Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1324: Uncle Sheng

Sheng Hang thought about it, knew that there was no way to hide it, and said, "Really, I am in the hospital with Xiaodouzi."

"Hospital?" Han Zhen was obviously shocked.

"Well, Xiaodouzi was accidentally injured in physical education class. I took her to the hospital. The doctor will treat Xiaodouzi's wounds," Sheng Hang said, trying to describe everything as plainly as possible. "It should be almost healed, no It's very serious, don't worry."

How can Han Zhenzhen not worry, the child is his life.

"Shenghang, which hospital are you in? Is it the hospital closest to the school?" Han Zhenzhen asked hurriedly.

"Well, it's this hospital."

"I'll come here now, I'll come right now," Han Zhenzhen was already excited, and said to Shenghang, "Shenghang, what's the matter with Xiaodouzi, you should call me right away. You must tell me."

"Well, good," Shenghang knew that he could not stop the real thoughts, so he could only say, "Then you take a taxi and don't drive."

I am worried that she is really emotional, she will be very unsafe to drive.

"Well, good, good."

Without saying more, Han Zhen really hung up the phone in a hurry.

Sheng Hang can guess that Zhenzhen is already in a mess at home, but all he can do is wait here for news that the child is inside.

It was still the previous decision in my heart. I didn't tell Zhenzhen that he already knew Xiaodouzi's life experience. After that, I would find a suitable time to talk about this matter with Zhenzhen.

In the operating room, Xiaodouzi's wound was cleaned, the doctor was bandaging, and the blood was transfused.

Sheng Hang waited outside, waiting for the situation in the operating room, and also waiting for Zhenzhen to come to the hospital.

First, the doctor in the operating room came out, and Sheng Hang hurried forward.

"The child is fine. The wound has been bandaged. Fortunately, the wound is not deep and there is no bone injury. It is fine for the child to walk, but try not to walk. It needs a few days to recuperate."

"After giving the child a blood transfusion just now, the child is still recovering. He will wake up later and will not be life-threatening," said the doctor. "I will be hospitalized for observation these two days, and then come to the hospital for dressing changes every two days. "

"Okay, I get it." Shenghang hurriedly replied.

"You wait a while, and the doctor and nurse will send the child to the ward. You can just follow it."

"Well, good, thank you doctor." Shenghang quickly thanked him.

After the doctor left, Sheng Hang waited for a while, then followed the doctor and nurse to send the child to the ward.

After Han Zhenzhen came to the hospital, he couldn't find Shenghang, so he called Shenghang and Shenghang went to pick up Han Zhenzhen.

When seeing Han Zhen really worried, Shenghang's whole heart was broken.

"Sheng Hang, where is Xiaodouzi? What about Xiaodouzi? How is she?" Han Zhenzhen walked up to Shenghang, and suddenly became much weaker.

Sheng Hang hugged Han Zhenzhen in his arms, knowing that she would be unable to stand still, and replied, "Xiaodouzi is okay, and she is already resting in the ward."

"How is the injury on Xiaodouzi? Is it serious?" Han Zhenzhen asked hurriedly.

"It's not serious. The wound has been treated. The next step is to recover from the illness and recover. No bones have been injured. Don't worry." Sheng Hang said.


After hearing Sheng Hang's words, Han Zhenzhen felt calmer, but he was still worried, "You take me to see Xiaodouzi, I want to see Xiaodouzi."

I couldn't calm down if I couldn't see the child.

"Well, let's go, I will support you, here." Sheng Hang helped Han Zhenzhen and walked toward the ward.

When Han Zhenzhen came to the ward and saw his sleepy daughter, tears shed instantly.

Walking over, Han Zhenzhen knelt by the bed, stretched out his hand to hold his daughter's hand, not daring to use force, crying and said, "Xiaodouzi, it's all bad moms, all moms are bad, and they didn't take care of you."

Sheng Hang was aside, feeling uncomfortable, trying to contain his emotions, Sheng Hang stepped forward, squatted down beside Zhenzhen, comforting Zhenzhen, "Zhenzhen, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself."

"I didn't take good care of Xiaodouzi, woooo" In front of Shenghang, Han Zhenzhen didn't have to pretend, he just cried when he wanted to cry.

Sheng Hang took Han Zhenzhen into his arms. Fortunately, there were two beds in the ward, and the other was empty. There were only three of them in the ward.

"It's my fault, I didn't take care of Xiaodouzi," Shenghang took all the responsibilities on himself, comforting Zhenzhen, "Zhenzhen, stop crying, we will take care of Xiaodouzi together in the future, okay? "

Han Zhenzhen couldn't cry, crying for a while, then nodded, and his mood slowly stabilized.

After a while the doctor came, Sheng Hang and Han Zhenzhen chatted with the doctor for a while, and they were completely sure that the child's condition was stable, and the child could wake up in an hour.

"Doctor, is there a VIP ward in the hospital? We want to change the ward." Sheng Hang asked the doctor.

Knowing that the child is going to be hospitalized these two days, He Zhenzhen must be staying with the child in the hospital, and I don't want the child He Zhenzhen to suffer.

"Not yet," the doctor guessed what Shenghang meant, and said, "If you want a better ward, I can apply to the hospital. For the time being, the other bed in this room will not be arranged for patients. The room in the general area is still available. There are some, this can still be done."

"Well, it's okay, then I'll trouble you. I will settle the bill later." Sheng Hang said, so it's good, at least let the child and Zhenzhen have a good rest at night.

If the child stays in the hospital for a long time, he must contact the transfer hospital to find a good ward, but only for two days. This environment is also fine.


After the doctor left, Sheng Hang said to Han Zhenzhen, "Zhenzhen, you accompany the child first, I will go to the inpatient department to pay the bill, and buy some dinner by the way. The three of us have not eaten yet."

"Well, you go," Han Zhenzhen nodded and said to Sheng Hang, "Buy some light meals for the kids."

"Well, what's the matter, call me."

"it is good."

Sheng Hang left the ward, Han Zhenzhen sat on the bedside, accompanied the child. Until now, Han Zhenzhen did not know that Sheng Hang had given the child a blood transfusion. The doctor did not talk about the situation in the previous operating room, just the current situation of the child. .

Shenghang bought three meals and came back. Seeing Zhenzhen sitting next to the bed, he asked Zhenzhen in a low voice, "Xiaodouzi hasn't woke up yet?"

"Well, nothing."

"Then you eat first, I'll accompany Xiaodouzi." Sheng Hang said.

Han Zhen really refused, but seeing Sheng Hang's determination, Han Zhen was really afraid to make Sheng Hang angry. Knowing that he cared about himself in his heart, he had to eat first.

When Han Zhenzhen finished eating, Sheng Hang only ate. The two took turns to accompany the children.

When Xiaodouzi woke up, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. He opened his eyes and looked at Uncle Sheng and Mummy, and his heart suddenly became warm. "Mummy," Xiaodouzi called Mommy first, then looked at Uncle Sheng, "Uncle Sheng."

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