Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1152: Have you looked at me like this for a long time?

Pei Jiale staggered and stood up, then simply sorted out his clothes, then found his bag and mobile phone, picked it up, and hurried out of the office.

Long Yixi and He Xiaomei worked until noon, and they read all these documents. He Xiaomei also reported to Long Yixi. Long Yixi confirmed that there was no problem and signed.

After leaving the office, Long Yixi and He Xiaomei walked into the elevator, and Long Yixi directly pressed the button on the second basement floor.

He Xiaomei was a little confused, didn't he go to eat? Why are you going to the parking lot?

"Yixi." He Xiaomei whispered because there were other colleagues in the elevator.

"Huh?" Long Yixi replied and moved closer to He Xiaomei.

"Aren't we going to eat? How to get to the parking lot?"

"It's going to eat," Long Yixi said. "That restaurant is some distance away from the company. Let's drive over."

"No, just eat something near the company."

"Lunch must be exquisite, not casually eaten." Although Long Yixi was retorting He Xiaomei's words, he spoke softly, so he didn't feel angry when he heard it.

In the end, He Xiaomei didn't speak, and she acquiesced to Long Yixi's idea.

In fact, sometimes he can't stop what he wants to do.

When they came to the underground parking lot, the two got in the car. Long Yixi drove the car and took He Xiaomei to eat a delicious meal.

The work in the afternoon was still very smooth, whether it was the mood and attitude of Long Yixi and He Xiaomei, or the atmosphere of the entire ae office, it was very good.

In the evening, after He Xiaomei and Long Yixi had dinner, as soon as they sat down in the living room, He Xiaomei's cell phone rang and it was Qin Yan's call.

He Xiaomei wanted to avoid Long Yixi and go to the balcony to answer the phone, but Long Yixi was not allowed to hold He Xiaomei's arm in one hand and said, "Just pick it up here."

Just now I saw that Qin Yan was displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. I originally wanted to seize her mobile phone and hang up Qin Yan’s call, but I was afraid that she would get angry if she did so, so the biggest concession I could make was That's it.

"But" He Xiaomei was a little embarrassed.

"But what? Is there anything I can't hear in your chat?"

He Xiaomei did not answer. In fact, there was nothing he could not hear, but she was worried that he would be angry after hearing it.

He has always cared about Qin Yan. He cared about it eight years ago. Now he is with him again, let alone.

Seeing that He Xiaomei did not answer, Long Yixi said, "If you don't plan to answer, just hang up."

"No, I'll take it."

After He Xiaomei finished speaking, she was connected.

"Xiaomei, are you home yet? What time is it right for me to pick you up tomorrow morning?" Qin Yan asked happily. He had agreed with Xiaomei before, and would pick up Xiaomei for work tomorrow morning.


"Brother Qin Yan, that" He Xiaomei glanced at Long Yixi by her side before continuing, "Tomorrow, and in the future, you don't have to pick me up to work. I live with Long Yixi."

"What?" Qin Yan was obviously frightened, "How could you?"

He Xiaomei didn't intend to hide anything. There was nothing to hide between herself and Long Yixi, and between herself and Qin Yan, she had not concealed anything before.

"Brother Qin Yan, you always know my heart. I want to be with Yixi, so I live at his house. He will take care of me every day and take me to and from get off work." He Xiaomei said.

Qin Yan suddenly thought of the news he saw today. He originally planned to ask her again when he saw Xiaomei tomorrow morning. Now it seems that he can't wait for tomorrow morning.

"You are together, so Long Yixi postponed his engagement ceremony with Pei Jiale?" Qin Yan asked.

He Xiaomei didn't even know about it. She spent the whole day with Long Yixi. She was busy at work and didn't have time to watch the news.

"What postponed the engagement ceremony?" He Xiaomei asked.

After hearing He Xiaomei's words, Long Yixi stretched out his hand instantly, grabbed the phone from He Xiaomei's hand, put it beside her ear, and said into the phone, "Some things have nothing to do with you, and you don't need to ask. "

After speaking, Long Yixi hung up the phone directly.

"You" He Xiaomei had opinions on Long Yixi's actions, but she didn't know what to say.

Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei seriously and knew that she did not know about the news, so she would tell her seriously, "Xiaomei, I asked Shi Ming to release the news to the media. My engagement ceremony with Pei Jiale was postponed. The specific time is to be determined."

Long Yixi continued to explain, "I originally planned to cancel, but my mother's pass has not passed, so the best result I can achieve is to postpone it, and I am not sure of the time."

"Xiaomei, in this way, basically the matter between me and Pei Jiale has no future," Long Yixi said firmly, "After the postponement, no one knows what the future will be, and there is no specific time. This matter will Gradually, it doesn’t exist. From now on, I will be the only one beside me. We live together, and everyone else is a passerby in our lives.

Listening to this, He Xiaomei was also digesting the information little by little.

Such a result, and it came so quickly, I didn't expect it, but it was acceptable.

With such a result, at least when I was with Long Yixi, in the eyes of the outside world, there would be no moral judgments, and I felt more relaxed.

Long Yixi stretched out his hands, took He Xiaomei into his arms, hugged her, and said to her ears, "Xiaomei, I will take care of other things slowly later, stay at my side with peace of mind. ?"

"Well, okay, Long Yixi," He Xiaomei replied, feeling satisfied at the moment, and all thoughts follow her own heart, "I will stay by your side, I will stay with you."


After a while, Long Yixi and He Xiaomei’s lives were very peaceful. Long Yixi did not return to the Ning’s villa. During this time, he did not see his mother and aunt and uncle. He did not know what was going on at home. The engagement was delayed. There was no movement in Bian, and he had never seen Pei Jiale since the company that day, and Long Yixi didn't plan to care about this, because he only cared about one person.

On Saturday morning, Long Yixi and He Xiaomei woke up naturally. He Xiaomei opened his eyes and saw Long Yixi's face at first glance, and he saw that Long Yixi was looking at herself at this moment.

"Yixi." He Xiaomei snorted, her voice still full of sleepiness.

"Yeah." Long Yixi answered, looking at the woman in his arms with tender eyes.

"When did you wake up? Have you been looking at me like this for a long time?" He Xiaomei asked.

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