Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 134: Nono, why don't you wait for me

"Yeah" Gong Yi was very happy when he heard Cheng Nuo's promise. He glanced at the empty place not far away, smiled and said to Cheng Nuo, "Let's go, go over there."

Cheng Nuo nodded, and glanced at He Zikai before leaving, still did not see his inner emotions from his expression, Cheng Nuo didn't want to guess, and followed Gong Yi to the empty location.

Looking at the backs of Cheng Nuo and Gong Yi, He Zikai felt suppressed anger, and then turned and walked quickly towards the government personnel, still with an indifferent expression on his face.

Cheng Nuo and Gong Yi sat face to face, and they chatted while eating lunch.

Gong Yi told Cheng Nuo about his life over the years and the current living conditions.

After Cheng Nuo listened, he also told Gong Yi of his experience.

Gong Yi suddenly put down his chopsticks, stretched out his hand, and held Cheng Nuo's hand, "Nuo Nuo, these years, it has been very hard, right?"

Cheng Nuo didn't expect Gong Yi to do such a move. He immediately drew his hand from Gong Yi and looked at the dining table not far away with care, just to meet the gaze projected by He Zikai.

The huge dining room is all open, so you can see the people at the other tables at a glance.

"What's the matter?" Gong Yi felt Cheng Nuo's unnaturalness, thought she was unwell, and immediately asked.

"Oh, it's okay." Cheng Nuo came back to his senses, and then he pulled back his thoughts and answered Gong Yi's question, "Although life has been hard these years, but it is also very fulfilling, and now I have a good income. Work, I think life is pretty good."

"Yeah" Gong Yi nodded. To work in He Yi Empire, his income should be good.

Cheng Nuo thinks about it. He and Gong Yi have also talked a lot about his heart. The only thing he hasn't told him about his life over the years is his relationship with He Zikai.

"Gong Yi." Cheng Nuo called to Gong Yi and decided to tell him this matter without intending to hide it from him.

"Yeah" Gong Yi looked at Cheng Nuo's expression, knew she had something to say, and waited for her to continue.

"I want to tell you one thing, but many people don't know about it, so after you know it, you need to keep it secret for me." Cheng Nuo said that he did not intend to disclose his relationship with He Zikai, so in front of Gong Yi, I also want him to keep it secret for himself.

"Well, tell me, I will keep it secret." Gong Yi nodded firmly.

Cheng Nuo also nodded, and then said, "Actually, He Zikai and I are husband and wife. We are married. It is a hidden marriage to the outside world."

""In a flash of thunder, Gong Yi couldn't react to it.

Nono, and, He Zikai? Are you a couple? So what He Zikai did just now

Nono is married?

how is this possible? How could your little girl get married? She belongs to her, she is already ready to give her a happy life, ready to hold her hand and live together, but what she said just now

Cheng Nuo saw the shock on Gong Yi's face, paused for a while, and then continued, "I am very happy with him. He gave me a home, gave me a sense of security, and was very good to me."

Thinking of the little things in life, Cheng Nuo felt that sometimes He Zikai was really good to herself.

"You, love him?" Gong Yi asked for a long time before finding his own voice.

"Well, I love it." Cheng Nuo said firmly.

Gong Yi suddenly felt suffocating. He immediately picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of water before trying to calm his heart.

Over the years, the little girl she has been in love with, the woman who wanted to protect her life, actually got married.

auzw.com Haha, if a few hours ago, I felt that God gave me a wonderful gift to meet Nono, then now, did God give me a bomb? , Blasted my heart in a second?

Cheng Nuo vaguely felt that Gong Yi's mood was not as good as it was at the beginning, but in the end he only asked him to help him conceal the news, and did not say more.

After a lunch, An Lin walked to Cheng Nuo and said, "He is waiting for you in the car."

"Well, I'll go over now." Cheng Nuo replied to An Lin, only after seeing An Lin go, did he look back at Gong Yi.

Cheng Nuo knew that he was leaving, He Zikai was already waiting for him in the car.

"I'm leaving, when will you return to Canada? Before going back, I will invite you to dinner." Cheng Nuo asked Gong Yi.

"The time to go back hasn't been set yet." Gong Yi said, although Yin Fei had booked the ticket, the ticket could be changed at any time. "If you have time, just call me and eat together."

Just now, Nuo Nuo also saved his own number so that each other has their own contact information, so I don't worry about not being able to contact each other in the future.

"Well, that's fine." Cheng Nuo nodded, "Then, I'm leaving."

"Yeah" Gong Yi answered, originally there were a lot of things he wanted to say to her, but after learning the news, many words could not be said anymore, and even the opportunity to confess her was gone.

Seeing Cheng Nuo's departure, Gong Yi's eyes gradually moistened.

Nono, why don't you wait for me? Why marry someone else?

I cannot accept the fact that you and He Zikai are husband and wife.

Cheng Nuo returned to the car and sat next to He Zikai, naturally holding He Zikai's arm and leaning against him affectionately.

Knowing that he was angry today, so try to please him a little bit, and find a chance to explain to him when he gets home.

An Lin started the car and slowly left the hotel entrance.

After driving some distance, An Lin asked, "Mr. He, should I go to He Yi or?"

t5?m:?2('iu?m?6蛋?5m vortex?????4"Go home." He Zikai said two words coldly. Compared with work, I really want to be with this woman. Chat.

"Yeah." An Lin answered and drove towards the bank of Lishui Bay.

It was just after two o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to Lishui Bay, An Lin parked his car at the entrance of the villa.

Cheng Nuo let go of He Zikai's arm and pushed the door to get out of the car. Only then did he feel that He Zikai was sitting there and didn't mean to get out of the car.

Cheng Nuo stopped, turned his head, and looked at He Zikai.

He Zikai did not go to see Cheng Nuo, but received the doubt on her face.

"You go in first." He Zikai said four words coldly, without even looking at Cheng Nuo.

""Cheng Nuo felt a little sad. For all the things that happened today, he didn't feel that he was wrong. It was just that he was impulsive and did not explain clearly to He Zikai, but He Zikai's attitude towards him

He usually has a very gentle voice, and when together, he looks at himself as if he doesn't look the same. What about today? He speaks coldly to himself, and even looks at himself with disdain. This kind of behavior is telling himself that he is not important in his heart?

"Oh" Cheng Nuo didn't entangle anymore, he answered, turned and got out of the car, and walked into the villa.

Cheng Nuo tried not to let herself think too much, worrying that thinking more would make her feel more uncomfortable.

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