Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1153: Han Zhen's husband is really not coming?

"No, I just woke up and looked at you like this, not enough."

After Long Yixi answered, he moved forward and dropped a kiss on He Xiaomei's forehead.

He Xiaomei enjoys Long Yixi's kiss, feeling fresher than the air of a new day.

Now that he is with Long Yixi, there is no burden in his heart. He will not be engaged to Pei Jiale, and he does not hate himself in his heart. Even though it was his fault eight years ago, Long Yixi still loves himself, so As a result, I am already very happy, so I must cherish this happiness.

"Are you busy today?" He Xiaomei asked Long Yixi.

"No, today's thing is to be with you at home."

He Xiaomei raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "Then get up first. After we wash up, I will go downstairs to make some breakfast.

"Okay, just simply prepare, don't be too troublesome." Long Yixi didn't want her to be involved.

"Oh, I see."

The two got up and after washing up, He Xiaomei was about to go downstairs to make breakfast, but received a call from Han Zhenzhen.

Seeing He Xiaomei on the phone, Long Yixi motioned to He Xiaomei with his eyes. He went downstairs to make breakfast. After He Xiaomei nodded, he continued to stay in the room to make the phone call.

"Xiaomei, I have already applied to the company for a holiday. If nothing else, I will take Xiaodouzi to see you in the city next week." Han Zhen said happily.

"Okay, you and Xiaodouzi come hurry up, I miss you very much."

When He Xiaomei finished happily, she thought about living with Long Yixi now, Han Zhen really didn't know.

"Well, when my holiday is approved, I booked the ticket and told you the specific time."

"Okay, but it's true, I have one more thing to tell you." He Xiaomei felt a little nervous.

"Well, what's the matter?" Han Zhenzhen listened carefully on the other end of the phone.

"Really, I live with Long Yixi now." He Xiaomei said.

"What?" Han Zhen was obviously surprised, "You live with Long Yixi? Then aren't you?"

"I don't have that with him." He Xiaomei hurriedly explained, I don't know if that will happen afterwards, but at least now, my first time, I haven't lost it yet.

"Don't talk about this," Han Zhen Zhenzhi said hurriedly after returning. He believes that Xiaomei is not so casual. Even if progress is made between her and Long Yixi, it should be done step by step, "Xiaomei, you and Long Yi When Xi is together, does Long Yixi say he loves you? Is he treating you well? Have you talked seriously about his father's and his engagement with Pei Jiale?"

He Xiaomei heard that Han Zhenzhen didn't know about the postponement of Long Yixi's engagement, and then answered Han Zhenzhen's questions one by one, speaking in great detail.

After Han Zhenzhen listened, he was completely relieved of everything he worried about for He Xiaomei.

"It's great, I will say that you have always loved each other over the years. Long Yixi loved you so much and your relationship is so good. Even his father's affairs can't change the love you two have for each other." Han Zhenzhen Said happily.

"Yes, for the past eight years of worry and emotional suffering, fortunately, he and I have persisted. No one gave up. Now he postponed the engagement. He said he would not be engaged to Pei Jiale. I believe him, so I and He is very contented to be together." He Xiaomei said, this kind of company and possession, I didn't even dare to think about it before, but now I only hope that such a dull life can continue.

auzw.com"Well, let’s stay together. Since Long Yixi has sealed his father’s affairs in his heart, there is no relationship between him and Pei Jiale, so there is nothing to do with you. I’m worried," Han Zhenzhen said, "Xiaomei, Long Yixi’s love for you, I didn’t doubt it eight years ago, and I still don’t doubt it now. I cherish this man so I can hold you in my hand as a treasure. The man, for you, is definitely not bad."

"Well, I will."

After the two chatted for a while, they talked about what happened after coming to Wangcheng.

"Really, then you and Xiaodouzi have come to see the city. Let's live in my apartment. My apartment is now empty. There are daily necessities in it. It is very convenient for you to live with Xiaodouzi." He Xiaomei said .

"Okay, it couldn't be better. Living in your nest should be more comfortable than the hotel. I believe our Xiaodouzi agrees." Han Zhenzhen answered.

"Xiaodouzi will definitely agree, my nest is very warm, and there are a few plush toys, Xiaodouzi will definitely like it."

"Well," Han Zhenzhen answered, and then told Xiaomei, "Xiaomei, you live with Long Yixi now, what about Xiaodouzi"

"Really, don't worry, I won't tell Yixi," He Xiaomei replied, "I know what you worry about, don't worry, Yixi won't know Xiaodouzi's life experience, and Shenghang won't know. "

"Well, thank you for keeping it secret for me, Xiaomei," Han Zhenzhen said, "I will go to Wangcheng with Xiaodouzi next week. We must see Yixi. Xiaomei, you can tell Long Yixi in advance that Xiaodouzi is me. With the child of a person I like, that person is someone I know at work here."

"In short, don't let Long Yixi suspect Shenghang's." Han Zhenzhen said.

"I understand, I know what to say, don't worry."


The two chatted for a while before hanging up.

After He Xiaomei went downstairs, Long Yixi had prepared a simple breakfast.

"Come here for dinner." Long Yixi said softly.

He Xiaomei nodded, and after walking to the restaurant, Long Yixi had already opened a stool for He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei sat down, and Long Yixi sat down beside He Xiaomei.

The two had breakfast together, and Long Yixi had been taking care of He Xiaomei, and the two had a chat while eating.

"Yixi, I really called and said that she and Xiaodouzi will come to see me in the city next week." He Xiaomei said.

Long Yixi was stunned, handed a piece of bread to He Xiaomei, and asked, "Who is Xiaodouzi?"

He Xiaomei glanced at Long Yixi's expression before repliing, "Is a real daughter."

Suddenly, Long Yixi's movement stopped, and he looked at He Xiaomei in surprise.

"Han Zhen really has a daughter?" Long Yixi asked, is she married? Na Shenghang

Last time I chatted with Shenghang on the phone, Shenghang obviously still missed Han Zhenzhen, and loved Han Zhenzhen in his heart, but Han Zhenzhen was married and had a daughter.

"Well, it's Xiaodouzi, she's a very cute little girl," He Xiaomei replied, talking, very careful, "When Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi come to see the city next week, you will see them."

Long Yixi recovered some emotions at this meeting, and then asked, "Isn't Han Zhen really coming?"

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