Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1274: Love relationship?

"Really, I want to tell you that I accept Xiaodouzi and I want to be with you. After we get married, I will treat Xiaodouzi as my own child, and I will never let you mother and daughter suffer a little bit of grievance. "Sheng Hang said that he wanted to tell the truth a long time ago, but he has never

Opportunity, sometimes the atmosphere of meeting Zhenzhen is not right, and it is not good for me to say these things. At the moment, the atmosphere is good, and I don't think there is anything wrong with these words.

Han Zhenzhen didn't have the slightest surprise on his expression, but looked at Sheng Hang indifferently and said, "We will not get married."

"Really," Sheng Hang said, reaching out, holding Han Zhenzhen's hand, and said sincerely, "I really love you."

"I don't think you are sincere." Han Zhenzhen pulled his hand away from Shenghang, and his gaze also shifted to the side.

"What do you want? Are you willing to believe my sincerity?" Sheng Hang asked, feeling helpless, what should I do to be with Zhenzhen?

Han Zhenzhen did not speak any more and remained silent.

Sheng Hang has been looking at Han Zhenzhen. After a long time, Sheng Hang comforted Han Zhenzhen in his own way, "True, believe in my true heart, OK? And you are currently choosing a marriage partner. Can you be the first to consider me? The one with the surname Fang is coming back and forth."

If Zhenzhen can go on a blind date, it means that he intends to get married, but she does not allow Zhenzhen to have other men around her. She and Xiaodouzi can only be alone with herself. She can only be close to herself, Xiaodouzi can only call My uncle.

Han Zhenzhen was not silent this time, looked at Shenghang, and replied, "Shenghang, you should know that I have no heart in love for a long time, so how can I believe your sincerity?"

"As for Fang Zhenghao, it may be as you wish, and will not come back again." Han Zhenzhen said. Xiaodouzi said that he did not like to get along with Fang Zhenghao, so he didn't consider further development with Fang Zhenghao.

"Well, don't talk to Fang Zhenghao anymore." Sheng Hang was very satisfied with this, and said happily looking at Han Zhenzhen.

After that, the two did not talk too much. Sheng Hang wanted to talk to Han Zhenzhen, but Han Zhenzhen basically ignored Sheng Hang, and just listened to what he said, and did not answer Sheng Hang's question definitively.

The two left the cafe at ten o'clock, and Shenghang sent Han Zhenzhen home.

When returning to the door of Han's house, Han Zhen really unfastened his seat belt and was about to get off the car. Shenghang suddenly stretched out his hand, took Han Zhenzhen's arm, and pulled Han Zhenzhen into his arms.

"Sheng Hang, you" Han Zhenzhen resisted and was about to confront Sheng Hang, but before he said a few words, he was sealed by Sheng Hang.

Sheng Hang kissed Han Zhenzhen with excitement and joy.

After a long time, the breathing of both of them was messy, and Sheng Hang let go of Han Zhenzhen.

Han Zhenzhen also forgot to struggle this time. He pressed against Shenghang's chest, breathing heavily, adjusting his breathing.

Sheng Hang adjusted first, looked at Han Zhenzhen in his arms, and said, "True, we are together, okay?"

Han Zhenzhen didn't answer. When his emotions stabilized, he left by Shenghang, sat up straight, and looked out the window of the car. There was no nanny at home, and no one had seen the scene between himself and Shenghang.

Han Zhenzhen's gaze shifted a bit, but he didn't go to see Shenghang, and said, "I have no plans to be with you. In the future, I won't come to my house to find me again."


After speaking, Han Zhenzhen opened the door and got out of the car.

"Zhenzhen" Sheng Hang shouted, trying to get off the car to stop Han Zhenzhen, but when he saw Han Zhenzhen running to home, Shenghang finally gave up getting off the car.

After that, Shenghang often came to Han Zhenzhen, and Xiaodouzi sent text messages and made phone calls almost every day.

And Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui had long been aware of the relationship between Shenghang and their daughter, and learned more about Shenghang from their granddaughter.

Once Han Haohong met Sheng Hang and his sister at the door of his home chatting together, he walked over to say hello, and he knew Sheng Hang.

On this day, Han Haohong went to work, Xiaodouzi was in school, and Han Zhenzhen went to the city to buy school supplies for his daughter.

Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui were at home. They sat on the sofa and chatted about Shenghang.

"You said this Shenghang, when did you really like it?" Zhou Hui asked Lao Han.

"It should be true that I came back from abroad and lived at home during this period of time?" Han Qingshan guessed that his daughter hadn't been in Westport for so long before, and Shenghang must have no contact with her daughter. After the daughter came back, the two got in touch.

"I don't think it is necessarily," Zhou Hui said. "Did Xiaodouzi said that that day, Shenghang and Zhenzhen were former classmates, so they knew each other before, so what was their relationship before?"

Hearing what Zhou Hui said, Han Qingshan also became suspicious, guessing, "You said, will they be before?"

"Love relationship?" Zhou Hui added.

And this sentence made Han Qingshan think suddenly, watching Zhou Hui and saying, "Zhenzhen told us before that the man who made her pregnant was her classmate, you say."

Han Qingshan didn't say the next thing, but Zhou Hui caught it and added, "Could it be Shenghang?"

"If Zhenzhen and Shenghang used to have more intimate relationships than their classmates, then it is very possible."

"But we don't know if they were related before," Zhou Hui said. "Should we find time to ask the truth?"

"The question is for asking, but we must also think clearly. If Xiaodouzi's father is Shenghang, what should we do?" Han Qingshan asked Zhou Hui.

"If this is the case, first ask what you really think." Zhou Hui sighed after finishing speaking. After a pause, Zhou Hui continued, "Lao Han, Zhenzhen has grown up now, and her ideas and work are relatively mature, so we should not participate too much, and ask her about her thoughts and plans, if necessary. , We can give her some advice, but the final decision is

Let Zhenzhen decide. "Well, I know, I know all of these," Han Qingshan nodded, "We were angry back then and wanted to really listen to us, but now it's different. Xiaodouzi is so big, and it's not like it was back then. A sensible wayward girl, so I listen to you, it’s true not to interfere

I just want to know if Shenghang is Xiaodouzi's father? "

Zhou Hui nodded and said to Old Han, "Then we wait for Zhen Zhen to come back and ask Zhen Zhen."

"Okay." When Han Zhenzhen returned home, it was already 11 o'clock at noon. Today, he went to the city to buy school supplies for his children and bought some household items at home by the way, so it took a little longer.

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