Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1266: Who is Uncle Fang?

"Yeah." Sheng Hang nodded, loving what the child said.

Xiaodouzi stayed in his uncle's arms, looked at the nanny sister on the side, and said happily, "Sister nanny, you go in and call my mommy, just say that your uncle is coming to her, let my mommy dress up and come out to see your uncle. "

"Okay, the little lady" the nanny was a little worried about the safety of the little lady, thinking about whether to bring the little lady in with him.

"I'll take care of Xiaodouzi, please go in and call Zhenzhen for me." Shenghang said to the nanny.

"This" the nanny was a little embarrassed.

Xiaodouzi said to sister nanny this time, "It's okay. Uncle and I will be a family in the future. I want to play with uncle for a while. Sister nanny, you can go in and call me mommy."

Seeing that the little lady really likes this gentleman, and that this gentleman is indeed the lady’s friend, so

"All right then." The nanny nodded and agreed.

After the nanny left, Xiaodouzi talked with his uncle for a while, and after a short time together, Xiaodouzi became dependent on his uncle.

"Uncle, can I kiss you?" Xiaodouzi didn't know why, staying in his uncle's arms, he couldn't rest in peace. He always wanted to move and want to kiss his uncle.

"Well, it's okay." Sheng Hang agreed. He didn't feel embarrassed at all to get along with the child. He wanted to satisfy the child's request.

Seeing his uncle turned his face to the side, Xiaodouzi smiled sweetly, moved forward, and kissed his uncle's face.

"Hehe." After the kiss, Xiaodouzi shyly covered his mouth with his little hand, and laughed.

When Shenghang saw the child's joy, he felt inexplicably joyful in his heart. Such joy was unprecedented and unclear.

In the villa, Han Zhenzhen just got downstairs when he heard the nanny say that the gentleman who looked for him last time is here, at the gate, and Xiaodouzi is still at the gate, with that gentleman.

"What you said is" Han Zhen was really stunned and asked the nanny.

"It's the gentleman who took you away last time." said the nanny.

After Han Zhenzhen understood this in his heart, his whole body shook and took a step back.

Is it Shenghang, he is with Xiaodouzi?

After reacting in his mind for a while, Han Zhenzhen came back to his senses, his emotions quickly converged, and he ran to the gate.

The nanny saw the lady like this, but did not follow.

When Han Zhenzhen ran out of the villa and towards the gate, he vaguely heard the child's voice.

When he was about to reach the gate, Han Zhenzhen suddenly stopped, because the scene before him shocked his heart.

The child held Sheng Hang in his arms, stayed in his arms and acted like a baby, and said something happily.

And Sheng Hang, with a spoiled child, smiled and answered the child's words.

Their father and daughter met for the first time today, and they met in such an unexpected way, and they were so cordial.

Could this be the relationship between father and son, the blood between them is thicker than water, and they have a heart and soul, so they are so close in a short time?

After Han Zhenzhen reacted bit by bit from the shock, he felt unspeakable sadness, happiness, and the kind of affection that he couldn't even understand.

auzw.com And here, Xiaodou happily asked his uncle, "Uncle, shall we go to the zoo on Saturday or on Sunday? What time do we go?"

Sheng Hang frowned, looked at the child, and asked in wonder, "What zoo?"

Xiaodouzi also felt strange when he saw his uncle's reaction, "Didn't you discuss it with Mommy and take me to the zoo on weekends?"

"No, I didn't say this to your mommy." Sheng Hang said, Zhenzhen has never mentioned this to himself, never said that the child wants to go to the zoo to play, and he has been on business trips during this time. Without contacting Zhenzhen, I am sure that she has never mentioned this matter in front of her.

But the child said

Xiaodouzi was puzzled by Uncle's words. After thinking about it for a long time, Xiaodouzi thought of a possibility.

Could it be that he admitted the wrong person?

"Uncle, are you Uncle Fang?" Xiaodouzi asked.

"Who is Uncle Fang?" Sheng Hang asked the child back.

Xiaodouzi understood now. As expected, he had admitted to the wrong person, and said so many things about Mommy before, how embarrassed this time.

Xiaodouzi curled his mouth and felt very uncomfortable. Hey, he told this uncle many things about Mommy. He wasn't Uncle Fang who was going to marry Mommy. What should I do?

But I get along well with my uncle, and I like my uncle very much.

When Sheng Hang saw the child's expression change, he knew that the child was unhappy, but he still didn't know who the child's Uncle Fang was.

"Xiaodouzi, tell Uncle, who is Uncle Fang?" Shenghang asked. At this moment, he already felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Someone wants to steal the truth from himself, and that person has captured the heart of the child a long time ago. All the friendliness and closeness that the child had to himself just now was given to that person.

Is that person's position in the true heart important? The child had such a good impression of him before they met, so if the person who came today is really that person, then he is in Zhenzhen's place, isn't it that there is no chance at all.

"I don't know Uncle Fang's full name, but I know that Uncle Fang likes Mommy, and he will marry Mommy in the future." Xiaodouzi replied.

Sheng Hang was completely angry now, his face changed drastically.

Xiaodouzi saw that his uncle's expression became fierce, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Shenghang also knew who Uncle Fang was in the child's mouth. If he didn't guess wrong, it should be the person who was close to the truth that day.

Zhenzhen also told herself before that she thought the blind date was not bad.

Thinking of this, Sheng Hang's anger in his heart even more wanted to explode.

Looking at the villa unintentionally, Shenghang saw Han Zhenzhen not far away, and the two looked at each other.

Han Zhenzhen heard the chat between Shenghang and the child, and then saw that Shenghang saw himself, and Han Zhenzhen continued to walk in front of Shenghang and the child.

Xiaodouzi also saw Mommy, not as happy as before, but when Mommy approached, Xiaodouzi cried out sadly, "Mommy"

Han Zhenzhen walked up to Sheng Hang, did not speak to Sheng Hang, but reached out and hugged the child from Sheng Hang's arms.

After Xiaodouzi got into Mommy's arms, he didn't say a word, just rubbing his little head in Mommy's arms, looking unhappy.

Han Zhen really knows that the child’s mood is not good. Even if he wants to blame the child for being close to strangers, he can’t blame it. Besides, they are fathers and daughters. They don’t know about this matter. He knows better than anyone else, how can he bear to blame the child. ?

"Are you okay?" Han Zhenzhen lowered his head and asked the child in his arms, with a gentle tone.

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