Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1265: Uncle, you are very suitable

Han Zhenzhen looked at the daughter in his arms, staring at her face, Sheng Hang's figure in his mind became clearer, but he also told himself clearly in his heart that he still loves him, and has always been in love with him, that's why he feels To heartache.

The next day, in the morning, today is Friday, because Xiaodouzi went to bed earlier last night, so she got up early in the morning. After Xiaodouzi asked Mommy to wash herself for nothing, she went downstairs to play.

Han Zhen really thought that the child was at home, there was nothing unsafe, and even if the child went to play in the yard, he would not run around. Xiaodouzi was very good, so he didn't worry about it.

Xiaodouzi went downstairs and said hello to the nanny sisters who worked, and then went to play in the yard with a nanny sister.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang at the gate.

"Sister nanny, who is at the door?" Xiaodouzi was originally dancing in the yard, and when he heard the doorbell ringing, he asked the nanny not far away.

"I don't know, young lady, I'll go to the door and have a look." The nanny replied.

"I want to go too." Xiaodouzi was also curious.

"That sister will take you there."

"Good, good."

Xiaodouzi took the hand of the nanny sister and walked towards the gate together.

At the gate of Han's house, Shenghang stood there, waiting for someone to open the door.

When Sheng Hang saw a babysitter coming with a little girl, Sheng Hang suddenly put his eyes on the little girl and stared at her seriously.

Is she the real daughter? It looks cute, and He Zhenzhen is also a bit like, but how vaguely I feel that this little girl is so familiar.

But how can you feel familiar if you haven't seen it before?

Sheng Hang felt that it was her own illusion, or that she knew in her heart that she was a real daughter, so subconsciously, she thought she was very familiar with her, and wanted to accept her from the bottom of her heart and love her slowly.

"Hey, it's an uncle." Xiaodouzi's crisp voice sounded.

Sheng Hang also retracted his thoughts, looked at the babysitter and Xiaodouzi, without thinking much in his mind.

"Yeah." The nanny answered the little lady's words.

After walking to the door, the nanny took a serious look and saw the guest clearly. He was the one who came to see the lady last time, and he remembered her.

"Hello, I'm looking for Zhenzhen." Sheng Hang first spoke and said to the nanny politely.

The babysitter nodded and replied, "Well, I know you."

Xiaodouzi said guessingly, "Uncle, what are you doing with my mom?"

Sheng Hang looked at the little girl, and from her words, he was even more sure that she was Han Zhenzhen's daughter.

"Are you Zhenzhen's daughter? Xiaodouzi?" Sheng Hang asked, having talked with Zhenzhen before and knew her name.

"Yes, good uncle," Xiaodouzi said politely and happily, "then you are the uncle that Mommy often talks about?"

auzw.com "Huh?" Sheng Hang frowned slightly, do you really often talk about yourself to your children?

Xiaodouzi didn't notice his uncle's doubts at all, and said happily, "Uncle, Mommy said you are good. Although I haven't seen you before, I also think you are good."

My uncle is really good. I have to take myself and Mommy to the zoo on weekends. My uncle must be a good uncle.

The words of the child made Sheng Hang very happy and smiled happily.

Xiaodouzi will make his own decision, saying to the nanny sister, "Sister nanny, you open the door, I want to hug my uncle."

Seeing that the little lady is so close to this gentleman, and that this gentleman has also visited the eldest before, so he will definitely not be a bad person, then listen to the little lady and open the door.

After the nanny opened the door, Xiaodouzi ran out, stretched out his hands and acted like a baby in front of his uncle, "Uncle, please hug."

Shenghang also loves children very much. Although they just met, the children's character and simple way of getting along make him like this little girl very much.

Sheng Hang nodded, bent down, and picked up Xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi stayed in his uncle's arms, very happy. He didn't dare to move his little hands. After all, it was the first time to get close to his uncle. He could only put his little hand on his uncle's shoulder.

Sheng Hang looked at the child in his arms and asked her, "Xiaodouzi, why do you get up so early?"

"It's not early, I will have dinner later, and then my uncle will send me to school." Xiaodouzi answered.

"Well, in this way, it is indeed not early." Sheng Hang said that he came so early and wanted to see Zhenzhen. He was afraid that when he arrived late, Zhenzhen would go out, but he didn't expect to come to Han's house today. Can actually see the child.

Xiaodouzi did not continue to talk about this with his uncle, but looked at his uncle and said seriously, "Uncle, you are so handsome."

"Huh?" Shenghang didn't expect the child to say so.

Xiaodouzi continued smilingly and said, "My mommy is also very beautiful, uncle, you and my mommy match well."

"Really?" Sheng Hang asked the child, but he was very happy. Even the child said that he was a good match for Zhenzhen, so it seemed that he had to work hard to marry Zhenzhen home.

"Of course, uncle, don't think I am young, I see people's vision, but very tall and very tall." Xiaodouzi said.

"For example?" Shenghang didn't expect that he would chat with the child without any sense of distance. He would hold the child and chat like this, and he felt very warm and relaxed.

"For example, I always think that my mommy is very beautiful and beautiful, so when I live with mommy, many uncles give mommy flowers. They all say that mommy is very beautiful." Xiaodouzi said.

"" Sheng Hang's face changed. What the child said just now, is it a very important piece of news?

I didn't expect that for so many years, I really lived with my children, and there were so many suitors around me.

Xiaodouzi knew in his heart that his uncle would be with mommy in the future. This mommy had said before. Mommy might marry his uncle, so what he said just now.

"Uncle, don't be angry. Although those uncles gave mommy flowers, they didn't accept it. Mommy rejected them all." Xiaodouzi added, hoping that what he said just now would not affect his uncle and mommy. The relationship, or else I made a mistake, I have to admit my mistake in front of Mommy, and let Mommy criticize and accept Mommy's punishment.

"Well, I won't be angry," Sheng Hang replied to the child, watching the child continue to say, "Uncle was not with you and your mom before, your mom's affairs, uncle can't control, but in the future, uncle will always be with you By your side and your mommy, protect you."

"Okay, okay, mommy and I both need a strong person to protect us, uncle, you are very suitable." Xiaodouzi said happily.

It’s pretty good to get along with my uncle. My uncle is very good. I like my uncle very much in my heart.

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