Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1318: Really can?

"I can't talk about enjoying happiness, but life is pretty good now. With two children by my side and a granddaughter with me, I will be content."

"Yes, that's all our wishes are at our age."

Zhou Hui was chatting with a friend he met by chance, and from time to time he looked at his granddaughter not far away.

Little Douzi had a great time. After a while, he played with a little boy around him. The little boy had a toy in his hand and was willing to lend it to Little Douzi to play with, so the two had a great time.

"Did you come alone?"

"No, my grandmother and I came."

"My grandfather and I came, but my grandfather is playing chess over there, regardless of me."

"It's okay, just play with me."


Two children are playing together.

Wen Jin also came to the park at this meeting. He wanted to find a place to take a break. He looked at it. It seemed that there was no one sitting on a bench beside the two children playing on the lawn not far away.

Wen Jin walked over to the bench and prepared to rest.

Xiaodouzi had a good time with the little boy, and didn't notice at all. There was a grandma sitting beside him to rest.

After another while time passed, Xiaodouzi was a little tired, sitting on the lawn, and said to the little boy, "I'm so tired, I don't play anymore, I want to take a break."

Seeing that Xiaodouzi was tired, the little boy looked around and found a convenience store.

The little boy thought of something and suddenly said, "Wait for me, I will go to my grandpa."

"Oh." Xiaodouzi didn't know what the little boy was going to do, so he could only answer.

Then, the little boy left, but the toy was still beside Xiaodouzi.

Xiao Douzi didn't play with toys either. He sat on the lawn and looked at her grandma. Grandma was still chatting with that grandma. Then Xiao Douzi looked around again and suddenly found a grandma staring at him.

Wen Jin didn't know why she stared at this little girl, but that was what she thought in her heart.

After sitting down here just now, I looked around, my eyes were attracted by the little girl playing, staring at her, my eyes couldn't move away.

Xiaodouzi was a little puzzled. She didn't know why this grandma stared at him, but out of politeness and being so close to this grandma, Xiaodouzi greeted with a smile, "Grandma, hello."

Wen Jin smiled happily when he heard the child's childish voice, and replied, "Hello, kid."

"Hehe." Xiaodouzi smiled, very cute.

Wen Jin also began to chat with the child, "Did you come to the park alone?"

"No, my grandma and I came, and my grandma is there." Xiaodouzi said, pointing in the direction of grandma.

Wen Jin looked in the direction the child was pointing. Two women about the same age were sitting there. Presumably one of them was the child's grandmother, right?

"Well, I saw it." Wen Jin answered the child with a smile.

"Hehe, grandma, what about you? Are you here alone?" Xiaodouzi asked the grandma.

auzw.com "Well, I originally wanted to come with my wife, but if he doesn't come, I will come by myself." Wen Jin replied, feeling that talking to the child is easy, and there is An inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

"Grandma, it's so fun in the park, you see, so many people are playing."

"Yes, I come to the park just to stroll around and relax."

"Hehe, grandma, if you feel bored, go over there and chat with my grandma." Xiaodouzi said.

Wen Jin shook his head, thanking the child for his kindness, but did not intend to go, "No, I will leave after sitting for a while, and I will go home later."

When I went out in the morning, I said angrily that I would let the old man have lunch at home alone, but I was so willing to leave the old man to have lunch alone, and I would definitely go back to accompany him.


Just after Xiaodouzi answered, he heard other voices approaching, turned around and saw that the little boy just now came over with two lollipops in his hand.

The little boy squatted down in front of Xiaodouzi and handed Xiaodouzi a lollipop.

"Here you are, I just bought it." The little boy said, with a shy smile on his face, looking at the girl in front of him.

This is the first time I buy something for a girl. When I asked my grandpa to ask for pocket money, fortunately, my grandfather didn't ask for pocket money.

Seeing lollipops, Xiaodouzi was very happy and wanted it in her heart, but Mommy said before that she can’t accept gifts from unfamiliar people, so

"No more," Xiaodouzi refused, and continued, "We are not in a very good relationship. My mommy said that gifts are not acceptable."

"It's okay, I'm not a bad guy. I just want to give you a lollipop. I bought it just now. You see, the packaging has not been opened." The little boy said, this would be a little worried because the girl refused. Own stuff.

Xiaodouzi still shook his head, not accepting.

The little boy was even more anxious, some wanted to cry, his hands hadn't been retracted yet, and he was still handing things out.

Wen Jin watched from the side and fully understood what was going on between the two children. He kept his eyes on the little girl, more of his love for the little girl.

This child has a very good tutor, and is very well-behaved and sensible. He is different from other little girls. I believe her mother is also a very good mother and a very good woman.

Xiaodouzi looked at the little boy in a hurry, feeling uncomfortable in his heart, and said, "You can eat two, I won't eat anymore."

"But I want to give it to you. Let's eat together." The little boy said.

When Xiaodouzi was about to say something, he heard the words of the grandma next to him.

"Children," Wen Jin said, looking at the little girl, "you can accept his lollipop."

"Although you are not very close friends, lollipop is the heart of this kid, do you treat him as a friend?" Wen Jin asked.

Xiaodouzi nodded, playing for a while, of course he is his friend.

"Then you can accept his lollipop." Wen Jin said with a smile.

"Is it really possible?" Xiaodouzi is dependent on this grandma in his heart, after all, this grandma is the only one around him.

"Well, yes," Wen Jin said with a smile, "I believe that if your mother is here, she will think the same as mine."

The politeness and kindness between children is acceptable.

Xiaodouzi suddenly smiled happily, nodded to the grandma, then looked at the little boy, stretched out his hand, and took the lollipop from the little boy's hand.

Unpacking, eating lollipops, Xiaodouzi and the little boy smiled at each other, both of them were very happy. Wen Jin looked at the two children sitting on the lawn, eating lollipops and chatting, and she seemed to have an indescribable joy in her heart.

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