Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 133: Thank you for not making it public

Thinking of this, Cheng Nuo was panicked. The last time the media determined that He Zikai’s wife would be the right daughter of a wealthy family, and she was completely out of touch with these, so after disclosing her relationship with him, something happened, You don't need to think about it to know what will happen.

Cheng Nuo suddenly shook He Zikai's hand and said nervously, "Zi Kai, don't make it public, okay?"

An Lin became worried on the side and looked at He Zikai and Cheng Nuo. Even though Cheng Nuo's voice was very low, she still heard the tremor in her voice, and she was scared.

He Zikai squinted his eyes and looked at Cheng Nuo beside him, feeling an indescribable pain in his heart.

Is she so afraid of being public? Afraid Gong Yi knows? Could it be that the relationship between her and Gong Yi has been since childhood? And at first I thought that Tianyu was the only person she loved in her heart. Now it seems that Gong Yi is definitely more important than Tianyu in her heart.

Just now, Gong Yi saw everything she did to her. Gong Yi liked her without a doubt.

Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai and waited for his answer, nervous and panicked, expecting him to answer quickly.

He Zikai stared at Cheng Nuo, and didn't mean to answer.

The two of them looked at each other like this, and neither "heard" what the people on the stage were saying.

The campaign has been going on. In the end, He Yi Empire won the right to develop Lehua City. The host invited He Zikai to speak on stage.

Just when He Zikai looked back, got up, and was about to take the stage.

Cheng Nuo suddenly called out affectionately, "Akai"

Cheng Nuo was very scared, really scared that he would stand on the stage and disclose his relationship with him.

He Zikai didn't answer Cheng Nuo, didn't even glance at Cheng Nuo, and the gentleman walked to the stage.

And every step he took, He Zikai felt a knife piercing her heart.

Noah, does our relationship just make you feel ashamed?

He Zikai stood on the stage and glanced around the stage. In the end, he focused his attention on the woman that he cared very much about.

He Zikai looked at Cheng Nuo, and could clearly see the tears in her eyes, and the "Akai" she had just heard echoed in her mind.

Noah, what should I do with you?

"I announce" He Zikai opened his mouth, without any greetings, and went directly to the subject.

Cheng Nuo's nerves were already stretched on a string, as long as He Zikai said the next words, his inner world would definitely collapse.

In my heart, I also prepared for the worst. To marry this man and fall in love with him, you have to bear everything he brings, right?

Everyone in the audience is waiting for He Zikai's words, and I don't know what novel theme the president of He Yi Empire will say on this stage.

"The Lehua City project does not require the investment of gd financial international." He Zikai spoke slowly, keeping his eyes on Cheng Nuo, "He Yi, self-invest and build."

Suddenly, the audience was quiet, and everyone couldn't believe the decision He Zikai made.

The investment in the Lehua City project is not a small sum, or that He Yi has the financial ability, but has He Zikai really considered such an important decision?

Gong Yi also frowned. Obviously, he did not expect He Zikai to make such a decision. If this decision is certain, it would be extremely funny to participate in the election for this project.

Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai, his expression gradually changed, until the whole person was completely relaxed, then looked at He Zikai and smiled affectionately.

Akai, thank you, thank you for not making it public.

auzw.com And, Akai, I love you.

However, Cheng Nuo's smile was a bit dazzling in He Zikai's view.

After all, I can't ignore her feelings. Seeing the tears in her eyes, my heart will hurt and hurt.

He Zikai stepped down and sat back in his place.

As soon as He Zikai sat down, Cheng Nuo reached out and took his hand.

He Zikai didn't go to see Cheng Nuo, but looked forward indifferently, and felt the temperature from the palm of her hand.

In the host’s final concluding remarks, the campaign was over, An Lin took the stage and took the relevant documents, and the three of them walked out of the conference hall and went to the hotel’s catering department for a meal.

The catering department of the hotel is not receiving reception today, only for those who participate in the Lehua City project.

He Zikai, Cheng Nuo, An Lin, and the three of them walked to the restaurant when they saw Gong Yi approaching.

He Zikai had always had an indifferent expression, and when he saw Gong Yi approaching, he was not ready to greet him.

Gong Yi stood still in front of Cheng Nuo, looked at Cheng Nuo for a while before looking at He Zikai.

"Mr. He, your decision just now really surprised me." Gong Yi said.

He Zikai snorted and replied, "Should be everyone surprised?"

After speaking, He Zikai's gaze slowly shifted to Cheng Nuo.

I made this decision temporarily for this woman. If Lehua City's project gd invests, then we will inevitably meet frequently in the future. At that time, will the opportunities for Nuoer and Gong Yi to meet will increase?

How can I allow such a thing?

Self-invested to build Lehua City, He Yi has this strength, and he has no financial worries at all, so this decision is just a sentence to himself.

"Yes." Gong Yi laughed at himself. Today, He Zikai's decision is indeed to slap himself.

On behalf of He Zikai, An Lin went to greet government officials not far away. Cheng Nuo stood beside He Zikai. Listening to the dialogue between He Zikai and Gong Yi, he clearly felt that there was a confrontation in their words, and Gong Yi seemed a little embarrassed.

t5?m:?2 (‘iu?m?6 eggs? 5m vortex?? Fu???4 "Nuo Nuo, let's have dinner together." Suddenly, Gong Yi looked at Cheng Nuo and said.

"" Cheng Nuo didn't have any psychological preparation, looked at Gong Yi in surprise, and when he reacted, he looked at He Zikai.

Muttering in my heart, He Zikai shouldn't agree, right? If he doesn't agree, then refuse Gong Yi himself, and find time to ask Gong Yi to eat later, and tell him what he wants to say by the way.

He Zikai knew that Cheng Nuo was looking at herself, with an indifferent expression and showing no emotion.

Cheng Nuo thought about it, and planned to politely refuse Gong Yi.

Just as Cheng Nuo was about to speak, An Lin had walked up to He Zikai and said before Cheng Nuo, "President He, people from the government want to invite you to dinner."

""He Zikai didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. She wanted to hear how this woman would choose. Now it seems that no matter what her choice is, she can't eat this meal with her.

"Nuo Nuo" Gong Yi didn't wait for Cheng Nuo's answer for a long time. After An Lin finished speaking, he called Cheng Nuo softly.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo came back to his senses, looked at Gong Yi, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's eat together."

Since He Zikai is going to accompany government officials, An Lin will definitely follow him. Then, let’s have a meal with Gong Yi, just to chat with Gong Yi and learn about his life over the years.

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