Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1149: Why do I... have a son like you?

"Aunt, there is something wrong, but I can tell my mother, anyway, my mother will know, you and my uncle will know too." Long Yixi said, the engagement with Pei Jiale should be with his mother. Aunt and uncle talked about it.

This time, I will be an unfilial son, violating what I promised my mother before, but I don’t regret it at all.

For Xiaomei, for her beloved woman, no matter what she does, she will not regret it.

After listening to Long Keyi, she couldn't guess what his nephew had to say, but just like what the nephew said, he and his sister-in-law are fine. Anyway, the family can't hold back anything, and Yixi didn't intend to. Self and Ning Wei.

"Okay, then you go home and talk to your mother first, and then ask your mother when I and your uncle go home tonight."


After hanging up the phone, Long Yixi speeded up and drove in the direction of Ning's Villa.

At Ning’s Villa, He Mei is alone at home, watering the flowers in the yard at the moment.

When he heard the sound of cars approaching, He Mei was startled, not sure about her state. When she turned to look around, she saw her son's car driving into the yard.

He Mei suddenly smiled, put down the watering can in her hand, and hurried forward, "Yixi."

As soon as Long Yixi got out of the car, he heard his mother's voice, looked at her mother, and cried, "Mom."

"Why are you coming home? Don't you go to the company today?" He Mei asked her son with a smile.

Long Yixi did not answer immediately, until he approached and stood in front of her mother, Long Yixi said to her mother seriously, "Mom, I have something to talk to you."

Seeing her son's serious look, He Mei couldn't guess what was going on, but she also raised her emotions a little bit and nodded, "Oh, well, let's go in and talk."

Long Yixi then went into the house with his mother, and the two sat down in the living room.

"Yixi, what do you want to talk about?" He Mei asked her son.

Long Yixi did not answer immediately, and was silent for a while, before looking at his mother, and said seriously, "Mom, I'm sorry, what I promised you before may not be possible."

He Mei's expression changed, and she did not speak, waiting for her son to continue.

"I and Jiale can't get engaged, let alone get married, so I want to cancel the previously announced engagement news." Long Yixi also went straight into the subject and said to her mother without any circumstance.

He Mei's face changed suddenly, and he looked at his son and said, "Yixi, how can you do this? You promised me before, we said yes, what are you doing now"

He Mei was so angry that she couldn't speak, her breathing was short.

"I'm sorry, mom." Long Yixi said, thinking of He Xiaomei in his heart at this moment, and his inner capacity is very strong.

auzw.com" I don’t want you to say sorry, I’ll tell you, I don’t agree, the marriage between you and Jiale cannot be cancelled. The engagement ceremony will not be cancelled, nor will the subsequent wedding ceremony Cancel." He Mei said firmly.

After He Mei finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked her son, "Did He Xiaomei look for you? She asked you to do this?"

"No, these have nothing to do with Xiaomei, they are all my thoughts." Long Yixi replied.

"Xiaomei?" He Mei repeated, "It's so kind, are you together?"

He Mei stood up immediately and asked her son again, "Yixi, are you together?"

"Yes," Long Yixi did not intend to lie to her mother, and continued, "I love her, I want to be with her."

"You" He Mei was suddenly dizzy with anger, and immediately stretched out her hand to support her forehead.

Seeing his mother doing this, Long Yixi hurriedly stood up and asked worriedly, "Mom, how are you doing?"

"I'm not good, I'm almost mad at you," He Mei said, sat down again, and said to her son sternly this time, "I tell you, you never want to cancel this engagement ceremony, your engagement ceremony, I Both your aunt and your uncle have already begun preparations, and Jiale's family will come to Wangcheng some time later, so the engagement can't be cancelled."

"Mom, I don't love Jiale, you know that," Long Yixi argued with his mother, "and the engagement ceremony is my engagement ceremony, why can't I cancel it?"

"What do you want to do after canceling? Marry He Xiaomei? Long Yixi, do you think I will agree? Will your father's spirit in the sky agree?" He Mei was also unstable, looking at her son angrily and asked.

Long Yixi did not speak immediately. He paused for a while before saying, "In my heart, I just want to cancel this ridiculous engagement ceremony first."

As for marrying Xiaomei, that is certain. One day in the future, I will make her the most beautiful bride in the world and my wife, but these are not suitable for telling her mother.

"Ridiculous? You forget your father's death and staying with the enemy of our Long family. This is ridiculous, even unfilial, do you know?" He Mei said, "How can you be worthy of your dad like this?"

Long Yixi did not speak, and when he mentioned his father's affairs, he was indeed a little uncomfortable, but at this moment, his thoughts about being together with Xiaomei have not changed at all, nor will it change.

I now recognize my heart, and I will be with Xiaomei in my life.

He Mei waited for a while, but did not hear her son’s answer. Suddenly, her voice was a little hoarse, crying, and continued, “Your father’s matter is the biggest blow to our family. Since your father left, our family lives What kind of life you should be as clear as I am."

"Because of your dad's accident, our Long family has fallen. We can't do anything to He Xiaomei, let alone fight against the He family. But Yixi, how can you forget these things?" He Mei cried and asked her son. The person who was in the accident was your father, my husband, and the pillar of our Long Family. Even if you love He Xiaomei in your heart, you should know very well that you and her will never be possible."

Looking at the emotional excitement of his mother, Long Yixi didn't immediately say what he wanted to refute.

Waiting for his mother to feel better, Long Yixi said, "Mom, you have said these words many times in the past eight years, and I remember them in my heart."

"But you also know that my dad had an accident in the first place. If there was no Xiaomei, my dad would do it too." Long Yixi didn't say anything afterwards, and said beyond this sentence, "My dad kept secrets from us and did those things. , He has already anticipated his consequences, isn't it?"

He Mei was unwilling to admit this fact, suddenly pointed a hand at her son and said, "Are you, are you pleading for He Xiaomei? Do you want to clear up He Xiaomei's mistakes back then?"

"You, you, why do I have a son like you?" He Mei said, suddenly she couldn't breathe well, and she leaned back on the sofa.

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