Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1319: Xiaodouzi and I... are waiting for you

Wen Jin didn't sit for long, but it only took a while. Her eyes and all her thoughts were on the little girl. Before leaving, Wen Jin looked at the little girl reluctantly for a long time before leaving.

When Zhou Hui chatted with his old friend, he forgot the time. When he remembered, he hurriedly said goodbye to his old friend and came to find Xiaodouzi.

"Xiaodouzi, we should go home." Zhou Hui said to the child.

"Grandma, this kid just gave me a lollipop." Xiaodouzi told grandma about the lollipop.

Zhou Hui also saw it this time, and both children were eating lollipops.

Zhou Hui thought it might be that the little boy had two lollipops and gave one to Xiaodou, so he didn't take it seriously. He smiled and said to Xiaodou, "Thank you then."

"Well," Xiaodouzi nodded, looked at the little boy, and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Xiaodouzi knew that he was going home, and said to the little boy, "Then I will go home first, bye."


Xiaodouzi followed her grandma back home, and when she was with Mummy, she only told her that a little boy in the park gave herself a lollipop today, but did not tell her about meeting a grandma.

After Han Zhenzhen heard it, he also felt that it was a normal child's mind when playing around, and did not say anything.

This day passed. On Sunday, Han Zhenzhen and his family stayed with the children at home. On Monday morning, Han Haohong sent the children to school, and Han Zhenzhen sat on the sofa at home in a daze.

"What's wrong? Want to Shenghang?" Zhou Hui guessed what she was thinking as soon as she saw her daughter's unconsciousness.

Han Zhenzhen hurriedly retracted his thoughts, looked at his mother, didn't want to admit it, and said, "No, I'm thinking about other things."

"You are my daughter, what are you thinking, can you hide it from me?" Zhou Hui said, sitting down beside her daughter.

Continue to ask, "When will Shenghang come back?"

"It should be tomorrow. He didn't tell me the specific time." Han Zhenzhen replied.

"Then you and Xiaodouzi will go back to live there tomorrow night?" Zhou Hui asked.

Han Zhenzhen shook his head and replied, "I don't know yet. Let's talk about it when Shenghang returns tomorrow. Tomorrow, let my brother send Xiaodouzi to school. I will pick it up in the afternoon.

"Okay, you decide everything." Zhou Hui has nothing to say, these things are still up to her daughter.


At night, before going to bed, Xiaodouzi lay in Mommy's arms without any sleep.

"Xiaodouzi, let's sleep." Han Zhenzhen said to the child.

"Mommy, I can't sleep." Xiaodouzi said.

"What's wrong?" Han Zhenzhen asked.

Xiaodouzi looked at Mommy and replied, "Mommy, I think Uncle Sheng."

When the child said this, Han Zhenzhen's longing suddenly appeared, and he couldn't help it.

The child misses him, how can I not think about it? In the past few days, I have been working hard not to show it and try not to think about him, but at this moment, when the child suddenly mentions it, I can't control it at all. I miss him too much.

Xiaodouzi didn't hear Mommy's answer, and asked Mommy again, "Mommy, do you want Uncle Sheng too."

"Well, I miss him too." Han Zhenzhen didn't hide in front of the child. After speaking, he hugged the child tighter.

Xiaodouzi hugged Mommy tightly.

Han Zhenzhen comforted the child, "Your Uncle Sheng said he will be back tomorrow, we will wait."


"Well, okay," Xiaodouzi replied, and asked again, "Mommy, Uncle Sheng will be back tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon?"

"I don't know yet, wait until tomorrow, your Uncle Sheng will call me." Han Zhenzhen said, Sheng Hang did not contact him, he did not dare to contact him, worried that it would disturb his work.

"Then shall we go back to Uncle Sheng to live there tomorrow night?"

"No need, when your Uncle Sheng calls me, I will decide with your Uncle Sheng that tomorrow afternoon, Mommy will pick you up from school."


Han Zhenzhen held the child and talked a lot about Shenghang with the child. In this way, the two of them missed a little less, and it was easier.

"Can I sleep now?" Han Zhenzhen asked the child.

"Well, it's okay," Xiaodouzi answered obediently, "Mummy, good night."

"Okay, good night." Han Zhenzhen finished speaking and kissed the child on the face. He closed his eyes and went to sleep when he saw that the child was sleeping with his eyes closed.

On Tuesday, this day, Han Zhenzhen had been waiting for Shenghang's call from the morning, but he didn't wait until three o'clock in the afternoon.

After four o'clock, Han Zhenzhen still didn't wait, so he could only drive to school to pick up Xiaodouzi.

After eating dinner at Han's house in the evening, Xiaodouzi did not go upstairs to rest, and Han Zhenzhen did not go upstairs, waiting with the children in the living room.

When Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui saw the two of them like this, they wanted to say something, but they couldn't say anything, they could only endure it.

"Really, do you want to sit here with Xiaodouzi and wait for Shenghang?" Zhou Hui walked over and asked his daughter.

Han Zhenzhen heard Xiaodouzi's voice before he answered.

"Well, I have to wait for Uncle Sheng." Xiaodouzi said firmly, looking at her grandmother.

Zhou Hui looked at the child, and then at the daughter. She didn't know what else to say?

"Mom, let's sit and watch TV together. It's still early anyway." Han Haohong said suddenly, breaking the atmosphere in the living room.

"Well, OK, then sit down and watch TV." Zhou Hui said.

Han Qingshan and Han Haohong also walked over, sat down, and the family sat together watching TV.

Finally, after eight o'clock, Han Zhenzhen's phone rang.

Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi became nervous almost at the same time.

"Mummy, answer the phone quickly, isn't it Uncle Sheng?" Xiaodouzi said.

Han Zhenzhen didn't answer the child, took out his mobile phone and took a look before saying, "Yes, yes."

"Then you pick it up quickly, pick it up quickly." Xiaodouzi finished speaking and got into Mommy's arms, intending to secretly listen to Mommy and Uncle Sheng talking.

Han Zhenzhen answered the phone, "Hmm."


With a simple sound, the hearts of both of them throbbed. Miss and love all came to their hearts.

"Well," Han Zhenzhen resisted his excitement and asked, "Are you back?"

"Come back, I'm going to your house from the airport now, are you and Xiaodouzi, are you asleep?" Shenghang asked.

"Not yet, Xiaodouzi and I are waiting for you." Han Zhenzhen said.

Sheng Hang felt warm in his heart and said, "Okay, then I will pick you up now and you will wait for me."

After that, Shenghang explained again, "I could arrive in the afternoon, but the plane was delayed and has been delayed until now." "Well, it's okay," Han Zhenzhen didn't even mean to blame Shenghang, just said, "Then I Go and clean up my stuff with Xiaodouzi. You can call me when you arrive."

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