Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 314: Three hundred and fourteen

Chapter 314 is guarded by Dadbi and Mommy

"It's okay, you go find Dad quickly, I will call you out loud if I have something." Cheng Xiaomei said very positively.

Seeing her daughter's firmness, Cheng Nuo finally nodded and listened to her daughter.

After kissing her daughter's forehead, Cheng Nuo left the bedroom.

When he came to the living room, Cheng Nuo was dragged into his arms as soon as he walked to He Zikai's side.

Before Cheng Nuo could react, He Zikai directly covered her lips, the overwhelming kisses could not allow Cheng Nuo to think.

After the affectionate kiss, He Zikai seemed to be more satisfied and took Cheng Nuo in her arms.

"I saw Gong Yi today." Before Cheng Nuo could say anything, He Zikai spoke first.

"" Cheng Nuo was startled when he heard it, looked at He Zikai up close, and asked in shock, "Did you go to him?"

"No, I asked him." He Zikai replied, with tenderness in his eyes.

Cheng Nuo pursed his mouth, did not speak, in his heart he could guess what they met for and what topic they were talking about.

He Zikai didn't intend to explain too much to Cheng Nuo, but simply said, "Tomorrow, you don't have to go back, and you won't need to go back in the future."

Hearing He Zikai's words, Cheng Nuo was not surprised at all, but instead of nodding to agree to He Zikai's words, he shook his head and refused.

Seeing the movement of the woman in her arms, He Zikai frowned slightly, not knowing what it meant.

"Zi Kai." Cheng Nuo's tone was very soft, and he met He Zikai's gaze and said calmly, "I don't know what you talked with Gong Yi, how do you convince him, but"

After a pause, Cheng Nuo continued, "No matter what you say, some things are between me and Gong Yi, and we need to communicate and face them in person."

"So, you still have to go back tomorrow?" He Zikai's face became darker.

I understand this woman's persistence and stubbornness, but I can't let her do it according to her own temperament.

"Well, I promised Gong Yi, I must go back." Cheng Nuo said firmly.

This decision was made after thinking about it for a long time and struggling for a long time.

"You know, I won't let you go." He Zikai's tone gradually became cold.

Cheng Nuo knew that He Zikai's anger was rising bit by bit, but he was not worried in his heart.

At this moment, I was very clear in my mind that what I said and what I decided to do were all carefully thought out, not just impulse.

"Akai." Cheng Nuo screamed affectionately, speaking of his deepest heart, the most sincere thoughts, "If I say, I go back, I want to apologize to Gong Yi, for my previous agreement, now I want to break the contract Apologies for your thoughts, will you let me go back?"

"Nuoer" He Zikai looked at the woman in her arms with deep eyes, and had no idea in her mind that she would have such an idea.

Cheng Nuo shifted his gaze to one side and continued, "In the past few days, a lot has happened, and I have thought a lot. I know what I want and who the person in my heart is."

With that, Cheng Nuo returned his eyes to He Zikai’s face and looked at him seriously, “Akai, I have missed five years, I want to be with you, and I want to stay by your side every day from now on. Stay with you and take care of our daughter."

At this moment, He Zikai's heart was throbbing, and Nuo'er's words clearly made him feel happy five years ago.

"But Akai." Cheng Nuo continued, "In the whole world, the person I don't want to hurt is Gong Yi, because he is really good to me. Over the past five years, he has taken care of me and Xiaomei. Thank him."


"Well, I understand." He Zikai said, knowing in his heart that Gong Yi had already told him about the five-year life of their mother and daughter.

I have guilt and self-blame for their mother and daughter in my heart, but I just want to hide these in my heart. In the future, I will prove my love for them with practical actions. I will not be with them for five years before. , Make up all of them.

Cheng Nuo took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and said pretendingly, "Tomorrow, when I go back, I have to make it clear to Gong Yi, and sincerely apologize, ask for his forgiveness, and try not to hurt him. he."

I know in my heart that in the past five years, some injuries have existed invisibly. Although I am very unwilling to hurt Gong Yi, there are some things that I cannot avoid. I need to continue to live my life. The results of some things may have been destined long ago. , If you drag on, it will hurt each other more.

"I'll accompany you tomorrow." He Zikai said, he compromised in his heart and agreed to Nuoer to find Gong Yi, but he wanted to accompany her.

If you want to apologize to Gong Yi, you are willing to apologize for Nuoer, bow your head to Gong Yi, and will never let Nuoer bow to Gong Yi.

Cheng Nuo shook his head and refused, "No, I will go back alone."

He Zikai looked at Cheng Nuo and didn't know what to say.

"Akai, the matter between Gong Yi and I, we need to face it alone and give me some space." Cheng Nuo said.

After a long time, He Zikai nodded and agreed.

The two spent a long time in the living room before going upstairs to rest.

When they came to the master bedroom, their daughter was already asleep. He Zikai and Cheng Nuo lightly went to the bathroom to wash, change their pajamas, and then lie down on the bed.

Only tonight, with her daughter sleeping in the middle, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo can see each other while looking at their daughter.

"Good night." Cheng Nuo whispered.

"Yeah." He Zikai responded, put his hand out, and stroked Nuo'er's face, "Nuoer, love you."

Cheng Nuo smiled, closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of He Zikai's hand touching his cheek.

He Zikai then slid her hand down and placed it on Nuo'er's waist, and circled her and her daughter within the range of her reach, before she fell asleep peacefully.

With Nuoer, with her daughter, in the dark night, I no longer have insomnia and no longer alone.

The next day, when Cheng Xiaomei woke up and opened her eyes, Dadbi and Mommy beside her were already awake, but they did not get up.

"Huh" Cheng Xiaomei made a puzzled voice. First, she looked at Paddy on the left, and then at Mommy on the right. Only then did her little head react.

Last night, Dad slept on his left and Mommy slept on his right?

"What's the matter?" Cheng Nuo asked hurriedly, thinking what was wrong with her daughter.

"Dad, did you sleep here last night?" Cheng Xiaomei asked seriously, looking to the left.

"Yeah." He Zikai replied, not knowing what his daughter meant by asking this.

Hearing the affirmative answer, Cheng Xiaomei turned around again, looked to the right, and asked Mommy, "Cheng Xiaonuo, did you sleep like this last night?"

"Otherwise?" Cheng Nuo felt even more depressed.

Suddenly, before the two adults had realized what was going on, Cheng Xiaomei laughed happily.

"Wow, I'm so happy. I'm so happy to be guarded by Dadbi and Mommy." Cheng Xiaomei looked at the ceiling and yelled happily, as if she wanted people all over the world to know that she was surrounded by Dadbi and Mom. Mi, it's true.


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