Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 246: I teach my daughter what is your business

Nono is by Gong Yi's side, and he knows it, and at the same time, the relationship between He Zikai and Gong Yi, he also knows, if he can cooperate with Gong Yi to deal with He Yi and He Zikai, then He Yi will still be an empire ?

He Zikai frowned slightly when he heard He Tianyu's words, and he looked away again, staring at He Tianyu.

"Afraid?" He Zikai said quietly, and asked He Tianyu, "Do you think I would be afraid?"

What have you been afraid of? After taking over the He Yi Empire for so many years, in the shopping malls, I have never been afraid, even if he and Gong Yi joined forces, I only need to spend some thought, afraid, I can't talk about it.

However, if you say that you have fear in your heart, your fear is not in your career, but in someone.

He Tianyu looked at He Zikai's calm expression and didn't know what to say for a while.

His ability, his methods, his way of doing things, he is thinking about it seriously now, even if he and Gong Yi join hands, there is not much confidence in the chance of winning.

Seeing that He Tianyu didn't speak, He Zikai withdrew his gaze and looked at He Jiayi next to him, with a mild tone, "I'll go upstairs and take a look."

"Yeah" He Jiayi nodded, knowing that his uncle was going upstairs to visit grandma.

After He Zikai left, there were four people left in the living room. Li Fangqiong immediately walked to her daughter, took her by the arm, pulled her to the sofa, and sat down together, only then glared at her daughter.

"You dead girl, why are you walking so close to him? Don't you know that he is our enemy?" Li Fangqiong reprimanded his daughter.

He Jiayi has long known the thoughts of her parents. When she heard her mother's words, she just slapped her lips. He looked in front of him and said, "Uncle and we are a family, not our enemies."

"You are stupid, in this family, we can't have him, and he can't have our existence, don't you understand?" Li Fangqiong felt that he was going to be **** off by this daughter, and continued, "We and He Zikai It is the opposite sides, Jiayi, you will remember this for me."

"I can't remember." He Jiayi stood up and opposed her mother, "We are obviously a family, why do we hate uncle? Mom, what do you and dad think of money so importantly? You have enough money for your life. If it is not enough, my brother and I will give it to you and be filial to you, so why bother with your uncle"

He Jiayi was talking about the thoughts in her heart, but before she could finish her words, she was overwhelmed by an oncoming slap, and she fell on the sofa.

He Cheng retracted his hand and looked at his daughter. He was very angry, "You white-eyed wolf, who has been abroad for so many years, do you not recognize your parents now when you come back? You have to be so close to an outsider."

He Jiayi covered her face with one hand, sat on the sofa, lowered her head, not looking at the people around her.

Li Fangqiong did not expect that her husband would beat her daughter in a hurry. Even if she was angry with her daughter in her heart, she never thought about beating her.

"Okay, why are you so impulsive." Li Fangqiong was worried that her husband would be impulsive again, and deliberately refuted a few words.

He Cheng didn't speak, looking at his daughter on the sofa, he was really out of anger.

"Dad, Mom." He Tianyu said suddenly, "You go to the kitchen to see if dinner is ready? I want to say a few words to Jiayi alone."

Hearing what his son said, Li Fangqiong and He Cheng looked at each other, but they could only listen to their son and left the living room.

He Tianyu walked over, sat down beside He Jiayi, stretched out his hand, turned her body around, and let her look at herself.

After all, it is his own sister, and she loved her in my heart because of the relationship since childhood.

auzw.com "Dad is also impulsive, don't care." He Tianyu's tone at this meeting was very gentle, paused, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

He Jiayi shook her head and looked at the old brother in front of him, "Brother, don't stand on the side of your parents and fight your uncle. Uncle has been very good to both of us since we were young. We can't hate uncle."

Looking at his innocent sister, He Tianyu didn't have the slightest expression on his face, and what he said was extremely cold, "Jiayi, my hatred for him has nothing to do with my parents."

He Jiayi looked at her brother, knowing that he still had something to say, and kept listening.

"He robbed my beloved, when I looked at the person I spent my entire youth and loved with all my heart, being held, kissed by him, and even betrayed by him and fled in love, you know the kind of hatred Do you mean it?" He Tianyu said every word affectionately, "That kind of hatred is just like my love for Nono, and it's also deep-seated."

"But brother, I can see that my uncle loves my aunt." He Jiayi just said a word, only to feel that the title is wrong, worried that my brother will be angry, changed the title, "The person named Cheng Nuo, presumably, Cheng Nuo also loves Uncle's."

He Jiayi was guessing in her heart, she only knew Cheng Nuo's name, but did not see Cheng Nuo, so all these guesses came from the understanding and observation of her uncle.

Hearing He Jiayi's words, He Tianyu stared at the side and hated him deeper and deeper, "He loves Nono? Haha, I really haven't seen it."

He loves Nono, why did he still have Liu Ziying

In the bedroom on the second floor, He Zikai was with her mother, and He Peixu was also sitting not far away.

"Recently, the situation has improved a lot, and sometimes, it will be sober for a long time." He Peixu told his son Bai Wanjing's situation.

"Yeah." He Zikai replied, "After a while, I will invite a doctor friend to come over to see my mother's condition."

After five years, He Zikai was somewhat puzzled. His mother's condition has not improved much, but the doctor's diagnosis said that as long as her mother's condition is not stimulated, it can be well within three years, but this has been five years, and there is no period. Any stimulus, the condition of today's mother makes myself a little confused.

He Peixu nodded and expressed his approval. He also hoped that Wanjing would get better soon.

t5?m:?2 (‘iu?m?6蛋?5m 禟??馟???4” accompanied his mother for a while, and He Zikai followed the old man downstairs to prepare for dinner.

The whole family was sitting in the dining room. He Zikai didn't notice at first, until he inadvertently glanced over and saw a slap print on the face of his niece.

Suddenly, He Zikai's face became cold, and his eyes immediately turned to the opposite He Cheng and Li Fangqiong.

"Who did it?" He Zikai asked, thinking that it was either He Cheng or Li Fangqiong. Based on his own understanding, Tianyu wouldn't fight Jiayi no matter what.

"I teach my daughter, what does it matter to you?" He Cheng answered He Zikai, but without even looking at He Zikai, he lowered his head and continued to eat.

"Move her again, I will chop off your hand." He Zikai said without hesitation.

Jiayi is the niece she wants to love, and the one she keeps in her heart, whoever dares to move will not end well.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the entire restaurant changed. He Cheng was scared when he heard He Zikai's words, and his body trembled and his eating movements slowed down.

In the past five years, He Zikai's cruelty and cruelty have been experienced, so he was really afraid of what he said.

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