Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1275: Can you give him a chance

After lunch, Zhou Hui took her daughter by the hand and went to sit down in the living room. Han Qingshan followed along and sat down on the other side of her daughter.

When Han Zhenzhen saw the situation, he knew that his parents had something to do.

"Dad, mom, are you looking for me for anything?" Han Zhenzhen asked his parents.

Han Qingshan did not answer his daughter, but looked at Zhou Hui.

Knowing what the old man meant, Zhou Hui looked at his daughter and said, "Well, really, your dad and I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Han Zhenzhen asked.

"Really," Zhou Hui made some preparations before asking, "You and Shenghang, were you classmates before?"

"Well, yes." Han Zhenzhen answered his mother, slowly guessing in his heart, what father and mother wanted to ask.

If my parents didn’t know Shenghang before and didn’t care about Shenghang, then during this period, Shenghang often came to the house to find himself, and Xiaodouzi talked about Uncle Sheng from time to time every day. My parents must have noticed. .

"Then you guys were just classmates before?" Han Qingshan would ask this.

Han Zhenzhen looked at his father and then at his mother. After a long time, he spoke, but he didn't answer his question, "Dad, Mom, have you guessed something?"

"We guess that Shenghang is Xiaodouzi's father?" Zhou Hui said truthfully to his daughter.

"Well, it's him." Han Zhenzhen replied with a calm tone.

Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui looked surprised, both of them looked at their daughter with wide eyes.

"Is it really him?" Han Qingshan said in surprise. The guesses in his heart were guesses, but after knowing the facts, he was still surprised.

"Well, the person I have always loved in my heart is also him." Han Zhenzhen confessed to his parents. He didn't intend to hide this from his family. Although his brother hasn't asked himself yet, if he guessed correctly, his brother should Already known.

"Then, he has been looking for you so many times recently, why do you treat him indifferently every time?" Zhou Hui asked his daughter.

"Because I didn't plan to be with him or marry him." Han Zhenzhen said.

"But he is not married now, and he is still chasing you. If you two are together, you and Xiaodouzi, the three of your family can be reunited." Han Qingshan said.

Han Zhenzhen looked at his father with tears in his eyes and said, "Dad, I don't want this kind of reunion."

auzw.com "Really, you" Han Qingshan was surprised and looked at his daughter. "There is no strong love between me and Shenghang. How can I be sure that he can give me and Xiaodouzi an forever home? How can I believe that he will always be nice to me and Xiaodouzi?" Han Zhenzhen said, "Yes, I and Shenghang I used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and we were in love, but when we were young, we were not in love

How long did it take before we broke up, left each other and lived our own lives, what else do we use to talk about sincere love? "

Han Zhenzhen said calmly, "Perhaps what we did when we were young is the real expression in my heart. He doesn't love me that much, and I don't want to live on him. Now even at the age of marriage, I want to marry, but I will not marry him either."

Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui could understand their daughter in their hearts. In their hearts, their daughter did not believe in Shenghang, and even had a persistent prejudice against Shenghang because of previous events. But think about it, Shenghang broke up with his daughter before, and let her daughter become pregnant, and suffered so much. Shenghang has not looked for a daughter in these years. Now that her daughter came back, Shenghang came to stalk her. If he is really a good man and he really loves his daughter, he should have been

I have come to look for my daughter. I will not wait until my daughter returns to Xigang before I come to look for her.

"It's true," Zhou Hui said, holding his daughter's hand, "Mom understands what you think in your heart, but Shenghang is Xiaodouzi's father. I'm afraid I can't keep this matter secret. Shenghang will know by then. That you"

"Mom, this is what bothers me," Han Zhenzhen said. The thing that bothers him is also this. "Xiaodouzi now likes to get along with Shenghang. I am really worried. One day they will know that Shenghang will Come grab little beans with me."

"Hey" Zhou Hui sighed.

Han Qingshan's mood was not much better. He looked frowning. After thinking about it for a long time, he said to his daughter, "True, your mother and I will not interfere with this matter, but I want to tell you."

"Before you were all children, ignorant, and made mistakes, so in some of your thoughts, don't take your previous mistakes too importantly."

"Shenghang is Xiaodouzi's father. Blood is thicker than water. This affection is always cut off. And you love Shenghang in your heart. You would rather not go home and fight against us. You have to give birth to Xiaodouzi. There must be more than a little love in your heart for Shenghang."

Han Zhenzhen didn't speak, but he felt very uncomfortable, because what Dad said was the truth, the most true thoughts and feelings in his heart. Han Qingshan continued, "True, think more about you and Xiaodouzi. If Xiaodouzi likes him in his heart and wants to live with him, you have always had him in your heart, then try to understand the present He, see if he can give him a chance, accept his kindness, try and

He spends a look together. "

"Well, your dad is right," Zhou Hui would totally agree with the old man's thoughts, "I think so too."

"Really, we won’t talk about Fang Zhenghao before. Your marriage and I don’t plan to participate in this period of time. Just do it as you want. As long as you and Xiaodouzi don’t Your dad and I don't care about anything if you are hurt." Zhou Hui said.

Because of the understanding and thoughts of his parents, Han Zhenzhen couldn't express his warm heart. At this moment, Han Zhenzhen was like a child, suddenly got into his mother's arms, held his mother, and said nothing.

Zhou Hui knew that her daughter had an idea in her heart, but she didn't say it, and she didn't plan to ask, so she just hugged her.

In the future life, as long as the daughter can live well without a bit of hardship, and his granddaughter can grow up healthy, it is the greatest wish of himself and his father.

In the afternoon, Han Zhenzhen went to the school to pick up the child. After receiving the child, Xiaodouzi was reluctant to leave and stood still at the school gate.

"What's wrong?" Han Zhen really didn't know what was wrong with the child, squatting down and asking the child.

"Mommy, let's wait a while, Uncle Sheng is on the way here." Xiaodouzi said to Mommy, standing still without any intention of moving. Han Zhenzhen was stunned, and after he reflected what the child said, he said to the child, "Uncle Sheng will be fine if you come over, or let's go and sit in the car first, and Mommy will call Uncle Sheng and ask him not to come.

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