The 247th chapter is nothing more

He Peixu had noticed the slap print on her granddaughter's face a long time ago, and he could guess something in his heart, but for the sake of everyone's harmony, he remained silent. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

Seeing the change in atmosphere, He Jiayi suddenly felt a little sorry, put down the tableware and hurriedly put his uncle's arm in one hand and said with a far-fetched smile, "Uncle, I'm fine, don't worry about me, eat quickly."

He Zikai did not speak, looked at her niece, stretched out her hand, squeezed her chin, looked at her face, and wanted to ask her if it hurts, but before she could ask, he heard her niece's voice.

"Really okay, uncle." He Jiayi said with a smile.

In the end, He Zikai just said nothing, nodded to his niece, and continued to eat.

After dinner, He Zikai greeted the old man and left the mansion.

He Jiayi went back to her room to rest. He Tianyu then left the mansion and went back to the villa where she had lived for five years.

Li Fangqiong sent his son away at the door. When he returned to the living room, the father had already gone upstairs to rest. Seeing that He Cheng was not on the first floor, Li Fangqiong guessed that he had also gone upstairs to rest, and then walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, there were three other nanny cleaning the kitchen. When Li Fangqiong walked in, the two nanny went outside to clean the dining room. Only one nanny was in the kitchen.

"Grandma," the nanny Xiaowei greeted respectfully when seeing Li Fangqiong approaching.

"Yeah." Li Fangqiong replied, walked to Xiao Wei, and then looked around to make sure there was no one, then turned to look at Xiao Wei again, and whispered, "How's the situation lately?"

Xiao Wei also lowered his voice at this time and replied to Li Fangqiong, "During the normal process, she is given medicine in the food every day, and the amount of medicine has been under control."

"Well, don't add the medicine in the past few days, lest the old man will notice something." Li Fangqiong said, then straightened up, showing the appearance of inspecting the kitchen.

"Okay, I understand." Xiaowei replied. Seeing Li Fangqiong's expression changed, he naturally understood the meaning and started to busy himself.

Li Fangqiong stayed in the kitchen for a while before leaving.

In the presidential suite of Seaman International Hotel, Cheng Nuo and Gong Yi were sitting on the sofa, Cheng Nuo resting his head on Gong Yi's shoulder, looking at the ceiling.

"Nuo Nuo" Gong Yi cried softly.

"Well, what's the matter?" Cheng Nuo knew that Gong Yi had something to say, did not go to see him, just asked.

"Tomorrow night, we will move back to Lishe, okay?" Gong Yi said, and couldn't wait to pass now. The housekeeping and hygiene should be cleaned up in these two days. It is perfectly fine to go back to Lishe. As for the lack of furniture at home , I bought some by myself, and then I can add to my home bit by bit, these furniture does not prevent myself and Nono from living in. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

The only and most important reason is that I am worried that I will continue to live in the hotel. He Zikai will find him again and take Nuonuo.

"Has housekeeping finished cleaning the house?" Cheng Nuo asked instead of answering Gong Yi's words. In fact, I also want to live in Lishe. After all, there will be home in the future. Even if I live in a hotel, even if I have Gong Yi with him, I don’t have much sense of security. Moreover, He Zikai already knows that he lives here, not sure about his future Won't come here.

"Well, it's over, some furniture that is missing in the house, I will buy it as soon as possible." Gong Yi said. Cheng Nuo nodded, "Well, go home tomorrow."

Hearing Cheng Nuo's answer, Gong Yi couldn't help but warm up a lot. He stretched out his long arms and wrapped Cheng Nuo's waist, letting her snuggle in his arms.

Cheng Nuo felt a little concerned about Gong Yi's actions, but did not resist on the surface.

"Xiaoqi called and said that I didn't find Yaoyao. I want to go to Xia Yaoyao's house tomorrow." Cheng Nuo said. She was still disappointed in not finding Yaoyao. The only clue to find Yaoyao is to go to her house. After looking for it, I don’t know if her previous home has been relocated in recent years.

"Well, I'll accompany you tomorrow." Gong Yi said tenderly, lowering his head and looking at Cheng Nuo.

"No, I'll just go by myself." Cheng Nuo shook his head and said, "You must be busy with a lot of things lately. How can I delay your time?"

Cheng Nuo knows that Gong Yi has been busy with a lot of gd things recently. When Yin Fei comes over, he will basically start working, so he doesn't want to take up his time because of his own business.

"It's okay, I still have time to spend an hour or two with you." Gong Yi said.

"Really no need." Cheng Nuo peeked out of Gong Yi's arms and said, "I have been to Yaoyao's house before and I know where her home is. It used to be very convenient."

Seeing Cheng Nuo’s persistence, Gong Yi finally nodded and listened to her, “Well, you’ll take a taxi tomorrow. The car you bought should arrive the day after tomorrow. I asked the people in the 4s shop to send it directly to Lishe. go with."

"Well, it will be more convenient for me to travel in the future." Cheng Nuo said with a smile.

Before in Ottawa, he rarely went out, or he was accompanied by Gong Yi every time he went out, so he found it very convenient to drive himself, but now back in Westport, whether he wants to do anything or go to work in the future, Need a car.

Gong Yi looked at her and smiled, and smiled naturally.

The two stayed in the living room for a while. Cheng Nuo felt a little tired and left from Gong Yi. When he got up, he said, "I want to go back to my room to rest. You should rest earlier, good night."

Cheng Nuo said, planning to walk into his room, and didn't want to wait for Gong Yi's answer.

Seeing that Cheng Nuo was about to leave, Gong Yi hurriedly stood up, stretched out his hand, took Cheng Nuo's arm, and turned her body around.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Nuo was pulled by Gong Yi and turned around, wondering what he was going to do? Looking at him questioningly, asked.

"Nuo Nuo." Gong Yi stepped forward, leaning closer to Cheng Nuo, with his arm around her waist, looking at Cheng Nuo up close, and said, "Can you sleep together tonight?"

"In an instant, in Cheng Nuo's originally sleepy mind, he immediately woke up and met Shang Gong Yi's gaze.

"I just want to hug you to sleep and won't do anything else." Gong Yi said again.

I didn’t have such an idea, because I knew what Nono didn’t want, I wouldn’t force it or say it, but these two nights, she and He Zikai still cared in their hearts. They were jealous of He Zikai and even hated He Zikai. For five years, she was unwilling to be close to herself, even unwilling to give herself a kiss, but she and He Zikai

So tonight, she was in the room and she was by her side. This thought had been in her head for a long time, and finally she mustered up the courage to say it.

I just want to hug her to sleep, nothing more.


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