Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1159: I want to live here

After Long Yixi took the child downstairs, He Xiaomei stepped forward, hugged Xiaodouzi, and said to Xiaodouzi, "Xiaodouzi, there are no toys in the house. Will Xiaomei's mother play with you?"

"Okay, okay, then you take me to play in the yard."

"it is good."

He Xiaomei took Xiaodouzi to the yard, Long Yixi and Han Zhenzhen sat and chatted in the living room.

"Yixi, I didn't expect that you and Xiaomei can still walk together now." Han Zhenzhen said.

"Neither did I expect," Long Yixi replied in a calm tone, just like chatting with an ordinary friend, "I once thought that it would be impossible to be with her in this life, but I didn't expect to meet him in Wangcheng. She was then together."

"Since we are together, please cherish it, Yixi, be nice to Xiao, she has not been happy all these years, you should also know the reason." Han Zhenzhen said.

"Well, I understand," Long Yixi said, "I will treat her well in this life."

It is not easy to have her and let her be by my side, so I have to treat her a thousand times better and give her everything she wants.

Han Zhen nodded, "I believe in your love for Xiaomei. I believed it before and now I believe it. I hope you can live happily in the future."

Han Zhenzhen wanted to say things like marriage, but think about it, marriage is not only a matter of Xiaomei and Long Yixi, but also a matter of the two families, so they have not communicated well with their family members, so it is a bit wrong to say these things.


After chatting about Xiaomei for a while, Long Yixi gradually changed the subject and asked Han Zhenzhen, "Are you not in touch with Shenghang?"

Speaking of Shenghang, Han Zhenzhen's mood still changed.

In fact, before coming to Wangcheng, Han Zhenzhen thought that when meeting with Xiao Meilong Yixi this time, he would definitely talk about Shenghang, but when he really talked, he still had fluctuations in his heart.

"No," Han Zhenzhen replied pretentiously, "In these years, I haven't returned to Xigang, nor have I contacted my former classmates, only Xiaomei."

Long Yixi did not speak, and could understand why Han Zhenzhen did not return to Xigang. She was not married and gave birth to Xiaodouzi. Maybe she had a heavy burden in her heart. It has been very hard for these years, so she didn't go back, right?

Han Zhenzhen still didn't hold back his inner emotions, and asked, "He, how are you doing now?"

Hearing Han Zhenzhen's question, Long Yixi's eyes darkened a bit, and instead of answering, he said, "I can tell you his contact information, and you can ask him about this yourself."

"No, no need," Han Zhenzhen said, feeling a little nervous, barely thinking, "I don't really want to know, just ask casually."

Long Yixi only thought that Han Zhen was really nervous because of the close relationship between everyone before and her current life. Maybe she was still a little concerned about Shenghang's things in her heart. Long Yixi didn't think much about other things.

auzw.com In the end, Long Yixi answered Han Zhenzhen’s previous question, “He is very good. He did not inherit his family’s business and runs his own business. Nowadays, he is developing well, and he should be considered a good one in Xigang The best company."

Han Zhenzhen listened, but did not speak.

"But at this age, the family will urge him. I heard him once before that his mother arranged a blind date for him. I wonder if he went?" Long Yixi said, this will look at Han Zhenzhen and want to follow There was a bit of information in her expression.

Long Yixi knew very well in his heart that Sheng Hang only mentioned a blind date last time, and Sheng Hang said that he would not go because he had someone in his heart, but at the moment, in front of Han Zhenzhen, he said the affirmation I just wanted to see Han Zhen really react.

However, Han Zhenzhen performed very well this time, and his expression did not react much, because he had been trying his best to control his inner emotions since talking about Shenghang just now.

"Yeah, it's time to get married at our age," Han Zhenzhen said, not to follow Long Yixi's words, but it didn't get too much off the topic. "If I don't have Xiaodouzi, I might get married now. Up."

Long Yixi was silent for a while, then suddenly asked, "Do you regret giving birth to Xiaodouzi?"

Han Zhenzhen immediately shook his head, "No regrets, no regrets at all."

Xiaodouzi is a child of himself and Shenghang. He can have his child, even if he can't stay with him in the future, he is satisfied.

Long Yixi expressed Han Zhenzhen's behavior like this, thinking that she loved that man, Xiaodouzi's biological father very much in her heart.

I originally thought that Han Zhenzhen would have other ideas. If there was no one in her heart, maybe Shenghang still had a chance, but obviously, Han Zhenzhen loved the man in her heart very much.

Han Zhenzhen quickly adjusted his emotions and continued, "Xiaodouzi has been with me all these years. It is my spiritual support and my life. She is more important than my life in my heart. I don't regret it at all. Gave birth to her."

"Fortunately, Xiaodouzi has grown up slowly now, becoming very well-behaved and sensible." Speaking of children, Han Zhenzhen was full of hope.

"Well, Xiaodouzi is really attractive." Long Yixi recognized this. It was the first time that she got along with a child, and she also fell in love with Xiaodouzi, a cute girl, not naughty at all.

Han Zhenzhen and Long Yixi talked for a while. Long Yixi's cell phone rang. Before Long Yixi answered the phone, Han Zhenzhen greeted him and said to find Xiaomei and Xiaodouzi in the yard, and then left.

After that, He Xiaomei and Han Zhenzhen played with Xiaodouzi. Xiaodouzi was very happy, bouncing around, and from time to time she played cute and coquettish in front of her two mothers.

The dinner was eaten at Guanshan Villa. Aunt Wu made a very rich dinner. After eating a lot of Xiaodouzi, Han Zhen really had a good appetite.

After eating, Han Zhenzhen heard her daughter's voice before she told Xiaomei and Long Yixi that she and her daughter were going back to the apartment.

"Mommy, can we live here tonight?" Xiaodouzi asked Mommy.

Han Zhenzhen shook his head and answered his daughter, "No, living here will disturb the lives of your Xiaomei mother and your Uncle Long. Let's live in your Xiaomei mother's apartment."

"But I want to live here, the food here is delicious, and Xiaomei's mother is with me." Xiaodouzi said.

Both He Xiaomei and Long Yixi understand the children’s thoughts at this time. The children like to be lively, so they want to live here. Usually the children are only accompanied by real people. There should be rarely such a lively and warm atmosphere, so Xiaodouzi Unwilling to live in an apartment.

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