Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1323: When are you coming back?

After seeing the doctor, Sheng Hang hurried forward and asked, "Doctor, how is the child?"

"The wound is infected and needs to be cleaned," the doctor replied, "and the child shed a lot of blood. Now he still needs a blood transfusion. What blood type are you?"

The doctor thinks that because the child is young, if the child is transfused, the family should give priority to donating blood, so that the child will be insured with the family’s blood.

"Type B." Sheng Hang immediately replied.

"It just so happens that the child also has blood type B," the doctor couldn't think about that much at this meeting, and didn't ask too much, so he arranged and said, "I will take you to get blood."

"Well, good." Sheng Hang was also anxious, did not ask much, as long as he can save the child and help the child, he can do whatever he wants.

Follow the doctor to draw blood. When drawing blood, the doctor took advantage of the gap in this meeting to give Sheng Hang a brief comment. "Family, because your child’s age is relatively young, our hospital will take a little bit of your blood to do a comparative study with your child’s blood to ensure that your blood is safe and completely consistent with your child’s blood. There is no conflict, we can lose to the children

blood. "The doctor said.

"Although it takes some things, but for the safety of the child's body, I hope you can understand." The doctor said again.

Sheng Hang nodded and understood, but still worried about the child in his heart, and asked, "How long does it take for blood comparison?"

"Soon, because the operation is going on, we won't follow the routine blood tests. There will be a special doctor for tests. It will take about ten minutes," the doctor said.

"Well, okay, thanks for your hard work." Shenghang agreed.

After the blood was drawn, Sheng Hang was in good physical condition, so he was a little dizzy, but he didn't take it seriously, so he continued to sit at the door of the operating room and waited.

The doctor originally said that for ten minutes, Shenghang kept watching the time, but ten minutes later, the doctor did not come out at all. Shenghang became anxious and couldn't sit still, got up and went to the door of the operating room to wait.

Twenty minutes later, a doctor came out with a report.

"Han Yiqin's family, isn't it?" Not the previous doctor this time.

"Yes, I am." Sheng Hang said hurriedly, wanting to know the child's situation.

The doctor saw his family in anxious state and knew what he was worried about. He comforted and said, "Don't worry, your father and daughter's blood is very consistent. Your blood can be transfused to your child. The doctor inside is doing blood transfusion."

Sheng Hang's mind was suddenly confused, father and daughter? this is

The doctor originally planned to leave, but when he saw the family's expression, he was a little surprised and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Sheng Hang hurriedly recovered and asked the doctor, "You said, my child and I are father and daughter?"

"Is it not? She is your biological daughter." The doctor was also confused by the family.

Sheng Hang couldn't believe it and said, "I'm just the child's uncle, not her father."

"Impossible," the doctor resolutely denied. "There is nothing wrong with the examination report. You two have good blood types. You can see for yourself."

After the doctor finished speaking, he happened to show the report in his hand to his family.

auzw.com Shenghang accepted the report and looked at it carefully.

The doctor continued, "Although this report is not a DNA paternity test, the nature and the test are basically the same. The following results show that you are direct relatives and belong to a father-daughter relationship."

If Shenghang's mind was dumbfounded, then Shenghang completely understood it, and it also understood one thing.

However, due to being in front of the doctor, Sheng Hang didn't dare to distract himself, so he could only hold back the excitement and joy in his heart, and said to the doctor, "Well, I see, thank you, doctor."

The doctor is also a little bit in the cloud, wondering to the family member. Did he never know that the child inside is his own daughter? How did they live before?

There was doubt, but the doctor knew that he was going to work on other things now, and had no time to entangle a family member, so after nodding, he hurriedly left.

Sheng Hang stood on the spot, looked at the door of the operating room, remembered the report just now, and remembered that night.

It turned out that the person that night was real.

Yes, there must be nothing wrong, it is true.

Xiaodouzi is his own daughter, the daughter of Zhenzhen. Only when he is with Zhenzhen can he have Xiaodouzi.

And the only time he and Zhenzhen were together was that night.

At first, I was still wondering who the person was that night, but I couldn’t find out how to find it. Later, as time passed by, I didn’t care anymore, but now

I was so happy that the person that night was Zhenzhen, and even more fortunate, that night, he and Zhenzhen had a child, and they are now so old.

Sheng Hang accepted this reality bit by bit in his heart, and the passion in his heart could not be restrained. Gradually, his eyes became red.

I am not a competent lover, not a competent father, for so many years, I have really cared and loved for real, and did not implement much at all, let alone the children, I owe them both, too much. Up.

"True, Xiaodouzi." Sheng Hang murmured the names of his two favorite people.

In Sheng Hang's heart, there is indescribable joy and happiness. Xiaodouzi is his own daughter. Back then, she really gave her the first time to herself, and she also endured everything and gave birth to herself and her child. , So many years of hard work to grow up, really hard.

It's true.

Own little beans.

In the future, I must take good care of them and let them stay by my side forever.

Shenghang tried to adjust his emotions and calm himself down as much as possible, because the child would still be in the operating room. I still don’t know what the specific situation is. You have to calm down and wait for the child’s condition to stabilize before coming to detail. Think about this unexpected news.

At this moment, I felt relaxed. Shenghang sat down in the lounge chair again and was about to wait patiently when the phone rang suddenly.

Shenghang took out his cell phone and saw that it was a real call. He was happy for a moment, but then he immediately kept calm.

I don’t blame Zhenzhen at all about Xiaodouzi. Instead, I am very grateful to Zhenzhen for giving birth to this child and for giving birth to herself and her child.

But now, I can't talk about the identity of the child with her. After all, the child will be in the hospital, and I don't know how to tell her about it.

After Sheng Hang calmed down, he answered the phone, "Really." "Sheng Hang, where did you and Xiaodouzi go? When will you be back?" Han Zhenzhen asked, making a meal at home and waiting for Shenghang and the children to return. But after this meeting, the two of them hadn't come back, so they couldn't wait, so they called Shenghang.

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