because he was his own protective umbrella. Now, he is his own sense of security.

After hugging for a long time, Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei. The two walked out of the stairwell and went upstairs. He Xiaomei packed her things, and Long Yixi helped.

The two were busy for more than half an hour before leaving from He Xiaomei's apartment. Long Yixi drove the car and the two went to Guanshan Villa.

When he came to Guanshan Villa, He Xiaomei was not unfamiliar with it. Seeing Long Yixi moved her own things into his room, He Xiaomei didn't have any comments, and went to the room to put all her things one by one.

After everything was cleaned up, it was already ten o'clock, Long Yixi said to He Xiaomei, "Let's take a bath together."

"I've already washed it, so go take a bath," He Xiaomei said.

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