Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1264: Best result

"Heh, Hanghang, do you like being a father so much?" Wen Jin chuckled and said to his son, "Without my father's permission, that woman, she would never want to enter our door, her child, Not to mention it."

"Mom, you" Sheng Hang was angry.

"It's useless to say anything. Your dad and I disagree, but I don't agree." Wen Jin's meaning became firm now, and he didn't even have any room for discussion, so he sat down and continued to eat.

Sheng Guocheng looked at his son, his tone of voice was calmer than before, but he was still very serious, "Since that woman is in that situation, then your mother and I really disagree, and the things that we said before that we will not let you go on a blind date are also invalidated. Starting today, you will do whatever we arrange for you."

After Sheng Guocheng finished speaking, he looked at Wen Jin and said, "From tomorrow on, we will continue to find suitable people for Hanghang and arrange a blind date until he finds the one he is satisfied with."

"Okay, I see." Wen Jin promised his father.

"Dad, Mom" ​​Sheng Hang was helpless and wanted to say something to his parents, but was stopped by his father.

"It's useless to say anything," Sheng Guocheng said. "Continue to eat and go to the study after eating. I still have work to talk to you."

Sheng Hang wants to continue talking, but seeing his parents continue to eat, Sheng Hang knows that if he continues to say, his parents will probably not take care of himself, even if they take care of them, they will not have a good conversation with him. Maybe his parents are in a bad mood. It would be counterproductive.

Therefore, Shenghang didn't say anything in the end, sat down and continued to eat with his parents.

In the Han family, after a large family had a meal, Xiaodouzi played in the living room, and a large family chatted with Xiaodouzi.

Because of the excitement of the children, the adults are very happy, chatting and playing with the children.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that Xiaodouzi was sleepy and couldn't make a noise, so Han Zhenzhen held Xiaodouzi upstairs to rest.

But Xiaodouzi, who had taken a shower, had some vitality again. She rolled around on the bed, still humming a nursery rhyme, and didn't look asleep at all.

Han Zhenzhen finished washing and walked out of the bathroom. He saw his daughter humming and playing with her hair on the bed. Han Zhenzhen walked over with a smile and asked her daughter, "What's wrong? I don't want to sleep anymore?"

"Yeah," Xiaodouzi finished answering, got up from the bed, looked at Mommy and said, "Mommy Mommy, come on, you play with me."

Seeing that his daughter was so interested, Han Zhenzhen couldn't bear to change her daughter's mind, nodded and agreed, walked over to sit down on the bed, and asked her daughter, "What do you want mommy to play with you?"

"I don't want to play games today, I want to chat with Mommy." Xiaodouzi said.

"Okay, Mommy will chat with you." Han Zhenzhen replied, and accompany her to do whatever her daughter wants.

Xiaodouzi didn't speak, but he leaned over, got into Mommy's arms, held Mommy in both hands, and kissed and chatted with Mommy.

Han Zhenzhen accompanies his daughter to talk about the children's world, and questions that the daughter doesn't understand. Han Zhenzhen simply explains to her daughter. It's too esoteric. Han Zhenzhen will find a way to express it in simple terms.

auzw.com Xiaodouzi is very smart. After Mommy finished talking, think about it in her head and she basically understood.

"Mommy, chatting with you is more than what I learn in class every day," Xiaodouzi said while looking at Mommy, "Mommy, you are my best teacher."

"Then Xiaodouzi is my best student," Han Zhenzhen continued on her daughter's words, "and I, Teacher Han, is only a student like Xiaodouzi, who is so smart."

"Hehe, Mommy, when I grow up, I will make a lot of money with my knowledge, buy beautiful clothes and bags for Mommy, and dress up Mommy beautifully." Xiaodouzi said happily.

"Okay, Mommy will raise you now. When we Xiaodouzi grow up, we will let Xiaodouzi raise Mommy." Han Zhenzhen said, looking forward to the future, thinking that the life of himself and his daughter is actually quite good. Now my daughter relies on herself, and in the future she will rely on her, and her life will be very happy.

"Yeah, mommy, just wait for me to grow up." Xiaodouzi said, hoping to grow up soon so that he can take care of Mommy.

Han Zhenzhen is holding his daughter. In such a quiet night, he doesn't feel lonely in his heart, but feels very at ease because of the existence of his daughter.

It's just that when I think of someone, my heart still faintly hurts.

In the next week or so, Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi had a very peaceful life, but they were also very happy. Han Zhenzhen lived with his parents and brother, and it was a lot easier, and Xiaodouzi integrated into the big family and felt more. Family affection.

On this day, after Han Zhenzhen picked up his daughter and returned home from school in the afternoon, he received a call from Fang Zhenghao. After the two communicated on the phone, they decided to take Xiaodouzi to the zoo to play on the weekend.

After Han Zhenzhen hung up the phone, he told his daughter about the incident.

Xiaodouzi was very happy when he heard it. Before eating, he bounced around in the living room and couldn't calm down at all.

On the other hand, Shenghang had just returned from a business trip abroad. He wanted to call Han Zhenzhen on the way back to the city from the airport, but the assistant came to pick up the plane. Shenghang talked with the assistant about work all the way, and gradually called. This matter was left behind. When I returned home, I ate with my parents, and then went upstairs to take a shower and prepare to rest.

When Sheng Hang finished lying in bed, he remembered that he hadn't called Han Zhenzhen yet.

But when I picked up the phone and looked at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock. She should have fallen asleep now?

Sheng Hang hesitated for a long time holding the cell phone, but in the end he didn't call and didn't want to disturb her, but planned to find her the next morning.

I haven't seen her for so long, not thinking about it is fake.

Han family, Han Zhenzhen is lying on the bed, holding the sleeping daughter in his arms, and watching her daughter fall asleep, Han Zhenzhen feels at ease, but tonight he has no sleep at all. It will be about twelve o'clock, and he still sleeps. No.

I gradually remembered Shenghang. It has been a while since I met him last time. During this time, he didn't call himself or came to find himself, so he didn't plan to come again after he knew about Xiaodouzi. Find yourself?

That’s fine. Without his intervention, he and Xiaodouzi will live a peaceful life. After that, Fang Zhenghao will learn more about him. As long as Fang Zhenghao likes Xiaodouzi and treats Xiaodouzi well, he should There is no objection to be with him anymore.

However, why do I feel some pain in my heart when I think of such a result?

Shouldn't this result be the best result for yourself? But at this moment, I can feel this heartache clearly in my heart.

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