Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1320: do not say sorry

"Okay." Sheng Hang hurriedly replied, with so many things in his heart that he wanted to say to Zhenzhen, but not now, now he just wants to see Zhenzhen first.

After Han Zhenzhen hung up the phone, he looked at his parents and brothers around him, and said to them, "Shenghang is back and is now on the way."

"Yeah." Han Qingshan nodded, already understanding his daughter's plan.

Han Zhenzhen looked at the child again and said to the child, "Xiaodouzi, you sit here with grandpa, grandma and uncle. Mommy will go upstairs to pack things, and we will go back with Uncle Sheng."

"Well, eh." Xiaodouzi hurriedly applauded.

Han Zhenzhen went upstairs to pack things. Downstairs Han Qingshan, Zhou Hui, and Han Haohong didn't say anything. Although they were reluctant, they knew that they were going back with Shenghang tonight.

Han Zhenzhen packed up his things and came downstairs. Shenghang hadn't arrived yet, so he could only sit in the living room and wait for a while.

At nine ten ten, Han Zhenzhen received a call from Shenghang.

"Really, I'm at your door, let's come out with Xiaodouzi." Sheng Hang said.

"Well, okay." Han Zhenzhen answered, knowing that Shenghang will come to visit his family or not, so he doesn't have to be polite.

After hanging up the phone, Han Zhenzhen said to his parents and brother, "Dad, mom, brother, it's too late today, Shenghang won't come in to see you, we will come back to see you together another day."

"Well, yes, we all understand." Zhou Hui said.

"Really, you should be careful on the road and let Shenghang drive slowly." Han Haohong warned.


After Han Zhenzhen greeted his father, mother and brother, he took Xiaodouzi out.

When Sheng Hang saw Zhenzhen and the child, the longing and impulse slowly turned into peace of mind.

"Uncle Sheng." Xiaodouzi saw Uncle Sheng, and hurriedly broke free of Mommy's hand and ran in front of Uncle Sheng.

Sheng Hang also hurried forward, picked up Xiaodouzi, and said, "Xiaodouzi."

Xiaodouzi kissed Uncle Sheng and said, "Uncle Sheng, miss you so much."

"Well, Uncle Sheng misses you too."

The two were tired and crooked for a while, Uncle Sheng took Xiaodouzi into the car.

Then, Sheng Hang took the bag in Han Zhenzhen's hand, stroked her face with the other hand, and looked at her seriously.

I want to do a lot of things to her because of my inner impulse, but it's not suitable now, so let's go home first.

"You get in the car first, I put things in the trunk, and we go home first." Shenghang said.

"Yeah." Han Zhen really nodded.

When the three of them returned home, Sheng Hang couldn't help it for a long time, and said to the child, "Xiaodouzi, can you play by yourself first? I'm going to take it for about twenty minutes."

Xiaodouzi knew that Uncle Sheng missed Mommy, he smiled, nodded and said, "Well, it's okay, you can go to work, I'll go back to the room and have a fun.

"Okay, I'll give you Uncle Sheng's mobile phone. There are games in it." Shenghang generously gave the mobile phone to Xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi happily took the phone, and then went back to his room.

Sheng Hang also took Han Zhenzhen's hand and walked to the master bedroom.

As soon as he walked into the master bedroom, Sheng Hang closed the door, took Han Zhenzhen directly into his arms, and started kissing.

Before Han Zhenzhen could react, Shenghang took all the initiative. He stayed in his arms and couldn't move at all.


Sheng Hang kissed Han Zhenzhen, feeling not enough. The longing for the past few days, as well as the impulse for this meeting, haven't vented yet.

Sheng Hang's hands began to move around, almost wanting to wipe the gun away.

"Don't." Han Zhenzhen felt Sheng Hang's movements and hurriedly said a word, not wanting him to mess around now.

Sheng Hang finally had a trace of reason in his mind, slowly restrained his impulse, hugged Han Zhenzhen, and breathed.

Han Zhenzhen would be emotionally unstable, and his breathing would be a bit short, adjusting quickly.

"Are you good these days?" Sheng Hang was terribly worried, afraid of what she would do if she wasn't with her and Xiaodouzi.

"Well, staying at home all the time." Han Zhenzhen replied, this will be like a cat, very good.

"Who did you not go out to meet with?" Sheng Hang asked.


Sheng Hang was relieved, and kissed Han Zhenzhen's ear lightly, and said, "Well, I'll be so well-behaved in the future, I'm also relieved."

Han Zhen really knew that he was not safe in Sheng Hang's heart, and he was not at ease, so this meeting, did not deliberately talk back to him, just nodded meekly and agreed.

Shenghang changed the subject again and asked, "Do you blame me?"

""Han Zhenzhen was a little confused. He didn't know what Sheng Hang was asking, and heard Sheng Hang's voice again.

"I haven't contacted you these days." Sheng Hang said.

Han Zhen really understood. He didn't speak, but shook his head to express his answer.

Shenghang explained, "It has been very busy these days and I have very little time to sleep. Even when I came back, I was waiting for boarding at the airport and I was still reading the documents."

"Every time I go to bed very late, I want to call you and Xiaodouzi, but I am afraid that it will interrupt your rest, so I have not contacted you." Sheng Hang said. "Well, I know, I guessed it all." Han Zhenzhen said. Actually, he didn't mean to blame Shenghang at all. He could guess it more or less, but at this moment, Shenghang explained that he felt more at ease. , The facts are the same as I thought, I know him

The work is very hard, it is not that I don't want myself.

"I'm sorry, really." Sheng Hang said.

"No, don't say sorry, Shenghang, I didn't blame you." Han Zhenzhen finished speaking and kissed Shenghang on the cheek.

Sheng Hang was so active by Han Zhenzhen, the throbbing in his heart couldn't hold back, and he wanted to kiss Zhenzhen again.

Han Zhenzhen felt Sheng Hang's meaning, and immediately stopped, "Farewell."


"Let's take care of the children and rest first, and you will be patient first." Han Zhen really knew what Shenghang wanted to do. If it wasn't for the time, he wouldn't stop him.

He was his own for a long time, so his thoughts and demands were not too much for himself, and he wanted to give himself to him.

"Okay," Shenghang agreed, "Anyway, you can't escape tonight. I'll want you later."

Han Zhenzhen nodded and looked at Sheng Hang with a slight smile.

The two of them did this for a while, and twenty minutes had already passed.

Han Zhen was really worried about the child, struggling in Sheng Hang's arms, and said, "I'll take care of Xiaodouzi and rest. You order some takeaways. I will accompany you to dinner later."

Han Zhen really knew that Shenghang hadn't eaten yet, so he had concerns about this.

"Well, I happen to be hungry too." Sheng Hang said.

"Let's bear with me, there is no food at home now. I will go to the supermarket to buy some food and store it in the refrigerator tomorrow." In this way, no matter who is hungry in the future, he can eat something to cushion his stomach. "Good."

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