Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1322: Xiaodouzi, how are you?

In school, the last session of Xiaodouzi's class was physical education, and Xiaodouzi played with a few classmates.

When class was about to end, suddenly a classmate shouted to the teacher in the playground, "Teacher, teacher, it's not good, Han Yiqin is injured."

The physical education teacher heard it and hurried to the place surrounded by several children.

Xiaodouzi was sitting on the ground, scratched at two places on his knees and calves, and the blood flow continued. Seeing so much blood, Xiaodouzi was also frightened and had an urge to cry.

After seeing this situation, the physical education teacher hurriedly asked, "How can this be?"

The children are playing on the playground, even if they fall down, they won’t be so serious. How did classmate Han Yiqin do it? How could it be so serious?

"We were playing with horizontal bars and parallel bars, and a few sports equipment over there. Then Han Yiqin couldn't stand firm and fell off. The school uniform pants were too loose. When he fell down, he drew to that corner. So, a classmate was excited. Explain, but the explanation is not very clear.

But after the physical education teacher listened to the student, he looked at the sports equipment not far away and knew what was going on. It was obviously an accident.

"Han Yiqin, can you stand up?" the physical education teacher asked Xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi shook his head, crying because of the pain.

"Then the teacher will take you to the infirmary, okay?" The physical education teacher is a male. Although he is about the same age as Xiaodouzi's parents, he still needs to ask for the female student's consent to hold a female student.

Xiaodouzi looked at the teacher and nodded.

"Cover the wound first, don't blow the air, the teacher will take you to the infirmary." After the physical education teacher said, he made sure that Xiaodouzi's clothes were arranged, and then he carried Xiaodouzi to the infirmary.

Two female classmates also followed.

In the infirmary, the doctor also found it a bit tricky after seeing the situation. "I will give the child a simple bandage first to stop the bleeding. You should contact the child's head teacher, ask her to contact the child's parent, and send the child to the hospital as soon as possible for a checkup." The doctor told the physical education teacher that he was worried that the child's wound would become infected and inflamed. , After all, she is a girl, if she has scars

, Not only are children sad, but parents will definitely feel sad too.

"Well, well, I'm here." When the physical education teacher was about to go to the head teacher, Xiaodouzi stopped him.

"Teacher," Xiaodouzi endured the pain, looked at the teacher, and said, "I have a cell phone. I called my Uncle Sheng. He may be coming to pick me up from school soon."

Uncle Sheng picks himself up from school every day, so maybe Uncle Sheng has already set off from the company.

"Okay, okay, then you call your parents quickly." The physical education teacher doesn't know what the uncle Sheng in the mouth of the students is, but it must be her parent who can pick up the child from school, so first Time to contact parents.

Xiaodouzi nodded, took out his mobile phone, and called Uncle Sheng.

When Shenghang received a call from the child and learned that he was injured, Shenghang's whole heart was raised.

"Xiaodouzi, where are you now? Does it hurt?" Sheng Hang hurriedly asked.

"It doesn't hurt, Uncle Sheng, when will you pick me up?" Xiaodouzi asked.

"I'll be here now, I'm already on the road." Sheng Hang said.


"Well, Uncle Sheng, the doctor in the infirmary said he was going to the hospital."

"I'll come right now and take you to the hospital. You can wait a little longer, Xiaodouzi." Sheng Hang felt that his breathing was very difficult.

How can the child get hurt? Is the injury serious? How much blood did it bleed?

"Well, it's okay, I'll wait for you, Uncle Sheng," Xiaodouzi finished speaking, suddenly remembering something, and said to Uncle Sheng, "Uncle Sheng, don't you tell my mommy, okay?"

Sheng Hang was stunned, and he didn't understand what the child meant. "Mommy knows that she will be worried about me, Uncle Sheng, don't tell Mommy first, okay?" Xiaodouzi knew that Mommy would be worried about herself. When she was injured before, Mommy was very worried and cried and bandaged herself. , While scolding myself, I knew in my heart that Mommy was blaming her

Own, blame her for not taking care of herself.

Shenghang understands what the child means. It will not be too late to think about it, so he promised the child first, thinking that it would be fine to go to school by himself, and to accompany the child by himself.

"Okay, Uncle Sheng promises you," Sheng Hang said hurriedly, "Xiaodouzi, let's not talk for now, Uncle Sheng drove, and try to come as soon as possible."


Hanging up, Xiaodouzi, accompanied by two female classmates, endured the pain and asked the doctor to bandage the wound.

When Sheng Hang went to school to see the child, his whole heart was pulled together. Seeing the many gauze on the child's legs, he felt terribly distressed.

"Han Yiqin's family, hurry up and send the child to the hospital, and check the child's leg to see if there is any infection or inflammation, and then check the child's physical condition, whether it needs blood transfusion, etc." The doctor in the medical office probably gave Sheng Hang confessed.

"Oh, well, I see," Sheng Hang finished speaking, picked up the child, and said to the child, "Let's go to the hospital now."

Sheng Hang didn't bother to talk to the teachers around him. This would not be when he was held accountable or asked about things. He first sent Xiaodouzi to the hospital. After ensuring the safety of the children, he would ask about these things in detail.

Shenghang carried the child out of school, and then drove the child to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, Shenghang called a friend who worked in the hospital, hoping that he could help himself at the hospital.

At first, Xiaodouzi felt that he had some strength to say a few words with Uncle Sheng, but by the time he was halfway through, he was already empty and leaning on the seat, he didn't want to say a word, feeling dizzy.

"Xiaodouzi, how are you? We will be at the hospital soon." Shenghang asked the child.

"Yeah." Xiaodouzi grumbled, trying to speak to Uncle Sheng, but couldn't tell.

When Sheng Hang saw the child like this, he was really scared, and said hurriedly, "Wait, it will be there soon."

Sheng Hang didn't dare to think that if something happened to Xiaodouzi, he would really collapse. He couldn't imagine these scenes in his heart.

After that, Shenghang didn't know how many red lights he ran and reached the hospital in the shortest time.

With the help of a friend, Xiaodouzi was pushed into the operating room, and Shenghang was waiting outside.

Shenghang wanted to call Zhenzhen very much, but he hesitated after thinking of Xiaodouzi's words before. After thinking about it, Shenghang still planned to wait for Xiaodouzi's situation to stabilize before calling Zhenzhen.

Shenghang stood waiting outside the operating room. In the operating room, doctors and doctors raced against time, and nurses actively cooperated.

One hour later, Shenghang felt that he had never suffered so much. Suddenly, the door of the operating room was opened, and a doctor hurried out.

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