Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1158: There will definitely be in the future

Xiaodouzi looked much more cordial. He didn't care about Uncle Long's coldness at all. He stretched out his hand and said to Uncle Long, "Uncle Long, I want to hug you."

Long Yixi did not refuse either. After holding the child in Mei's arms since childhood, the two chatted.

He Xiaomei and Han Zhenzhen watched from the sidelines, but they didn't think they two got along well.

"I was worried that Yixi and Xiaodouzi could not get along, after all, it was the first time Yixi saw Xiaodouzi." He Xiaomei said to Han Zhenzhen.

"Yes, but now it seems that the two of them get along well."

"Xiaodouzi has influenced Yixi. You see Xiaodouzi is so cute, Yixi can only follow her." He Xiaomei said again.


The four of them chatted for a while before walking to the car and Long Yixi drove back to the city.

Along the way, Xiaodouzi was happy and kept talking, occasionally speaking to Mommy, occasionally to Xiaomei's mother and Uncle Long, especially to Uncle Long, there was no strange feeling at all.

When Long Yixi saw Xiaodouzi from the beginning, he only felt that Xiaodouzi and Han Zhenzhen looked more like him, and he didn't notice the others at all, let alone think of other people.

"Mother Xiaomei, are we going to your house?" Xiaodouzi asked her mother.

"No, let’s go to dinner first, and when we get to the city, it’s almost noon, so we’ll eat first, and then go to your Uncle Long’s house in the afternoon. After dinner in the evening, your Uncle Long will drive you to my house with me. , OK?" He Xiaomei told Xiaodouzi very patiently.

"Well, I listen to Xiaomei's mother." Xiaodouzi replied.

When the four of them arrived at the restaurant in the city, it was almost twelve o'clock. Long Yixi booked a seat in advance. After the two of them sat down at the table, Long Yixi asked Xiaomei and Han Zhenzhen to order.

"It's better for you and Xiaomei. I don't know what your specialties are." Han Zhenzhen said.

After thinking about it, Long Yixi handed the menu to He Xiaomei, who was sitting next to him, and said, "You can order it. The child's appetite is the main thing. You know some of the ones you really like, and order some of the ones you like. ."

He Xiaomei smiled and nodded, and looked at each other for a few seconds with Long Yixi, her heart full of happiness.

Han Zhenzhen saw such a scene, and Han Zhenzhen also found it beautiful. Long Yixi really cared about Xiaomei and treated Xiaomei very well. It seems that their feelings have returned to the past.

I remembered that in school, Long Yixi had only Xiaomei in his eyes and heart, and no one cared about anyone else. Now it is, but Long Yixi is more mature and will consider the situation of himself and Xiaodouzi. Because he and Xiaodouzi are Xiaomei's friends, Xiaomei's goddaughter, he only considered these because of Xiaomei. Han Zhenzhen continued to think, and gradually remembered the person in his heart.

Immediately after taking back his thoughts, Han Zhenzhen stopped missing and turned around to take care of the daughter beside him.

After He Xiaomei ordered the meal, the four of them continued to chat while they were waiting for the food. He Xiaomei and Long Yixi knew about the life and work situation with Han Zhenzhen, and Han Zhenzhen also learned about their situation in Wangcheng.

"Really, how long do you plan to stay in Wangcheng this time?" He Xiaomei asked.

"It's about three weeks or so. My ticket to go back hasn't been decided yet. I plan to book it again next week," Han Zhenzhen replied. "This time I will mainly come to see you and bring Xiaodouzi over to play, but I will take a few days later. Go find a cousin. She is the daughter of my relatives and has been living here. I want to see her."


"Yes, if you need any help, just tell me and Yixi. After all, we are familiar with this city." He Xiaomei said.

Han Zhen really nodded, looked at He Xiaomei and Long Yixi, and said, "Well, thank you, but I may trouble you a little at that time, just help me take care of Xiaodouzi for a few days. The beans are gone."

I don't know the living environment of my cousin here. If I bring Xiaodouzi over, I am afraid of causing trouble to my cousin, so let Xiaomei and Long Yixi help them take care of Xiaodouzi.

"Well, that's okay. I'm not busy at work lately. There is no problem taking care of Xiaodouzi."

"Thank you, Xiao Mei."

After the four of them had eaten, Long Yixi drove them back to Guanshan Villa.

When Xiaodouzi got out of the car and saw a huge villa, Xiaodouzi stood there in surprise and stopped walking.

"Xiaodouzi, what's the matter?" He Xiaomei asked the child.

"Mother Xiaomei, Uncle Long's house is so big, so big, and so beautiful, like a palace." Xiaodouzi said seriously.

Only then did He Xiaomei understand the child’s surprise. Indeed, since Xiaodouzi was born, Zhenzhen has never taken her back to the Han family in Xigang. In fact, Zhenzhen’s family is also a villa, comparable to Long Yixi’s house, but Xiaodouzi Bean hasn't seen it before, and he understands why Zhenzhen hasn't gone home.

A woman who was unmarried and conceived even gave birth to a child. This is a great shame to the Han family and to the relatives and friends of the Han family. I still remember the time when Zhenzhen fell out with her parents. To give birth to this child, eventually the child was born, and Zhenzhen's relationship with her parents has also become broken. It is still the case today. I don't know when their family can get together?

Long Yixi was aside, because of the child’s words, he also guessed it. It is estimated that Han Zhenzhen has not been back to Westport in these years, and her life in the city where Xiaomei has mentioned before is just a set. Small unit.

Long Yixi took two steps forward, picked up Xiaodouzi, and said to her, "My house is more beautiful. Would you like to go in with your uncle?"

"Do you want it?" Xiaodouzi shouted happily, putting his arms around Uncle Long's neck, looking very close.

Long Yixi nodded and walked to the villa holding Xiaodouzi.

He Xiaomei also took Han Zhenzhen's hand this time, and the two followed Long Yixi and walked into the villa.

Aunt Wu knew that Xiaomei's friend was coming. After seeing Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi, Aunt Wu politely greeted them, poured water and fruit, and took good care of them.

Under the leadership of Long Yixi, Xiaodouzi visited the entire villa and exclaimed, "Uncle Long, with so many houses, will you and Xiaomei's mother have many children in the future?"

Listening to Xiaodouzi's question, Long Yixi unconsciously had a longing in his heart.

Me and Mi's child? There will definitely be some children in the future, but I don't know yet. These things need to be discussed with Xiaomei and everything is up to her.

Whether you want one child or two, as long as Xiaomei thinks and plans, she will follow her wishes.

"I don't know this yet, your Xiaomei mother didn't tell me." Long Yixi answered truthfully.

"Oh." Xiaodouzi answered.

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