Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1283: No blind date?

When he came to Han Haohong's room, Han Zhen really asked his brother in confusion, "Brother, is there something important?"

"Really, Sheng Hang has been standing at the door all afternoon, don't you know?" Han Haohong asked his sister.

Han Zhenzhen's expression changed after listening, "I don't know, where he is has nothing to do with me."

"He wants to see you."

"No, I don't want to see him."

Han Haohong guessed that his sister would say that, and continued, "True, he went on a blind date at noon, because his parents forced him, no."

"Brother," Han Zhenzhen interrupted his brother and said, "For whatever reason, he still went, didn't he?"

"Moreover, he is single, and he has the right to do anything without breaking the moral bottom line," Han Zhenzhen said. "The same is true for me. I am not married. I have the right to choose the other half."

"But it's true, he is Xiaodouzi's dad, if your family can be together, it will be a perfect result." Han Haohong said.

Han Zhenzhen looked at his brother and asked him, "Brother, if he has no love for me and Xiaodouzi, and it is not good for me and Xiaodouzi, do I still want to be with him?"

Han Haohong couldn’t answer, because he was against it in his heart, but that person was Sheng Hang Han Zhenzhen. He felt emotional. He said all the grievances and uncomfortable feelings in his heart, "Yes, I am a single mother. Child, and at this age, it’s not the age of a little girl, but I hope that the person who can have a home with me in the future, he can

He doesn't have much love for me, but he must at least love Xiaodouzi, he can take good care of me and Xiaodouzi. "

Han Zhenzhen's eyes flushed and continued, "Brother, I owe Xiaodouzi too much. If I can't give her a happy home, I would rather never get married for the rest of my life and continue to take care of Xiaodouzi alone."

Seeing his sister like this, Han Haohong felt uncomfortable, but still said, "True, Shenghang loves you."

"Go to a blind date at noon and say you love me in the afternoon, brother, how do you make me believe?" Han Zhenzhen asked his brother.

Han Haohong was silent again.

"Brother, in front of you, I don't pretend, I love him in my heart, and it has never changed," Han Zhenzhen said, crying, "but I can't accept it. I can't accept him with another woman."

Maybe the love is too deep, I can't accept it at all.

But such a request is only for Sheng Hang, only for this special man. Other men don’t care if he is a second marriage or have had a few relationships before, as long as he is sincere to himself and Xiaodouzi. , You can consider whether you can marry this man?

Han Haohong understood in his heart, went two steps forward, took his sister into his arms, and stopped speaking for Shenghang.

"Okay, let's not say, brother is wrong." Han Haohong said.

Han Zhenzhen will need a bosom to rely on, stretch out his hand, hug his brother, and seek comfort in his arms.

After a long time, Han Zhenzhen adjusted his emotions and made sure that his eyes were not swollen and his condition was good, so he went back to his room to accompany the child.

At dinner, the family ate quietly. Everyone knew that Shenghang was still at the door except Xiaodouzi, but no one said anything.

After the meal, Han Zhen really accompanies the child as usual.

Shenghang stood at the door and waited until ten o'clock before leaving.

auzw.com Shenghang drove the car and did not go home. Instead, he called and booked a presidential suite in a hotel, and then called home again, saying that he would not be going back tonight.

When he arrived at the hotel, Shenghang went through the formalities for entering the room, took a shower after entering the room, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window wearing a bathrobe, looking at the scenery outside, thinking about it.

This time, I really hurt Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi's heart. All the efforts I did before have returned to the starting point.

Really, I love, think, read, want to care for a woman for a lifetime.

Xiaodouzi, after this time of getting along, she fell in love with this child and wanted to take care of her with Zhenzhen in the future and accompany her to grow up.

If I said that the most important woman in my heart was only his mother and Zhenzhen, now there is another person, and that person is Xiaodouzi.

I want to protect their mother and daughter, I want to take care of them, and love them.

Sheng Hang thought for a long, long time, and felt that things before this moment cannot be changed, and things after that can be changed. Then

For Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi, I have to do some hard work.

Shenghang took out his mobile phone, called his assistant, and asked the assistant to choose a house in the city from tomorrow. It should be as large as possible, with the best hardcover, and buy it in his own name.

After the phone call, Sheng Hang went to bed, lay on the bed, closed his eyes, his mind was full of Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi.

The next day, Shenghang stayed at the hotel for a day. In the afternoon, he received a call from his assistant. There was a hard-covered vacant house in the urban area, but it was a relatively small two-room house.

Shenghang asked his assistant to order it and asked to add furniture to it tomorrow.

"President Sheng, do you want to live here in the future?" the assistant asked.

"Well, there will be my home in the future," Sheng Hang said, "you buy the most basic furniture, you choose the color, and I don't need to explain the others."

The assistant knows his own preferences, and these matters will be handled by him without any problems.

"Well, yes, I understand."

In the afternoon, Shenghang went home, but did not return to the hotel house.

Back home, Shenghang accompanied his parents to dinner.

"Hanghang, how did you see Xinyue yesterday?" Wen Jin asked with concern. He planned to ask his son last night, but his son did not come back last night. Now, ask his son himself.

"Not very good." Sheng Hang replied casually and continued to eat.

"What's wrong with Xinyue?" Wen Jin asked, "Or the time you spent together is too short. You still don't understand Xinyue?"

"No," Sheng Hang said, "I have no interest in her at all."

Wen Jin comforted his son and said, "Interest is slowly cultivated. Hanghang, you will make appointments with Xinyue a few times in the future. You will become interested in each other after you learn more about each other."

"I don't have this plan," Sheng Hang directly replied to his mother, without meaning at all, and explained his own thoughts, "Mom, I don't want to say anything about her anymore, what I want to say is."

"In the future, I won't go on blind dates again, and starting today, I won't live at home anymore, I will move out to live." Sheng Hang said, his tone is definitely not a joke.

Wen Jin was stunned for an instant, "What are you talking about? Not going on a blind date? Going out to live?" "Well, I have already selected the house, and I may move in a few days later." Sheng Hang replied to his mother, his expression at the moment And attitude, definitely not discussing this matter with parents, but telling them about this matter.

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