Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1284: Really, Xiaodouzi...

"You" Wen Jin was speechless.

Sheng Guocheng was also angry, staring at his son, and asked, "Now that you have stiff wings and can fly by yourself, do you want to get out of our sight?"

Sheng Hang looked at his father without any thoughts, and answered his father directly, "Yes, I want to live according to my own ideas now."

"Asshole thing." Sheng Guocheng was furious and scolded.

Seeing that the old man was angry, Wen Jin hurriedly comforted the old man, "Guocheng, don't be angry, be careful to get angry."

After comforting the old man, Wen Jin looked at his son again, trying to make his son compromise, and calmed down a bit, and said to his son, "Hanghang, I will apologize to your dad soon, and say that you will not go out to live. You will still live there. Home."

Sheng Hang knew what his mother intended, but didn't follow her mother's ideas. He just insisted, "Mom, I still want to live according to my ideas."

Wen Jin was angry again by his son's obsession.

Sheng Guocheng was also angry, but Sheng Guocheng still had reason in his mind. He stared at his son and said, "I hope you don't include marrying that woman who already has children."

Sheng Hang met his father's gaze and did not avoid it at all. He replied, "Dad, I may disappoint you. Marrying her is my goal and I will definitely achieve it."

"You" Sheng Guocheng was furious again, leaning back, his whole body trembling.

Seeing his father like this, Sheng Hang was a little worried, afraid that if he confronted his parents like this, it would really affect his father's health.

The meal was not finished, Sheng Hang put down his chopsticks, got up, and said to his parents, "I'll go back to the room to get something and leave in a while."

"Where are you staying tonight?" Wen Jin is still worried about him after all.

"Hotel." Sheng Hang finished speaking, turned and left.

Sheng Guocheng and Wen Jin looked at their son like this, watched his son go upstairs, and went downstairs after a while, then left with a handbag.

Both were dissatisfied and angry, but they were still helpless with their son.

Shenghang returned to the hotel. Before taking a bath, he called Han Zhenzhen, but there was no answer. Shenghang called three times in a row, but no one answered.

In the end, Sheng Hang was helpless and had to give up temporarily, thinking about going to Han's house tomorrow morning to find Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi.

On Monday morning, Shenghang woke up at five o'clock in the morning, hurriedly left the hotel and drove to Han's house.

For the Han family, Han Zhenzhen wakes up at the usual time, washes himself first, calls his daughter to get up after washing, and then takes care of her daughter.

When Han Zhenzhen was holding his daughter downstairs, it was almost seven o'clock. After saying hello to grandparents and uncles, Xiaodouzi followed Mommy to dinner.

Han Zhenzhen didn't notice the emotions of his father, mother and brother until he heard Xiaodouzi's voice.

"Uncle, why are you looking at Mommy like this?" Xiaodouzi asked uncle in doubt, then looked at Mommy, then looked at uncle, and asked, "Is Mommy not pretty today?"

"Oh, no, no." Han Haohong hurriedly answered his niece, but he did not look away from his sister.

After Han Zhenzhen raised his head, he met his brother's gaze.

auzw.com The child couldn’t see it, but Han Zhenzhen saw that his brother must have something in his heart when he saw his brother’s expression. He asked, "Brother, what's wrong?"

Han Haohong didn't intend to hide his sister's meaning, but he didn't know how to speak, so he didn't answer immediately, and looked at his parents beside him.

Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui also looked at each other. Finally, Zhou Hui looked at his daughter, and then said to her daughter, "True, Shenghang has been waiting for you at the door of the house a long time ago, and this will still be there."

When Han Zhenzhen heard this, there was no expression on his face.

Han Haohong continued his mother's words, "I went outside for a run in the morning and saw Sheng Hang standing at the door. I knew that you and Xiaodouzi didn't want to see him, so I didn't invite him in either."

Han Zhen really understood. After his brother knew about Shenghang's coming home, he told his parents, so they all knew.

Xiaodouzi understands what the adults say, knowing that Uncle Sheng is at the door, but remembering what happened on Saturday, he didn't want to see Uncle Sheng.

"Mummy, I want to drink milk." Xiaodouzi said to Mummy, not talking about Uncle Sheng at all.

Because of the child's words, Han Zhenzhen also shifted his thoughts from Shenghang's affairs and answered the child, "Okay, Mommy will pour milk for you."

Han Zhenzhen took the child's cup and poured milk for her. At this moment, he was only thinking about taking care of the child, and trying to quickly forget the things that were in his mind without thinking about it.

After pouring milk for the child, Han Zhenzhen took care of the child to drink, and told her to slow down.

Xiaodouzi didn't say a lot, and continued to eat obediently with her mom.

Seeing the mother and daughter eating quietly, Han Qingshan, Zhou Hui, and Han Haohong glanced at each other, and no one spoke.

After eating, Han Zhenzhen, as usual, helped the children carry their schoolbags and stood at the entrance of the hallway waiting for his brother. After his brother came, Han Zhenzhen took the children out of the villa and went to the car.

At the gate of the yard, Sheng Hang heard a sound in the yard and hurried forward, but the fence gate was closed. Sheng Hang could only stand in front of the fence gate and watch the figure in the yard.

When seeing Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi, Shenghang immediately shouted, "Zhenzhen, Xiaodouzi, Xiaodouzi"

Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi heard the sound, but the two of them seemed to have a clear heart. Neither of them looked at the door, nor cared about the sound they heard, at least on the surface.

Han Haohong followed his sister and niece, looked at them, and then at Sheng Hang at the door. He didn't know what to do, but his heart was toward his sister and niece. They didn’t have any ideas and methods. opinion.

"Really, I want to say a few words to you, okay?"

"Xiaodouzi, how are you? Uncle Sheng missed you, Xiaodouzi."

"Really, Little Bean"

Han Zhenzhen took his daughter by the hand and walked to the car and told her daughter, "Little Douzi, you should not disturb your uncle when you are on the road for a while. Be obedient, and don't get angry."

"Well, I know, Mommy." Xiaodouzi was also very well-behaved today, and was very serious in answering Mommy's words.

"When you go to school, you have to listen to the teacher and get along with your classmates."


Han Zhenzhen helped the child to get into the car. After the child was seated, Han Zhenzhen fastened his seat belt before closing the door.

After that, Han Zhenzhen gave his brother a few more words, and then watched his brother get in the car and the car started. The Han family's nanny was already standing at the gate, waiting for the young master's car to come over, and opened the door for the young master.

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