Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1150: Doesn’t seem to be engaged yet?

Long Yixi panicked instantly when he saw his mother doing this.

"Mom, mom" Long Yixi hurried forward to help her mother.

The nanny at home also saw this meeting, and came over one after another, looking at his wife worriedly.

"Water, pour a glass of water." Long Yixi hurriedly urged the nanny.

After the babysitter poured the water, Long Yixi helped her mother and fed her water. Seeing her mother like this, Long Yixi's heart softened again, and she was extremely suffering.

I never wanted to hurt my mother, never, but

He Mei drank some water, and when she got better, she slowly straightened up.

"Yixi, let me tell you," He Mei said to her son again, "the 28th is not far away. You will start preparing for the engagement next week. Other arrangements will be made by your aunt and I. The engagement ceremony cannot be cancelled. ."

"I don't agree," Long Yixi replied. Although her heart was softened because of her mother's situation, the one who had promised Xiaomei would never break her promise. In order to stop hurting her mother, she had no choice but to "Mom, what I can do." The biggest concession is to postpone the engagement. The time is currently to be determined. I will decide the specifics."

This, I just thought of the best way to take a step back.

Postpone the engagement, the time is uncertain, so that what happens afterwards, everyone can't predict, but what I can be sure is that I will definitely not be engaged to Pei Jiale.

If there is an engagement day in the future, then his fiancée is definitely Xiao Mei, not her Pei Jiale.

"Yixi, you" He Mei wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by her son without saying a few words.

"Mom, you must listen to me about this matter, because it is my engagement ceremony. If you insist on going on, even if I can't do anything, but if I don't attend the engagement ceremony that day, you know what will happen." Long Yixi's tone was not so tough, but what he said was obviously against his mother and could be regarded as a threat to her.

In fact, this method is the worst method in the end, because if you do not attend, you will lose the reputation of the Ning family and the Long family, as well as the reputation of Ae, but if this day comes, you will definitely do it.

"He Mei suddenly couldn't speak, what he wanted to say before, this meeting also couldn't speak.

Long Yixi intends to indulge once, this time he will be an unfilial son, and he will be an impolite child once.

Long Yixi stood up, and before leaving, he continued to say to his mother, "In an hour, I will let Shi Ming send a message to the media. The engagement ceremony will be postponed. The specific time is to be determined. My aunt and uncle, please explain to them. Now, Jia Le and Pei’s family don’t care. Our Long family doesn’t owe them anything. They know what the latest news means, and we don’t need to explain it."

"If Uncle Pei has an opinion, I will call him to explain it myself." Long Yixi finished speaking, looking at his mother.

After a pause, Long Yixi changed the subject and said, "Mom, what happened to my dad is actually very clear to you, but you only believe that Xiaomei did something wrong. I hope your heart will change like this. Thoughts."

I ask my mother not to hate Xiaomei. It should be impossible now. I just hope that her mother can slowly change her mind. When she becomes more balanced, then I will talk to her about her marriage with Xiaomei. The time should come. It won't be bad.

"Also," Long Yixi said again, "marriage is my own business. I hope that these powers are more determined by me. After all, these directly affect my future life."

auzw.com "Mom, I'm sorry, if I promised you before, I will break my promise." After speaking, Long Yixi turned and left.

He Mei looked at her son's back, even if she wanted to refute, she had nothing to say.

He has made this decision, and he is still very determined. What can he do?

After Long Yixi left the Ning’s villa, he called Shi Ming and asked him to start contacting the media to announce his cancellation of his engagement.

After the phone call, Long Yixi glanced at the time, it was still early, so he went to ae now, and there is no need to call Xiaomei to talk about it, anyway, he can have dinner together at noon.

At this time, the ae group, Pei Jiale was in the office, listening to a little administrative girl reporting that He Xiaomei came to work at ae, and she was still receiving special treatment at the manager level. Pei Jiale had already panicked.

"Hmph, a shameless slut, unexpectedly came to ae." Pei Jiale said angrily.

The little administrative girl heard Pei Jiale scold He Xiaomei and did not speak, but she was a little worried, wondering what Pei Jiale would do? After all, she is President Long's fiancée, and she still has some power in the company.

After Pei Jiale cursed a few more words, then suddenly stood up and said, "No, I'm going to find He Xiaomei."

The little administrative girl was taken aback, and when the reaction came to her mind, Pei Jiale had already walked to the door of the office.

Pei Jiale left his office and went to He Xiaomei's office. Without knocking the door, he pushed the door and walked in.

He Xiaomei was looking at the file and heard the door open and someone came in. She was surprised and looked up at the door.

When he saw Pei Jiale, He Xiaomei was only slightly startled for a few seconds. She was not particularly surprised by Pei Jiale's arrival. After accepting it in her heart, the emotions on her face calmed down.

"He Xiaomei, do you have the face to stay here?" Pei Jiale walked in and asked fiercely.

He Xiaomei closed the document, stood up, and answered Pei Jiale, "Why can't I stay here? Runcheng cooperates with ae, I am the person in charge, and it is normal to work in ae."

"Normal? You deliberately want to stay next to Yixi, using work as an excuse. How can you speak the word normal?" Pei Jiale asked again.

He Xiaomei knew that Pei Jiale was here to look for something, think about it, didn't plan to pay attention to Pei Jiale, and said, "Pei Jiale, if it's okay, please go out, I still have to work now."

"He Xiaomei, what qualifications do you have to command me?" Pei Jiale walked toward He Xiaomei again, "In ae, in my turf, how can you allow you to be presumptuous?"

"It doesn't seem to be your site, right?" He Xiaomei said, not afraid of Pei Jiale at all.

"Yixi's site is my site, He Xiaomei, Yixi and I are about to get engaged. We are a family." Pei Jiale said.

"It's about to get engaged, so it seems that you haven't got engaged yet?" He Xiaomei felt a little uncomfortable, especially when she heard the word engagement, but on the surface she appeared very calm.

"You" Pei Jiale was speechless, and suddenly became even more angry.

"He Xiaomei, I am going to teach you a **** today" Pei Jiale raised his hand as he said, and was about to hit He Xiaomei.

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